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Posts posted by Barbancourt

  1. 4 hours ago, Hethwill said:

    It is after you have some feet wet. And no better place than the Bahamas :) hence why the first objective of any impossible-pvp nation, in my opinion, is to create a Admiralty near Shroud.

    Why only one did ? It would be a more welcoming scenario to all newcomers that join a Impossible nation than telling them to sail to Bermuda or to Panama.

    I am not against the mechanic, I love it. I am just intrigued why the new nations decided ( at the start of it all ) to focus on far lands rather than on the obvious starting spot.

    Bahamas doesn't interest me much.  Too crowded and too many "pirates".  As a noob I went to a quiet location (Saint Marc) with a reliable AI Lynx and Cutter spawns to farm repairs and XP, and to mine Gold Ore when it was rare after the Wipe.  I'd rather have Puerto Plata or another port on the north Haiti coast for access to the Bahamas.  The first destination for a new "Small 3" player should really be another Free Town or two (or more!), to start establishing your teleport network and your secure Free Port warehouses while your ambitions are still limited to sailing the fast Basic Cutter or Lynx.  (less of a target as you port)  Noobs don't need an Admiralty since we don't have a Prize mechanic. 

    I don't want the "Small 3" nations removed.  I'd like more of them, even.  It gives people a place to go for a different game experience from the big nations, and a way to escape from some of the personalities in those.  If noobs aren't getting what they expected, that's a failure of the game interface.  These need to be advertised as Free Port nations. 

  2. 4 minutes ago, Norfolk nChance said:



    For me it would be the sole role of a hired Pirate Clan. Its Unique feature, and controlled by the same time limit mechanic restrictions. Only Pirates can be hired to help defend or attack on your behalf. Gives individual pirate clans a real input into the overall politics of the game. This instead of forcing them into a Nation status.

    If the opposing clan hires another pirate clan to help them by default the two PIRATE factions are at war until the time period expires.


    I guess this is some sort of pirate fantasy senario, but I have absolutely no interest in any mechanic that involves having to hire fecking "pirates" to do things. 


  3. 8 minutes ago, EliteDelta said:

    I'd like to point out something that admin mentioned. The Pirate nation can't be made "hardcore", because too many new players want to play as a Pyrate. Because of this, I wouldn't want the hardcore nations removed unless we create some sort of Outlaw nation instead.

    So you're saying they wanna play "pirate" like it's a halloween costume with a plastic sword and fake eyepatch?  :huh:


    • Like 1
  4. 5 minutes ago, Christendom said:

    Maybe so.  Prussia seems to be working as intended.  but 1/3 of the new nations being successful is not a good statistic. 

    Far better ways to implement that sort of play style than 3 nations where you could potentially lose all of your stuff.  

    Depends on where you put your stuff.   How are you defining success?  We haven't quit sailing.  Adapt, change, evolve

  5. 5 hours ago, Liq said:

    So I just tried the infamous "impossible 3 ships 6th rate mission" - In a storebought ship with basic upgrades (dropped by mission npcs) and skillbooks you can get for combat marks. No "Gear-Warrior" excuse there.


    Got me against 2 rookie snows and 1 rookie brig. as expected. So I focussed the rookie brig first, because I knew he had little HP - 3 broadsides of double ball do the job.

    I think the most important thing players need to learn doing those missions is that a ship only needs to lose one side to sink - shooting both can be a waste, especially when they dont try to protect their weak side. This can also become handy when moving to PvP - Try to focus on one side, and work on the rigging / masts when the healthy side  is shown. Of course if the player is clever he will know to not show his weak side, but thats another topic.
    And of course: Angle yourself! Don't take unnecessary damage.


    LOL I have never had a Mercury that buffed.  Basic Hull Refit is the only one of the upgrades that really matters, but I don't have patience to do 5 knowledge slots on this sailboat.  I can't even remember if I got one or two of them done - it was many months ago and it got gang-raped and sank at the Battle of Les Cayes. 

    Anyhow, I've always been of the impression that the AI will always try to protect their weak side, and they're better sailors than we are with the new sailing physics so it's a bit of work against the wind and exposing yourself to fire to always be chasing their weak side...?



    On 2/12/2018 at 4:49 PM, Capn Rocko said:

     I can only imagine the storage space being used on afk players' redeemable inventories :o


    If this small amount of storage space (it's just lists) is really a "problem" then the game would have serious issues if there was ever a healthy playerbase with possessions distributed around the map using far more storage space. 


  7. 2 hours ago, NicklasK said:

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the fear of losing your capital part of the reason you play as polish? I'm sure that if you considered it game-breaking then you'd play as the English, French, Spanish, Dutch, Swedish, Danish or Americans (There's PLENTY to choose from....).

    Mmmm, no.  Nobody wants to have to haul all their stuff across the map multiple times.  Aside from some polish players wanting to be polish, the attraction is a combination of a great location and not having to rub shoulders with some of the personalities that stink up the room in some of the big nations. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Banished Privateer said:

    I am happy to see Les Cayes under attack. Poland lost its position in Haiti (and players) after being defeated by BF and RUBLI. The only reason why they remained in Haiti is because BF/RUBLI didn't plan to annihilate Poland and Poland was/is protected as "underdog" nation by bigger brothers and "server police". Poland found its place in Panama, that's where they should settle down as nation. Haiti was always a hot PvP/RvR area with valuable ports.

    Who is this that you claim is protecting us?  Switzerland?  Siam?  I don't plan to leave my estates in Haiti.  Panama is just a quiet area to vacation, but it's an area to grow old and soft, not to prosper. 


    • Like 3
  9. I was in battle once and as soon as my rudder touched a bit of bottom the entire ship was stuck even when I rotated 90 degrees and could see lots of water under the entire keel. The ship was leaned over 45 degrees and everything, as if the whole keel was stuck on the bottom.


  10. 9 hours ago, SKurj said:

    I am seeing repeated complaints of players getting their first 6th rate ship, and doing the lowest level 6th rate missions and facing 3 enemies...

    It's been like that for a long time.  I never do missions.  Always go for Open World AI so you know what you're getting into.  Find a spot where 7th Rates and lone Brigs spawn in Open World and sink them repeatedly. 


  11. 3 minutes ago, blubasso said:

    I don't even think a lot of new players know that they can have fun in battles at low rank: this is a race to reach the 3rd-1st rank, most of all.

    Rank or Rate?  1-3 Rate ships are pretty much only for RVR stuff.  It's sadly true that 6th and 7th Rate warships should be cruising everywhere and aren't because for game reasons there can't be any real extra cost to grinding something larger.  I can sail fatties, but they aren't as fun. 


    5 minutes ago, SKurj said:

    He is GB lots of GB presence in bahamas, and cheap ships to sail/lose vs getting roflstomped by 3rd 4ths 5ths


    OK, but we're all on the forum so why not apply the question more generally to help the wider audience?


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