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Posts posted by Barbancourt

  1. 8 hours ago, Ink said:

    Greetings Captain. As the first guess - have you tried to re-install video card drivers?

    The Adrenalin driver is newly installed, since I built the machine less than two months ago.  The problem did not change in the last two Adrenalin driver updates.  I did try clearing the shaders cache, but that did not help. 


    I think I did "F11" it about a month ago, BTW. 


  2. I built a new machine recently, and when I play Naval Action on this machine there are always a lot of gaps/holes in the land on the coastlines, so I can see under the land.  There is probably some setting I can change to fix this, and I'm hoping someone can suggest what it might be.  Graphics card is Rx 590 with up-to-date Adrenalin 2020 driver installed.  My previous machine which didn't have the problem had the same Rx 590 card, but Adrenalin 2019 drivers.  Example screenshot linked below:



  3. 19 hours ago, HusariuS said:

    Yes, because AI doesn't have "fixed" designs, each time you launch the same mission, you will see completely new designs created by AI.


    Sure, which is fine.  But since we can't review/study the enemy ships or battle log it's harder to decide whether success/failure is a result of your ship design, or just the luck of the matchup.  If you make an adjustment the next battle is against a different ship, so you can't really evaluate your design adjustments or the differences between your opponents.  


  4. In the first 3 battleship battles I faced one with torpedoes in the first battle, another with 330? main guns in the second, and one with 229 main guns in the third. I can't remember anything about secondaries, armor, speed, ranging systems, etc.  I can't remember what kind of damage I gave to or received from each.   


    Is there a log of our matchups in the Naval Academy?  Every time I start a battle it's against a different ship build, and I'd like to see what the builds of both my ship and enemy ship in previous matchups were.


  6. Ships (both sides) in my battles are often missing a broadside-to-broadside enemy (slow and constant speed) at 500-600 meters range by half a ship length or more in azimuth beyond the bow/stern.  🙈  It isn't just ranging, but they can't even point the gun in the right direction some of the time.  I don't see enough smoke displayed in the battle to explain it away as poor visibility.

    • Like 2
  7. On 5/12/2020 at 6:13 AM, Muppetlord said:

    While I do agree that accuracy seems to have taken a turn for the worse in the later updates, I won't say that it's objectively wrong,

    The guns fire at such bizarre angles it just doesn't seem like things are working properly.  In a certain other PVP game involving Warships unrealistically derpy gunnery is a balancing mechanic, but in this game there's no need for such artificial derpitude.  It really detracts from enjoyment of the game. 

    Really enjoying the new ironclads


  8. 7 hours ago, Cptbarney said:

    Damm, thats insane. Mine is a AMD Athlon X4 840 3.8ghz with a GTX 750 2GB and 8GB's of DDR3 RAM.

    Somebody sure needs a big christmas present!  ;D 

    When I started playing This Land Is My Land the devs told me my GTX 970 was barely adequate.  I started shopping for a replacement but think I'll hold off on a big GPU purchase until next year.  Ultimate Admiral isn't as graphics intensive though. 

  9. I'd also like to have a permanent log of all my battle results, which would include my ship design and that of all the other ships in the battles.  This would help when evaluating what is or isn't working during several attempts at a difficult mission/challenge.

    • Like 3
  10. 2 hours ago, Finnwolf88 said:

    Devs already responded to this many times. Time is slowed closer to enemies to avoid crashes caused by time acceleration AND to find crashes that are happen in battles but are not caused by it.

    This evening I was stuck in "too dangerous to go that fast" x1 speed mode when I couldn't even find the enemy for more than 45 minutes, and all my own ships were also far apart searching the horizons.  Thankfully I found that dang TB just before the battle timer expired. 


  11. Asus Z97-A - i7-4790K - 24GB

    Asus STRIX GTX 970 4GB

    My machine has a 970 GTX from 2015 and it's very jumpy on "ultra", which is something I haven't experienced in other games. I haven't tried tweaking the video settings yet, aside from turning vsync off.  Hopefully the smoothness will improve as the game matures. 


  12. 4 hours ago, Macjimm said:

    You could check NA Map https://na-map.netlify.com. See what mods you could use, do some trials and report back here and tell us.


    Does na-map accurately model which modules/books/etc will stack and which won't? 

    3 hours ago, AeRoTR said:

    I will never put expansive mods on tlynx.

    Why not?  Out of all the ships in the game it's the one that you're least likely to lose, and it's also probably the most useful ship in the game.

  13. 8 hours ago, Rune said:

    with higher br clans can work together with other clans to fill out the numbers they lack but with lower br there is no way to make more content for players, and you can say screening is content and to some degree your would be right, but its still not fun being that player that never get to join a port battle just because there is no room for him in site of it.    

    It's higher BR port battles that exclude players.  Those are typically fought by the same players that are always at the top of the NA food chain.  There is usually room in lower BR port battles for players that don't normally get to take part in the large ones, since smaller clans can set up those battles and manage who gets into them. 


    • Like 2
  14. 8 minutes ago, vazco said:

    My inner troll wishes devs WILL listen to people, reprogram AI to only shoot sides when they pen and to focus masts if they can't, focusing them until player repairs sails, or looses masts or gets out of range. I'd also teach them to leak (deadly if AI does it) and to chain a target which is hurt. Then I'd remove buffs.

    I'd be tempted to give people exactly what they want, in order to hear their cries of desperation and fear. "

    You say that like you seem to think it's a bad thing? 

  15. 1 hour ago, Borch said:

    Sinking Buc today revealed that NPC sailed Sabicu/Crew space, purple shabby ship with 10 - 32pd obusiers and a minor book. Now I understand RNG but seriously it's more like a trolling of players. Can we have them improved a bit on par with their combat abilities?

    My impression is that they only become "crew space" ships after you've defeated them.  That's a nice haul of obusiers though.  It's usually more like 5 or 7 and not in a size you want a the time. 


  16. 3 hours ago, Miaowi said:

    Do you guys have any stories (hunter or hunted) that you'd like to share to give this facet of the game some more flavour?


    No, because nothing is more boring than attacking trade ships LOL.  My best story is that I've never lost a cargo, only empty ships with repairs.  Fleet 3 ships, avoid risk, and make wise use of the server maintenance time.  But trading is dead, so your time is better spent grinding XP anyway. 

  17. 3 hours ago, Koveras said:

    Ehm.. Not *all* nations are historic. Prussia, PL and Russia never had any colonies in the west indies and in the case of Prussia - never any navy and in the case of PL - their attempt to create a navy met an 'unfortunate' incident and got burned to a crisp.. The only one of the cartoon nations to have a fleet was Russia and they never used it outside of their homewaters (disregarding the mediterranean).

    They aren't "cartoon nations".  They actually existed, and under different financial circumstances could have rubbed some coins of newfound fortune together to purchase themselves some shiny new ships.  The game isn't a historical reenactment, and it's pretty clear that the game is going to deviate quite far from history whatever nations are included.  Maybe you don't enjoy a bit of alternate history, but many others do, and it provides a greater variety of choices for the players. 

  18. 3 hours ago, Mad Dog Morgan said:

    Like Alliances? Instead just reduce number of nations. If the game isn't going to keep with historic nations then might as well change nation flags to chess pieces. 

    All of the nations are historic.  Next thing you're going to be complaining about french players sailing Victorys and american players in any line ships "because it's not historic".  There aren't enough nations to handle the oversized personalities playing the game as it is. 


  19. 31 minutes ago, Mad Dog Morgan said:

    Reduce the game to 4-5 historic nations and pirates. Because currently seeing Russia as a zerg nation of the Caribbean looks fairly ridiculous.


    How is it any less ridiculous if you slap a different cosmetic flag on it?  Forcing people to join groups they don't want to join and forcing people who don't like each other into the same nation is not going to improve the game. 


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  20. 2 hours ago, rediii said:

    just grind xp with pvp. You can crew a frigate already after tutorial.

    Most of us don't get a significant amount of XP from PVP.  Grinding the AI you get much more XP and your ship is still floating afterwards.

  21. 1 minute ago, Liberalism said:

    We tried to stay peaceful with Swedes for the most of the time, while they tried to stop us at all cost. Now the Swedes try to take revenge on the French. They just earned 2 very unhappy neighbours.

    You know they only reason they invited you there was to make war on Sweden.  So, we are at war. 

  22. 16 minutes ago, StaleMemes said:

     So yes, Sweden is less powerful and has less territory, but that's what Sweden was advertised as to its players and they also aren't on the frontlines against the biggest threat to the Antilles.

    Nobody is entitled to anything based on some canned game description.  ("we should have it easier - it says so in the rules")  If the Dutch wanted to park in front of Fort-Royal they could easily do that regardless of Bridgetown. 


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