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Aussie Pastor

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Everything posted by Aussie Pastor

  1. I'll pass it on to the actual Guild Leaders I know to see if they will rally to the cause to fight against the Negative, Trolling and Exploiting Elements that have INFECTED the NA community. As you are aware a Great "CODE OF CONDUCT" is CoSigned by SLRN AUSL http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/4431-naval-action-player-code-of-conduct-submitted-by-the-ausl/?p=85717
  2. I can say my freind, as those battles where very competitive, it was done in the highest respect. This is the Culture SLRN has Built over years, close to a decade. SLRN had a split recently to release an equally competive group but with a rebellious spirit of not conforming to a greater CAUSE, the Develpoment of the game and respect in Chat and TS. You have brought up the biggest problem that I have tried to illuminate to the Devs and Mods in PM, BUT WITHOUT ANY LUCK. BANNING people from the forums and from the game for a week or Two would of seen a different outcome. PS Thank you for acknowledging that SLRN guys are competitive but fair. For we have the same respect towards you.
  3. Good concept. In regards to writing on an iPad while driving a tractor, that normal for them.
  4. Poll are good to some extent. But what is more useful is actual Data. Like how many Original ALPHA TESTERS LEAVING? Rapid decline in numbers on the Servers? How many players jumping to Pirates? My favourite, what is the talk on multiple TS of different Clans and Nations? It all shows that the Devs, did not do their homework, as there is SO MUCH DATA out there to prevent the growth of a Culture that is Trolling/Salty an nonproductive to game development. I like to mostly PM people to talk and discuss. But that has fallen on deaf ears so to speak. It takes time to change a Culture to a positive one, but to change it to a negative one happens overnight. Pirates, should of always been a special faction, not a duplicate nation with extras, especially when the extras was and is easily exploited.
  5. Well said, and you sir have been playing longer that most. Now onto the Quote, "Patience is a Virtue" Hello,...........I'm a Pastor. You really want to go there????? Anyway, I'm going to no sit back, For I have had enough casting "pearls before swine" a bible quote. PM me if you want more info and teaching on the subject. But this is not my first Rodeo as they say, and I was not in the last rainfall either.
  6. And there it is, calling it, I Closed Mindset. The Pirates aren't the strongest or the Danes or the British. It's the Game, we are still Alpha Testers. Remember, EARLY ACCESS. Do you really think EA is about, wow we get a chance to be the most highest, level/rank/equipped in the game before it is fully released? If you think it's about beating the pirates? It's about, making the game strong for people who may want to play it in 5 weeks time! To get on and enjoy the Graphics, the Game play, the experience they are after. It's not about, stroking egos of players that need computer games to hide from real life and dominate their pixel world for making up their real life inadequacies.
  7. Sir, I have more patience that most of you, and yes I do put so much out there on the topic. Why I do it. 1/ the number of good ALPHA player Leaving. 2/ the massive drop in numbers 3/ the increasing number of "Salty" post. 4/ the addition of new game mechanics that can show that simple fixes are being ignored. 5/ the promise of fixing the "Culture" of the NA community, and not following through. Shall I go on? It's not the Game Codeing I'm at War with its the "Mindset" or "Closed Elite Culture".
  8. The Spinless remark is Known By The Devs with the PM I write. The remark is to see if this is more "Cancerous" than othe "issues" that are being discussed. I'm far from being a bully, but instead "Fishing Psychologically" so to speak. It's a form of analysis. But hey trying to tell "millennials" that know everything is HARD to do!
  9. Not whining, just thought this was EA plus I started as an Alpha tester. PIRATES should of NEVER been a nation with NATION mechanism. PIRATES are about PvP and not Port Battles. Why should we have any Nations then let us be just like EVE, and just be like clans for the mentality is that of Trolling like the above quote. When I signed up to test the product and help the Devs it was to bring in the Tewnty plus years of computer gaming but also other real life experiences to help in the development. With people constantly seeing my post about fixing the game, eg the Pirates plus other things as "Whine" well just shows that the IQ and EQ of the Trollers on the forum becoming lower and lower.
  10. Because the Devs are to spineless to fix the Pirates. I say just turn the Pirates right NOW into the a Nation of Portugal. Because right now the pirates can go into Port Battles, make Connies and RATE Ships. They can hide in open seas by fighting each other. Exp & Gold Farming by fighting each other. So rename the current player in Pirates to Portugal and have no pirate faction until the Devs get some Game mechanics sense.
  11. A fair estimated guess is that 70% of the forum posters want the pirates to be a faction not a nation.A poll says just over 50% want change. But the Devs must play pirates or their countrymen play pirates for they have succumbed to peer pressure for there is no other plausible excuse. Yes, they will give you the old, "It's in the works, Devs are talking about it or my favourite, what would you know, we are the Devs". But what would I know? Right? For me it just shows, a very small project goals without a historical data management. I think the oldest dev has only university background and lacks 20 plus years in Company Director Experience.
  12. No need to reset the map, just fix up 1/ the Pirates, switch them to faction not nation ie no PB or Shipyard at LVL 3. 2/ 5 nations + Pirates 3/ BR Equal crew percentage, eg 3rd Rate at 50% = 250 BR SIMPLE!!!!
  13. Would love to see you do that!!!!You guys Don't even Ban, the guys that do massive exploits, jump from one nation to another and cause problems in the community and then go Pirates because it's mechanics is so stuffed up. NA the NEW pitiful EVE politics CULTURE! Well done for ruining the beautiful game.
  14. Well I've seen a 5 X 3rd Rate fleet. I would call that fun. Also, Devs, why can't you see the IP & Mac Adress or what ever you guys can do to ban? Are you afraid that they may leave?? Well if you haven't notice, player from pre 2016 are leaving for not fixing basic game mechanics. eg BR should be equivalent to crew for rating......3rd Rate BR 500 crew at 50% so NEW BR is 250. Surely this is not hard to code in, is it???
  15. When am I going to see Danes and French in your list??? Only going after "Soft" targets???
  16. Now that we have production buildings in place we just need to have the Pirates have only SHIPYARD LEVEL 2. Must capture lager ships. Cancel Pirate V Pirate gameplay as it gets exploited. Gold & EXP farming and OW combat avoidance exploit. Only raid ports 1/week. Result, Pirates can get Gold & Drops as per normal. Port production is halted for 48 hrs. Have ports scattered for pirates, minimal amount. Man made Sanctuaries strategic placed around the map 6, plus one Capital. Let Pirates have letter of Marquee(LoM) from a nation at creation. or pay large amount(1 Million) to change, but only once per month. Also nations players should have LoM as well, but violation will turn into a Pirate and lose 2 Levels. Having a LoM will allow you to trade and Port into that nation.
  17. I hope that Pirate have nothing bigger than historical accurate ships, and then Capture the rest. Also, let them have Tortuga as their only port, and can only "Raid" everything else. They should only be able to refit ships not build any. So change the style of the Pirate to TRUE PVP faction and not a Nation faction that can do PB.
  18. Only problem is Woody, some people in this thread are just trolls, you can tell them that grass is green and the sky is blue, but they will argue it anyway. Matthew 7:6 "Don't waste what is holy on people who are unholy. Don't throw your pearls to pigs! They will trample the pearls, then turn and attack you. Not preaching, just giving the full sentence that is been quoted in old post and multiple TS. So no haters please!!!!!!!
  19. Sorry about the "off hours" it's just because we love living and playing in Australia!!! Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oi! Oi! Oi!
  20. We already knew that the "CONQUEST" part of the game need a major overhaul, because of the problem of PB and BR and so forth!!! So, you are saying, "let's smash it so the Devs change it, just like the EVE mentality"? Sorry, I still believe in the human nature I grew up with, it was called common sense, and having some foresight, not a "mob, I want it NOW culture". But I'm seeing that is to much to ask. Call me old, but as John Lennon sang.....Imagine You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will be as one
  21. This Game is in Early Access, which most people KNOW that it is still in development. But many older in age Gamers, IT Specialist, Project/Rick Management Professional etc are sadden by the "Winner takes ALL at ALL means" attitude. This does not help the Guys that have been playing NA for over 2 years to the player that will by the game next week. I felt sorry for a player i was talking to today, that has been playing NA for a long time and has great insight into the game mechanics and offered great "Computer Code" to help the Devs with BR in port Battles (Crew to Ship Percentage to the Battle Rating Percentage). That was over 6 Month ago, and his patience had got all used up. So his Game-play now is I will "kill the map" to force the Devs to act. But my concern is the people that has the Micro-Rewards mindset, and feed my ego paint the Map one nation colour while we are in EA stage. Lets pull together "Community" and help the GAME!!!!!!!!!
  22. Welcome, "The Yellow Jacks" with the TAG [JACKS]! Enjoy the game, and Continue to promote great game-play, and the health of the Game.
  23. Well said. I just can not wait for the Server to wipe. Add the new Big Patch. I hope it includes Safe Starting Area (5 ports) so Nations do not get reduced to "The Capital Port" Only! Get rid of the ability to Reroll nations so easily. Eg up to 2nd Lt or THIRD LEVEL no penalties. But after that you lose 2 LvLs. Reduce the nations to 6 Nations. Unless they Change the Capitals from Historic Ports, to better GAME MECHANICS! Most of all, make Maintance Time 2hrs Earlier!!!!
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