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Posts posted by Barbancourt

  1. 6 hours ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    @admin or @Ink If new forge papers are going to be given out is there any way to get tally of the nations on each of the servers for every one like you did back in March?   I know myself and others have asked for this info.  If your going to allow us to move around in nations again please give us the resources we need to help better balance the servers and there nations.

    It may be hard to get sensible population numbers with the mix of active vs dormant vs quit players, and then if people start to move around again tomorrow it will all get scrambled right away.  Some of the more active and well-travelled players (particularly with alts) probably already have a pretty good handle on the relative populations, in a more relevant sense.  Also, if we couldn't manage to balance the populations during the Spring Wipe, and indeed even let the imbalance get worse during the Summer, I don't feel like we're going to get anything that resembles "balance".


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  2. I don't understand why you'd sell a resource that can build ships, and if it can't build wanted ships then why waste time hauling it in the first place?  If you want cash money just sell something useless like Yorkshire Pudding. If it's more profitable to sink Pickles then go do that instead.  Personal preferences and all, but I only haul highest profit junk commodities, or crafting resources intended for crafting.  No time for in-between


  3. Just now, Stepp636 said:

    I don't care about the trading goods.

    The only important stuff that's not nearby are the logs.

    If there is no point in actually making those runs to make a profit why even bother to sell some of it?

    Why would you sell ship/cannon building resources, especially when enemy alts would then probably be buying it?  Put it all in the clan warehouse so the national resources stay in nation. 

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  4. 45 minutes ago, Stepp636 said:

    If missions will be easy money printing like admin suggested why even bother to make money with trading resources the nation needs?


    The nation only "needs" the unprofitable resources that are used to build ships, cannons, repairs, refits, etc.  Do we really care if most people stop hauling Yorkshire Pudding and China Tea for cashy profits? 


    • Like 1
  5. 19 minutes ago, Bach said:

    The ONLY reason they don't merge the servers is RvR. No other play style matters as much.  In the upcoming patch I suspect we will find the dreaded "night flip" 😮 will become irrelevant. When clans have to pay to own ports it becomes impractical to run around capping everything.  So we might finally get a step or two closer to merging servers.

    Won't clans just flip ports to take them away from enemies, then not pay for them and let them revert to neutral? 


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  6. 2 hours ago, Vizzini said:

    yeah there are a fair few only on the Global server because of the dream , sadly there are also many who cannot play EU server because of their ping. Hard to accommodate everybody in a real time global setting and making it as fair as possible for all.

    We needed a region capturing process that takes a week or two, instead of the quick flip and single port battle process that we got.  Accomodate not only global time zones, but also weekend-only players and other people with normal real-life obligations, lol. 

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  7. 1 hour ago, NavalActionPlayer said:

    One comment - this is the global server. The one, as Jeheil puts it, that never sleeps. So.....why all the comments about the time the PB happened?




    Because it became one of the fundamental problems with the game.  There was once a dream of having a global NA community on one server letting everyone play 24/7, but the global community didn't materialize and the dream died.  Tthe population has crashed so badly that nations can't even defend off-hours port battles against two guys who aren't particularly good.  Now it's "the server that's always asleep"....or just dead. 

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  8. If you can just sail the seas and get some people together for small mixed frigate battles the game is superb.  The low population, alts, RvR imbalance, wonky economy, capital region gankers, etc are getting in the way.  I'm not a genius - I don't have all the answers - but there is a lot of potential here that should not be thrown out. 

    • Like 3
  9. 15 minutes ago, Rebrall said:


    but one point you did make still astounds me and really don't understand is players who struggle to manually sail still, I'm still fresh in to the game but I can comfortably manual sail probably still only average in pvp terms but I can hold my own, 


    It take some dedicated practice and pointers, and it was a couple months before I even tried.  It's like playing Finger Twister on the keyboard, and half the time I do the wrong combo and kill my momentum, or misalign my fingers and hit the "r" or "v" keys by accident or forget to go full sail when turning through the wind until it's too late.  :/

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  10. 35 minutes ago, Christendom said:

    People are upset because a game they enjoy(ed) is basically dying and the devs seemed to have kicked it to the curb.  I'm currently playing Albion, I enjoy it....but it's not Naval Action.  I'd rather be playing Naval Action, but I can't with the current population levels and various mechanics.  

    People don't usually invest 2-3k hours into early access games unless it has some promise or it scratches that certain itch.  Naval Action does.  If only the powers that be realized it.


    We lost some clan members to this Albion thing too, long before the population or RvR crisis.  :(  We need to wage war against these new player-stealing games! 

  11. 2 hours ago, admin said:


    We understand that you want us to give our participation trophies. 


    (triggered)  Absolutely NO!  Players just want to be able to make some tangible progress after many hours of time investment, without having to resort to a tedious PVE grind.  The PVE grind is almost always a foregone conclusion so don't dress it up as an "achievement", and I actually got most of the XP to reach my most recent level-up from merely sailing traders between ports which isn't an "achievement" either.  In comparison, sticking your neck out to have a decent battle would seem to merit better XP than easy grinding, even in a loss.  Most players (considering myself as an example) are just easy Prey in the PvP=Predator-vs-Prey equation for a very long time, in large part because we're curbstomped by players that already have bigger ships and fleets (via prior XP).   In other games I get some token XP as a loser, and sometimes even decent XP as a loser.  That doesn't detract from the much larger piles of XP and loot you get as a winner, and it keeps you moving along to the next interesting part of the game. 


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  12. 2 hours ago, Reorx Redbeard said:

    that corret, but Portugal and venice are not nations in the game, so why not consentrate on ships from nations that are in the game.  

    Variety and fun.  I expect we're going to eventually have at least a couple ships for each (currently) playable nation in the game, and a couple more "exotic" ships will make things a bit more interesting. 

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  13. 28 minutes ago, PongoNW said:

    takes 10 000 xp to grind the 3 4 5 levels on an Essex. 

    missions bring 330ish per. so 30 missions at half an hour each

    15 hours of play on an empty server per level, 45 hours of play for the last 3.

    Silly, nuke the amount needed or structure mission so that these ships get challenging but not suicidal bot battles.


    You don't really need them, and even if you want them you don't really have to have them in this month or next.


  14. 5 minutes ago, The Old Pretender said:

    . When you insitituted the admiralty permit and blueprint system, you shut the traders, PVE and casual PVP players out of crafting, because they had to spend all their time doing missions or PVP to get combat marks to build the ships, or just not craft the better ships. An Indefatigable permit costs 50 combat marks, which translates to at least 10 combat missions, or 100,000 gold minimum, just to get permission to build it. The permit system alone makes the larger ships such an expenisve investment in time and effort that few are willing to risk them under anything but optimum conditions. 

    Just have the person who you're building the ship for provide the permit and blueprints.  Presumably they have the marks if they have a use for such a ship.  Some of the permits come in packs of three so you can even ask for two permits to build one ship and have another for yourself.


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  15. 3 hours ago, Jean de la Rochelle said:

    Nice one.  Yes, the Admiralty could play a much bigger role. It is the central pivot of a Nations automated AI actions.

    About the entire RvR, wouldn't it be fun if the AI simply decides who is at war with whom, based upon some calculations of measurement on one side and a good luck of dice rolling on the other?

    It would be nice if there were Admiralty orders that break up stale alliances and keep fresh goals ahead of people, but at the same time it would fall apart if the Admiralty gave orders that were too hard to achieve, hurt your own position, or ran very contrary to your personal goals in game.  Presumably there would be a penalty for failure, or players would just ignore them.  The Admiralty would probably also have to provide benefits and resources up front to execute the orders, in carrot-and-stick fashion. 


  16. 3 minutes ago, Intrepido said:

    The game I love will definitely die if we are forced to play with the rules of the Global server

    My impression is that a "server merge" would NOT include the "rules of the Global server" since it's the one that is dying first - just moving characters, or allowing them to be moved. Not that there wouldn't be a myriad of other complaints whatever happens.  There always will be...


  17. 21 minutes ago, Slamz said:

    I have advocated for reducing the game down to 3 teams myself.


    With the way a number of people in this game just can't stand the smell of each other forcing them into the same teams would increase the bickering in Nation Chats exponentially, with a corresponding increase in the overall salt and new player alienation.  It was bad enough a couple months ago that I deleted the hopeless Nation Chat window for a few weeks.  You'd have to get rid of nation events because of the increased infighting and schemeing and clans of alts on all sides.


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