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Posts posted by Barbancourt

  1. 16 hours ago, Landsman said:

    Sorry for slight off-topic but what actually happens if you get pushed ashore by leeway? Is the ship instantly destroyed or simply stranded / unable to move?

    When leeway was new a few weeks back I was getting blown backwards while turning though the wind, and as soon as my rudder touched bottom I was stuck.  My ship could rotate around its center but its speed was stuck at zero, and my ship started getting blown over on its side so the AI had a nice shot at my belly while my guns were pointed at the sky.  I suicide-boarded the AI ship to end my misery.

  2. 1 hour ago, admin said:

    Port battles and pvp are the main incentives to leave the protected coastal waters.


    Some factions can't/won't do port battles, which are often empty anyway, and a lot of players don't expect to get much out of pvp.  It would help a lot ot have some kind of incentive beyond gold and XP to sail an hour and in the end expect to lose a ship and give the goons easy PVP marks.  I'm not sure what that is - maybe it's story or RvR driven?  We can get gold, XP, books, repairs in our own harbor.  What kind of good battle or goal will get people to sail up the coast an hour expecting to lose their ship and its weight in clan resources? 

  3. 10 hours ago, admin said:

    La Mona Naval Patrol

    • Captain: Your task is to inflict as much damage as possible on the enemy players shipping in the designated areas of the Caribbean. Running is discouraged, preservation of your vessel is not important! Assigned ships Cerberus, Renomme, Surprise.

    Please place at a bit less travelled area.  It's already dodgy enough getting in/out of places like La Mona or Shroud Cay.  I don't want my shipyard blockaded. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Archaos said:

    But if 80% of the players are staying in the safe zone that means that 80% of the players are not at that time interested in PvP and if you force them to PvP then they may just not play at all. I have said it before and will say it again, forcing people to PvP is not the solution, you have to encourage them to leave the safe zones. Make the safe zones less attractive, restrict the amount of money that can be made there, restrict the availability of better crafting goods and reduce the good PvE drops in the safe zone, but do not stop people playing in the safe zone if that is what they want to do no matter what rank they are.

    Yeah, just give people a INCENTIVE to go places and find PvP, even if they know they're just going to lose.  People want to have fun battles, but nobody wants to just sail long distances to throw away their ships and hand out free marks to enemy gangs for nothing gained. 

    However, I'll disagree about doing it through an economic squeeze.  It should be through an incentive in experience, toys, RvR goals, or something.  There are already enough AFK traders sailing around for hours, and helpless trade ships being chased by frigates for free PVP marks.  We need warships clashing. 

    • Like 2
  5. 35 minutes ago, maturin said:

    What is the value of a fake, ahistorical economy where only naval stores are of value and only the Caribbean economy exists? Sounds a bit like Mad Max with water.

    Sounds like you think the versailles terracottas etc add "flavor" - I guess that's a difference in style.  To me they just look like "transport Widget 1 from Point A to Point B and collect X gold"


  6. 6 minutes ago, Coraline Vodka said:

    Count your ships? 

    OK, say you have 5 ships.  You still don't know how many dock slots you have. 

    Easiest way seems to be checking the price for expansion.  Somewhere somebody must have a table of how much more dock slots costs.  For instance going from 17 to 20 is a ridiculous 9 million.

    • Like 2
  7. 4 hours ago, Cmdr RideZ said:


    RNG is needed so that ports are filled with ships.  We want that people craft ships.  We want that player driven economy is economy that is producing end products.  We want that new guys get ships from stores.


    We need an economy based around craftable resources and crafted items rather than fake commodities like parisian furnitures and cognac.  That will generate a player economy.  RNG is not needed for that.  New guys can already get plenty of ships from the ship shop without anyone crafting them, which is a little unfortunate because grinding the lower crafting levels requires wasting resources on a couple dozen low rate ships that are difficult to sell. 

  8. On 2/14/2018 at 2:30 AM, Cetric de Cornusiac said:

    Lost an Indiaman first, then a Cerberus, a Heavy Rattlesnake, couple of days ago a freshly manufactured frigate with her fleet companion, a Mercury. And this noon the frigate I mentioned first. Sent a connection report at 13:16h GMT+1, afterwards, just in case someone at the studio wants to look..

    Unfortunately they can't fix your poor connection/route.  You should pursue that with your ISP, who can diagnose your connection and maybe even change your route to NA servers.  When my girlfriend's Apple products are hogging up all of the internet bandwidth I actually have a lot less connectivity problems with Naval Action than I do with some other games.  (I don't recall ever having the exact problem you describe "disconnected client.exe stopped working" no matter how bad my connection has been) 

  9. 38 minutes ago, Landsman said:

    Alot of things aren't hard to implement at all.... do you see them in game? Because I don't... No matter how hard or easy it is, why should the devs waste a second on it when there are more important things?

    Unfortunately, they do waste it on less important things.

    • Like 3
  10. 45 minutes ago, Banished Privateer said:

    Let's be honest:

    1. Who's fault it is when trader doesn't equip his ship with guns?

    Let's be honest, guns are irrelevant on a trader ship.  Do you somehow feel brave because a t-brig with only 60 crew shot its pop-guns at your endymion and you survived?   And stop with the "escort" nonsense.  Nobody has time to waste "escorting" trade ships.  If you fleet your own warship with a trade ship you are just slowing yourself down to make it much more likely that you get caught more often and lose additional ships, plus giving the enemy additional easy rewards. 


    • Like 1
  11. Has anyone experienced weird Yacht sailing behavior in a battle instance recently?  I was in a battle with a T-Brig and it got me down to about 65% sails which I repaired to 97%.  After the repair it seemed like the Yacht sailed very oddly.  I would be going about 8 knots across the wind, then I'd turn 180 degrees through the wind in either direction (with/against) to be sailing across the wind in the other direction so I could fire the other broadside, and that turn would lose all my speed so that I was stuck at 1-1.5 knots for what seemed like a really unusually long time before the speed finally started to build again.  If I was within 30 degrees of sailing with the wind I'd also almost come to a stop.  Then I'd turn 180 to the other direction and in that direction it would sail more normally again.  I do not remember this behavior when I battled with the Yacht a lot last summer, and this was my first battle in it since about June. 

    Build is Bermuda/Teak.  (such an improvement from the old mandatory cag/crew redeemable!)  I was not in manual sails.  I did f11 it, but I was uncertain if the f11 went through. 

    Since my Yacht kept coming to a stop I struggled to keep the t-brig tagged and it had me down to 30% structure at one point, but after about 75 minutes I did manage to finally unlock that 5th slot on my Yacht.  :D 



  12. 5 hours ago, vazco said:


    Imagine if someone really focused your high tax ports one after another. How would you build your ships after a few weeks? Maybe HOST could survive this, but I doubt other Commonwealth clans would. Rebuilding your shipyards every few days is hard. 


    Shop ships, buying free/open port ships, lying low and cruising in the shadows.  It may be a little expensive, and much harder without the windfall of Global redeemables, however it's a project to keep you busy.


  13. 3 hours ago, Slim Jimmerson said:

    Point is your on a tiny, odd sailing class of boat that hardly has any business or relation to any of the other ships in the game that certainly isn't fun or easy to sail, and we expect new players to do combat in that for their first few levels? The brig may be crap but its a whole hell of a lot better than a cutter, lynx, or privateer that are only useful in very narrow circumstance.

    It is good experience to capture traders with them, and you can use those resources as a noob.  Lynx also used to have the best bang-for-buck loot - not sure if that has changed. 


  14. 6 hours ago, Slim Jimmerson said:

    The cutter/lynx/privateer, the 7th rates are not good starting ships. They don't at all play, or teach the fundamentals of the game for 90% of the ships. A lot of players leave before even reaching the brig and I think that's in part because there's much less satisfaction in sailing a table with sails, dumping full broadsides into the ocean while trying to aim at another floating table.

    Seriously?  It isn't that hard, and it doesn't even take very long.  If you're "dumping full broadsides into the ocean" you need more time in a 7th rate to correct that error rather than trying to "fix" it with more decks of cannons.  The Brig is crap and I'm sure it made quite a few players quit. 


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