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Posts posted by Barbancourt

  1. It usually takes several round trips to move all the goods.  You can't have multiple merchants going to the same places because just one of them will have bought up all the product for that route.

  2. 30 minutes ago, Iroquois Confederacy said:

    This seems a good overall sense of nation.  I would further suggest:  Convoys leaving ports once an hour, on the hour.

    Think of OW PvPers as WW2 submarines.  We hit lone individuals, run from task forces, surface only briefly to knock someone out, and move on.  A single escort for a trade fleet takes care of 75% of the OW PvPers (those that operate alone).

    It doesn't even have to be a good ship.  A store bought Cerberus with medium sixes to occupy an attacker while the convoy escapes is plenty, and is easily replaceable.

    As long as the convoys are paid for their time, you build national unity, you keep your traders, and hunters look elsewhere.



    The amount you'd have to pay for someone's time to sail behind you for a couple hours would wipe out all profit and then some

  3. It seems the devs want crafted ships in the ship market, but to make that effective the market must actually want those ships on the ship market too.  I don't even really care about getting money for them - I just want to see them used for a purpose that justifies the labor hours and resources invested.  I wish we still had the ship knowledge slot grinding tree to generate some demand. 


  4. Several players trying to get through the low and mid level shipbuilding XP grind mean our ship market gets flooded with low and mid level ships that there is not a substantial player demand for.  (the cheap pricing of "store-bought" ships doesn't help)  National resources (labor hours, in particular) are being wasted to produce ships that will often just get broken up.  It would be cool to see a broad demand and more variety of ships in use, but it seems like most players are out trading in Indiamans and grinding their Agamemnons, Bellonas and Victorys.  Why no crafting XP for producing cannons, which are usually in demand?  Why no crafting XP for crafting components of higher level ships that do get used?  Maybe something creative like "mission" shipbuilding contracts to replace some of those AI ships that players sink every day?  Why do we have to build and break up a bunch of ships that the game isn't generating a demand for?  (Please don't suggest the measly XP from high-risk delivery missions to enemy capitals.) 

    • Like 5
  5. 7 hours ago, Slamz said:

    Which seems strange to me. Not like people aren't on during the week. They could just as easily be flipping a port instead of grinding missions.

    Missions really need to be removed again. They are a pacifier for too many people who don't want to risk their pretty ships.

    Can't speak for anyone but myself, but I normally can't commit blocks of time on weekdays.  I can walk away from trading or missions at any time, so that's what I do on weekdays.


    • Like 3
  6. 15 hours ago, Ink said:

    Captains, the battle will be rescheduled to 07/12/2017 17:53 server time.

    Sorry for inconvenienced caused.

    There will be more news soon about yesterday issues.

    Please guarantee that everyone who was in the original battle gets the Conquest Mark income for this region, in case some of them can't make a rescheduled "battle".  That's a large pile of bennies that shouldn't be at the mercy of a glitch.


  7. 3 hours ago, Timjim2 said:

    And the CCCP harassment continues even after promises that it will stop.  We now expect a Full Public Apology from CCCP and their allies to be posted here or there will be no possibility of reconsideration.


    This would appear to be the result of the common mistake of starting a battle too close to a fellow national and dragging them in by mistake.  It has happened to me many times around Fort-Royal when (usually new) players are starting battles right outside (or even inside) the harbors.  They are busy trying to tag ships and don't see everything around them.  At first glance it doesn't appear to be obviously intentional.

    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, Fastidius said:

    3 - why broker a peace deal if you want to fight?  If you truely want peace at this time then you should be on a stance of discussion not of aggression.


    A nation is a spectrum of opinions and desires.  Count the limited number of players posting in this thread.  Hopefully the Swedish Meatballs are going to work hard on taking over those regions so we can collectively get over this hump, but it would not surprise me if the shenanigans continue for a long time.  Given the poor quality of communication between CCCP and FreeFrance it could go sideways at any moment.


  9. 1 hour ago, Axel said:

    Nobody else was around at the time it seemed since we only had 24 inside at that point


    If 24 were in the PB it seems like the path of least resistance would be to award the PB to those 24.  Only one would player/ship be left out, at most.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Duncan McFail said:

    Those areas aren't yours. Don't count the conquest marks as yours that don't even belong to you. Get some conquest marks off of the 2 Dane ports that are in your territory. 


    Those areas aren't CCCP's either. 


    What do you mean by "2 Dane ports that are in your territory"?  CCCP has been holding various French ports during this conflict, which they started by attacking our region Leewards.  The only region that France ever took is Bovenwinds, from the Swedes.  


    • Like 1
  11. 30 minutes ago, chailang said:




    I'm not sure that you understand me.  (or I you)  These regions must become Swedish under the agreement, and I'm arguing that any reasonably expedient path to Swedish control should work for all sides.  It is fine with me if you flip Leewards temporarily, as long Sweden takes Leewards over as soon as possible thereafter.  (but my opinon yields to that of Teutonic)  You/CCCP can help encourage goodwill by not flipping Bovenwinds until Sweden have taken over Leewards.  We should be working to get to the final state of the agreement together, and everyone trying to be "more right" in the short term is getting in the way of long term progress.


  12. Given the huge amount of effort and frustration in various ways that got us to this agreement, can we at least in the opening days make an extraordinary effort to see that it works?  The route that Leewards/Bovenwinds becomes Sveedish, as agreed, seems like a quibbling technicality to me.  We are creating more unnecessary bad blood by arguing over what may be a week's worth of regional ownership not being exactly as we expected, and it makes it looks like the agreement was not entirely sincere when we are unable to discuss these details in a more accomodating manner.  If the Sveedish Meatballs don't make a serious move to take these regions in a week then we can really start to be concerned for the long term nature of the treaty.  In the meantime, perhaps CCCP can leave Bovenwinds as-is until the Sweedish complete moving into Leewards as a gesture of wanting this to work.

  13. 2 minutes ago, Davos Seasworth said:

    It does concern us when both Danmark and France has been trying to get us involved in their little feud. Not our fault you cant get the nations internal affairs in order. It also has a lot to do with us but you just focus on you I guess and not the global spectrum of the situation. Frankly, just go ahead and continue killing each other and pointing fingers. France has not shown any respect outside WO and ROVER towards the Dutch. The Dutch will continue to throw its support towards the Danes simply on the premise of our current agreements and for the fact that they have not gone and physically threaten our ships and ports.

    Well, presumably it's in your interest to stoke this stuff for as long as possible.  Don't pretend to be an innocent bystander, LOL.  :D

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