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Posts posted by Barbancourt

  1. 27 minutes ago, SKurj said:

    The upgrade chest needs to go, it serves no purpose any more, it allows players to teleport huge wealth around the map with zero risk...  People insist upgrades do not matter, they don't give an advantage, so they won't mind having to move them between outposts.

    Negative.  It's annoying to have to sail things here there and everywhere.  You already have to sail the upgrade components sometimes 1-2 hours just to get them together in the same port to craft the upgrade.  Having to wasting a tow to put an upgrade on a ship would suck.  Sailing an hour or two just to put an upgrade on a ship would suck.  There's already enough hauling resources from multiple ports to your shipyard just to build the ships in the first place.  But a shipyard outpost is full to the rafters with shipbuilding resources, so I have an entire outpost elsewhere just filled with all the different upgrades.  The game might as well be called Caribbean Trucking Simulator 1800.  Don't want to have to waste even more time hauling. 

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  2. 2 hours ago, vazco said:

    Even if you're on a loosing side, you're not guaranteed to sink. I didn't sink a few times already being in a disadvantaged group.

    Having said this, sink ratio is quite high - you could expect approx. 45%. There's no point bringing a ship you can't loose to a fight. It's best to bring 3-4 rate (depending on your skill), so that you are guaranteed to get 10 PvP marks even if you get sunk (plus PvP marks for everyone you will sink).

    LeL - well, I'm guaranteed to sink anyway.  Fortunately I still have those free agamemnons from Global to throw away. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Louis Garneray said:

    And I really wonder why people are talking about it now... Every time I have seen discussion about it it always had the same effect. So if you want to scare people away... please continue. Yesterday evening we ended up with 160 players (and at some point under 150)...

    Yeah, I don't understand why the talk of a wipe already?  Isn't that many months away?



  4. 50 minutes ago, vazco said:


    Having them close to a Freeport is really useful and more fair. 

    Close, but not too close.  Some of us gotta live out of the free ports.  ;) 

    It would be good for it to move around the map quite a bit, scheduled in advance, so everyone has a good chance at it and nobody's regular game gets impacted too much/regularly. 

    The PVP area should be marked on the map. 



  5. 6 hours ago, Louis Garneray said:

    For the event in deep water (at least for US players) it seems that most players don't want to use their pretty ship or have already lost their ship and are therefore forced to use store bought ships. The Deep water events seems relatively easy to get the 20k damage even without players around since there are enough AI ships to kill in the patrol zone.



    It's a suicide mission - who brings their Maserati to a suicide mission? 


  6. 4 hours ago, Trash unworthy of the Sea said:

    @admin Patrol Missions are really fun and a good idea but 2 things:

    1. Joining the winning side / ganks should be discouraged more. Give the lower BR side reward and damage for mission multiplier, please.


    Maybe only allow joining a side if its new BR won't exceed the other side's BR by the amount of your ship's BR (or x2)?  (or if you want to join a particular side wait until other side has enough BR?) Might create a meta, though. 

  7. 44 minutes ago, Durin said:

    if you choose to craft outside your capital, set up your clanwarehouse in that port - shipbuilding is a clan effort anyway, as a single player will find it hard to collect all the resources on his own. except you are using alts, wich will eliminates the need for dockspace anyway.

    that aside, if you dont have the silly money to expand your docks, how are you going to fill 3 indiamans with stuff?

    Clan warehouse is for clan shipbuilding for clan activities, not personal ships.  I have my own fully stocked warehouse for my own personal shipbuilding.  I do not mix personal and clan resources.  Also, my shipyard is at a freeport in a different part of the map so I can't lose my shipyard and warehouse to RVR. 

    I've never had an Indiaman - LGV are free, and I had 4 redeemable t-brigs from Global.  Even basic materials require a lot of hold capacity to transport.  My warehouses have various woods and shipbuilding materials, every size of cannon and carronade, all kinds of upgrade materials and skill books, etc.  I use one port warehouse just for storing all the crafted upgrades.  :D



  8. The best thing for NA would be a solid game incentive to sail your good e.g. Belle Poule into harm's way on some hot part of the map, even when there's little hope of survival.  Something that will make your inevitable sacrifice in time and ship meaningful.  Not mere marks or money, but some movitivation/incentive vital to your clan or nation.  Something that isn't just feeding the enemy a stream of easy profits with nothing to be gained.  This gang bang mission sounds like it will just be crashing hordes of throw-away ships together for easy marks, which is ...something..., but not really the something I'm hoping for.  I'm not jumping to conclusions, but just pointing out that there doesn't seem to be any underlying game meaning to it.   I only keep posting here so much because it feels like there's great untapped potential in NA.  Anyhow, carry on...


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  9. 53 minutes ago, Durin said:


    but seriously, no one needs more ships than what you can have allready.

    If you do trading or shipbuilding you need at least a couple of 3-ship fleets to transport things, which is at least 6 dock spots just for t-lynx and t-brig/LGV/Indiaman fleets.  Then a shipbuilder needs an additional 2+ t-brigs just for supplemental warehouse space at a couple ports.  If you're an active shipbuilder you also need another 2-3 slots reserved for ships you're building for other people, and sometimes a dedicated fast ship available to transport permits.  Then you need to have a variety ships of various Rates sprinkled at ports around the map to respond to whatever the latest action opportunities are.  Some of them are big ships, some of them are small ships, some of them are PVP ships, some of them are RVR ships.... etc etc.  A player that wants to do all aspects of the game will use up their 17 dock slots really quickly.  (no I don't have the kind of silly money it takes to expand beyond 17)

    • Like 5
  10. 13 hours ago, admin said:

    Motivation to fight

    • To discourage running, escape is impossible from the battles created within the patrol zone. 
    • Exit is only possible if all enemies are sank
    • Running from battles is punishable by death (your ship is destroyed)
    • Battle zone within the combat instance gives plenty of room initially, but shrinks to 500m Radius by 1h-25 mins to completely remove the desire to kite or sail around


    So, basically sail a disposable oak/oak ship packed with carronades up there and play bumper boats for one battle hoping you get your 20k damage before getting sunk.  Then build another oak/oak ship to do the same, etc, etc.  It doesn't really seem like an authentic PVP experience. 

    Still struggling to find a game motivation for risking good ships in PvP, which is what we really need. 


  11. 1 hour ago, admin said:


    500k is peanuts for a 5 man clan even if they only sail bellonas or lower. Want the timer? Pay.

    500k per port per day from a "5 man clan"?!  Do you really believe this?  I play roughly 2-3 hours on 3 days per week, and if I'm really active over that time I may get maybe 200-300k total  from sinking a handful of AI ships while doing knowledge slots, most of which goes straight into buying/farming shipbuilding resources.  3.5 million per port per week?  How many clans even have 5 active players anymore? 


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