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Johannes Zoutman

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Everything posted by Johannes Zoutman

  1. I can not think of a better compliment for our displayed manners in gaming. Thank you, sir! I did my best to ram you in my Mercury yesterday, TrackTerror.
  2. The Star wars clickbait always works on me!
  3. And I assume the multiple fronts the Brits have to face now got nothing to do with this offering of peace? That's what I thought.
  4. We have had the same at several Dutch ports but it seems to me it is better to just adjust your plans and deal with it accordingly then hoping for a dev intervention.
  5. You sound like the female version of me, or the other way around. I am the male version of you! Do you have nice hair as well? I feel exactly the same! Now having played two portbattles I am uncertain if they suit my playstyle as I prefer to privateer myself, preferably in a group so I wont sail hours on end by myself. You should station a ship up noth and come out to play with us! And good fight last night, Swedes!
  6. The waiting is strong in this game! And I had so much fun jumping straight into the war in the east after I joined DAS that I hardly paid attention to anything PvE besides a trader to find out how boarding works.
  7. I have 300 played hours and am only a First Luitenant . I spend hours on end scouting and intercepting in everything from a basic cutter up to my precious Mercury in the defense of the Republic. I fought the french, organised cutter fleets to oppose them and pretty much do as much as possible to stop their advance and win the war. Yesterday i harrassed you all in Teamspeak to join us at Macanao. Now I am moving (slowly) up in rank I am able to join portbattles in shallow waters and being more usefull. I am really horrified to see how many of our ships do not turn east and do there share of the fighting but remain in area's save from incursions. Do you part and join us! Stop slacking! /rant over I'll be seeing you up north, Swedes!
  8. But they are two nations working together. You are one nation and still own most of the map. It doesn't work that way, sir. You are the biggest in number, the largest in port and the greatest in arrogance. There really ain't much more to it, sir.
  9. I watched your fleet sailing by last night. Shouted some encouragements from our decks. Proper enemies and perhaps even future friends. Good luck in the West! Vive le France!
  10. I feel ya, mate. I am on a business trip and will only return somewhere tonight to join the battles.
  11. Well written, enjoyable and respectfull. Hat off to you, sir!
  12. Well done, sirs! May the Dutch Consortium and its esteemed leaders plot the course of the nation. Long live the Republic!
  13. On a sidenote; could we stop referring to people's nationality as if it matters? Russian or non Russian. They play the Danish faction.
  14. Perhaps so but the majority of players don't even frequent these forums?
  15. It makes one wonder of its importance, doesn't it?
  16. I just see two vocal swedes trying to stir things up to suit their own goals.
  17. Hard to blame the Brits for trying to start discontent. Pure fear on their part.
  18. They think they can drive a wedge in the solidarity of the Dutch nation and will leave no option to attempt to do so unused. We are having discussions and diasgreeing over the spoils of war. They act like the entire Dutch nation is falling apart and hates one another for not agreeing. Silly buggers! Lets proof them otherwise! /salute
  19. Talking as a mere second luitenant here but it is not about a status quo. You state you are all PvPers but aren't we all? This is a PvP server. But removing two entire factions who also love PvP by reducing their ability to get ships to be viable in PvP. Once the French and Swedes are dead we turned our eastern region in a PvE zone. And for the backstabbing.. that is something we should find out in the future. I am suprised that as PvPers you don't want to resume our expansion in the West. Where this monster with 90+ port lurks and threatens our allies in the north. All the PvP we can dream off against the biggest faction in the game. Ports to capture by the dozens! Huge fleets! I for one would be thrilled to go up against the british, and that with no french or swedish dagger in our back.
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