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Posts posted by Barbancourt

  1. 1 hour ago, Bach said:

    This is a good point. The actual escort rarely needs to be anywhere but at the end points of they travel route.


    Even if that were true they'd have to be at the origin, sail to the destination, and then back to the origin, and then on to the next place etc, so they might as well go along the whole time.


  2. 39 minutes ago, Fastidius said:

    it is unfortunate that you can't make the same timers as some of us.  it is also a shame we cant play on your timers either due to work so I think we just have to accept that it is going to happen and get over it.   We chose to do it on a weekend to give you a chance.  we cannot make day times in general because of work.

    I was at both of them - no wife.  1AM-4AM is perfect for me.  However, my own clan workflips me regularly.  ;)


  3. 1 minute ago, Fastidius said:

    no we flipped it on a weekend...night flipping isnt a thing on global and the aussies are nice enought o do it on thieir time so be grateful not bitchy


    Sorry, I didn't realize you were generously thinking of saving us time by having those at hours most of us wouldn't be able to attend.  Thank you!  :wub:


  4. 35 minutes ago, Vllad said:

    Bill was French as French could be. While technically descended from Vikings that was 4 or 5 generations removed. There was no Saxon or Anglo blood in good ole Bill! That means every British port battle win is a win for France!


    Wasn't the King kind of a german in the NA timeframe?  I have a hard time keeping track of all that stuff.

  5. 42 minutes ago, Raekur said:

    So I guess the end of this is that France and Britain are going to stay hostile, plain and simple.


    From what I've gathered (I'm not wedded to it, personally) there are a lot of people in this game that believe that this is "the way things should naturally be", so it may not be avoidable unless another power clearly needs to be stopped.  Couple that with the fact that GB has a lot of players and a number of French players are looking far and wide for a steady supply of victims.  (originally a lot of Pirates were getting French abuse until we were "encouraged" to leave Cap Francais)

    The "safe passage" thing doesn't click for me - apparently I missed that part of the thread


  6. 20 hours ago, Raekur said:

    The comment is NOT a pre wipe conception, it has to do with the French being present not more than a month ago attacking British ships at Port au Prince and screening for the pirates.


    LOL  When the Brits night-flipped Les Cayes and Port-au-Prince away from us did you somehow think France was suddenly going to become ambivalent about getting the Brits out of those ports?  If the Dutch kicked the Brits out of Haiti then France probably would have helped them.  If the Danes ran the Brits out France may even have helped them. 


  7. 6 minutes ago, Slamz said:

    Is that a real problem?

    Has anyone actually experienced being stomped so bad that they can't play? Like they can't even afford a Snow to go out and PvP in?


    You propose a situation where hostility is brought up to 100% against a region, so it seems that there must be some kind of stomping going in that senario.  What good is a Snow in that senario?  Then you propose on top of that cutting trade profit and labor hours during this hostility, which would effectively eliminate trade and crafting which already eat up a lot of time when things are easy so why would you waste your time trying if they get a lot harder.  My comment is that making the tedium of trade and crafting even harder for people when they've already got a conflict to worry about is just going to discourage a lot of people from playing.


  8. 4 hours ago, Slamz said:

    I think it's too much stability that drives players away from the game.

    Chaos is great in gaming. Something new to think about every day. Stability is boring and when players get bored, they stop logging in.

    I think most people like to be able to make some progress, instead of constantly getting stomped into the dirt and taking far too long to collect necessary resources. 


  9. 36 minutes ago, Iroquois Confederacy said:

    Fifth, the US would set up a convoy system for merchants, moving from one port to another every hour, on the hour, so that merchants are always escorted.  This to prevent the predations of those who wish harm upon the US and their waters, and again, to prevent the sapping of morale.



    I want to be one of the (retired?) people who has mountains of time for stuff like that, LOL


  10. We were never actually at war with CCCP.  That was the problem people had.  If there was some actual combat taking place it would most likely still be a daily fight, and allies would have been brought into the war as well. 

    Within nation, nobody's going to back down.  There's nowhere to retreat and evacuate a buffer.  It would be a daily attempt to spread the suffering as widely as possible. 


  11. 6 hours ago, Slamz said:

    From what I've seen in France, that happens anyway. The reason France didn't engage in the port battle last night was because one clan, who shall remain nameless, refused to join the Teamspeak with the rest of the clans. And we can't join theirs because they've banned too many people. Nobody wanted to do a real, full blown port battle on mixed comms so it was decided to just abort the effort. This is all the old fallout from the original French split, like a month ago.

    So it already looks permanent. Problem is we can't do anything about it. If one clan just shows up to ruin your team's port battles, what are you gonna do? If someone did that to BLACK, then BLACK could simply kill them on the spot in an outlaw battle. Other nations probably need this choice too.

    It's a long way from stubborn people not coordinating simple things before a nation event and not talking to each other in a battle, to a continual civil war in our home ports with all the economic and social damage that would cause on a daily basis.  Keep in mind that most of us wouldn't even have a choice in this situation - it would be some hotheads that start and perpetuate it, and everyone else being the primary collateral damage. 


  12. 5 hours ago, Slamz said:

    Let the disgruntled people be pirates for a while and see what shakes out. I would have done it last month if it was an option. We'd have sorted out France's little problems real quick.

    This would just kill the nation and create permanent clan vs clan conflicts.  If you are stabbing me in the back you are going to become the primary enemy on a permanent basis.  There's no going back from there.

  13. 5 hours ago, Bach said:

    It's a suggestion thread to allow nations to have rebellions or otherwise fight green on green after purchasing permissions from the admiralty. This would then allow players a way to strike at each other inside the nation when necessary. It would help in pecking order establishment as well as reduce toxicity in  Nat chats. 

    What?  That would be completely toxic, and in a way that could never die down.

  14. 5 hours ago, Vizzini said:

    Thanks,  somebody must have told the Swedes that the French were elsewhere trying to wreak havoc !! Nice 1 Sweden

    It's no problem - I went out in a Basic Cutter and chased their L'Ocean and Bucentaure back to port.  They were hiding from me after that.  The might of the Basic Cutter is known to all. 


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