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Everything posted by shaeberle84

  1. PVP still not valuable enough. Especially long fights where most dmg it done to sails or crew - not exp or gold at all. Very bad incentives. Rewards should be much higher. Also, if someone captures a ship in PVP, others, who participated in the fight, also earn nohting. Very bad. PVE Missions are okay rewarding in terms of gold and exp and repairs. However, cannon loot is a joke. Ship knowledge could be change to make first three slots easier. Grinding through NPC trader capturing is a joke. Ships are worth less and less since caputring is allowed. Loot is just a joke. 50 fish meat on an LGV. rofl. There is not much else to 'grind' ... it is kind of boring only to be able to chose between those. Furthermore, the grind for gold cannot be really considered right now since with the current NPC pricing system, making money is again way too easy: Just wait until a port consumes its iron ingots, price rises to 200g+ for something you can make thousands of for 100g material costs. Until that economy is not fixed, we cannot really assess the grind for gold via PVP and PVE missions.
  2. Situation as follows: We have enemy pirates, some in Frigates, some in Indiamans, Frigates in their fleets (or not). They come to Gustavia, capture PVP ships, the Indiaman player takes it, with smuggler flag on, on gets into the next harbour. Problem (for us): This makes it very difficult to defend against them, because there is no way to get the ships back. Idea of the game: Admins want us to be on the OW. When you catpure a ship in enemy waters, they always tell us these ships have to be sailed back to the outposts (and can be intercepted). Using the smuggler flag, this is denied. Solution: Not smuggler flag entering of ports if there are combat ships in the fleet.
  3. National goods werden auch in Nebenhäfen produziert, jedoch nur in geringem Umfang bzw. nur jeweils einzelne Güter. Beispielsweise Swedish Iron in Philipsburg. In dern Freetowns werden auch National Goods produziert, beispielsweise einige French Goods in La Desirade. Man weiß aber leider nie wirklic wo welche produziert werden, bevor man einen Buy Contract reinsetzt und dieser bedient wird (oder man überwacht die Anzahl der Güter, ob sie sich erhöht). Ein gutes Indiz ist jedoch, wenn es Buy Contracts von anderen Spielern gibt.
  4. 3-6 months will be too late. Until the new engine hits, most people will have left the game. (or switched to naval action legends.)
  5. ... wow I am just underwhelmed by how few people react/care about the game and its development ... I mean page three on a topic like this in a day is just too few to care.
  6. !!! Oh and RAIDS for Hostility generation, based on the old flag system???
  7. Concerning the grind, you should really also consider lowering some other costs, for example repair kits, or increase some rewards. Using one hull repair kit wil most certainly cost as much as one pve mission gives you as rewards (not counting loot, okay). For example lower the iron ingots requirements for hull repairs by 50% or lower the hemp requirements of canvas rolls by 50%. Regarding pve, I would really like to see loot increased, more varying cannons drop for fighting ships (sometimes longs and carronades!) and more loot in general for trader AI ships. Concerning capturing ships, the game is very inconsistent right now. For PVP you say either sink the ship and get reward, or get the ship as a reward. For PVE you say sink the ship, there is no alternative. This is not only unrealistic, but also severly hurts the economy, which had been built in large parts on ship captures. I suggest to being able to capture AI ships, with no PVE rewards, similarly to the system in PVP. You can then decide on three options, 1. sell the ship for 1/3 of the NPC value (= equivalent to the PVE reward right now), 2. breaking up the ship for about 20% of the materials needed, 3. capture and sail the ship, but this requires a permit that uses PVE marks (similar to the system for 4th rates and above). This would increase player motivation, reduce the grind, balance the economy, and increase the availability of (cheap) ships to do PVP.
  8. I have 29 Long Cannons 36pd, but cannot create a contract.
  9. NPCs dont produce, BUT sometimes there ARE raid ressources available in port, for example because some player captured an NPC trader and sold it there. You should really increase those prices to above player production prices.
  10. Provisions need to go from ship blueprints. Why were they introduces in the first place? Lets use them to make open world repair kits. 1 Food Supply for 1 Crew, lower their weight as well.
  11. Sorry I am not sure if I understand you correctly. If your outpost is in a freetown (because there are currently no Swedish ports in the Gulf), then you are stuck there. You cannot teleport back from a free town outpost since the wipe patch, right? So you either stay there, which means the nations is not able to defend the home waters between the hostility grind and the port battle. Or you sail back in cutters (and sail back again to the Gulf before the port battle)... ? I know the world is big. I actually like the changes in the wipe patch, so that there are "front lines". But your new proposal goes into the other direction.
  12. Sorry. Everybody captures spanish ports nowadays. Even the VP ^^
  13. Sure, but you still have to sail for 3 hours, grind for 3 hours, sail back for 3 hours (or stay at a free town for 24 hours until the port battle begins). Not possible for people with a real life. And given the current state of revenge fleets, 20 battles are in the range of possiblity. =)
  14. If you want port battles to be left to people who can play this game 24/7, yes. Large clans and nations usually organise hostility and port battles seperately. People have to go to work or have real life duties. So some people show up for hostility, some for the port battle, next time it is the other way around. If you remove the option to enter without hostility, you either have half-empty port battles or the player base will further split into a small hardcore player base (which however will not be able to sustain the game on its own), and the poor rest.
  15. It sounds like your previous statement, that any other nation could capture a region in the Gulf, was simply not true. ;-)
  16. You forget that you cannot port to freetowns. People are stuck in that region fro 48 hours (or need to sail back and forth in a cutter).
  17. Well, for example Sweden would have to sail across the Danish capital, across the British Capital, across the Spanish capital, into the Gulf. It is 3 hours of sailing and it is going to be intercepted in like 20 battles on the way. Then there is a fleet in the Gulf to raise hostility. Even IF we manage to raise to 100%, we have to sail back ... 3 hours ... across the sea ... fleet will be lost for sure. Then again the same for the port battle itself ... wont happen. The geography of the map is just prohibiting any other nations to capture the Gulf. This and the removal of teleports.
  18. Thanks to the removal of teleports no other nation can effectively attack the Gulf ports. The US are too weak on PVP EU to capture anything. The rest of the nations wont make it with their hostility fleet into the Gulf.
  19. Totally agree. Fireships are OKAY, if the fireships actually costs something (pickles, privateers etc.). But a COSTLESS ship should not be allowed to do such things.
  20. This time it wont dissappear because all the other small ships are basically too expensive (compared to zero cutter costs) relative to their fighting power. So we used to have snows etc. as screeners, but this wont happen after the patch because it is still too expensice to sacrifice a snow or a pickle for something a cutter can do for free.
  21. You should be able to capture them, but not to sail them. Take them as a fleet. In port you can decide to sell (at say 30% npc price), break up to get materials (say 20% of production materials) or sail them using a permit that costs pve marks (say 25 for a 6th rate).
  22. PVP marks are for sale in Gustavia for 25k each. So yes, a causal player can do it with trade and production/crafting even without any pvp. The set back of having your ship sunk early on, especially with the heavy prices of cannons are tough, though.
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