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Posts posted by jodgi

  1. This is a good idea!

    I'm afraid it's a bit too complicated to be accepted.

    Remember admin seems extremely reluctant to consider BR limits even in the love/hate patrol zones. It would be a hard sell.

    That does not mean we shouldn't iron out the kinks and try! I love crazy ideas.

    We need to think of everything that can be gamed or exploited. Then we need to identify things that would frustrate or confuse players.

    I think insta-close with our current small circles is out of the question. Around 90 secs is minimum and 2 min is fine. We can't serve solo players on a silver platter to tiny gank squads.

    I need to lookup admins tentative dismissal of anti-gank patrol zone ROE and think...

  2. 37 minutes ago, FatusUlus said:

    Allow teleport to free ports near patrol zone to all players not only to those that have outpost.since patrol zone is the only part of the game that have fun and action.Dont need to sail for an hour or maybe more to go there.

    Ps sry for my poor english

    Thks in adv

    I would like that too. I also wish i had unlimited tows to the patrol zone freeport du jour. There is a voice in my head telling me this can't happen for reasons I don't fully understand. Remember that some people wish we didn't have patrol zones at all because the zones don't adhere to their idea of sandbox play.

    • Like 1
  3. 11 hours ago, Slim McSauce said:

    Simply put this makes more sense that once you spot a battle it doesn't disappear from a logical point of view

    This post is from the first major forum campaign to get timers that would enable smart OW PvP hunting. It's a short and good read with pictures an all. RAKERS and TDA were "bitter" enemies at the time but we stood together on this point along with most prominent players and forumites.

    @Prater's (Oh, brother! Where art thou?) illustrations and examples indicates that even if you see something in OW (like crossed swords) you can still be days away depending on ship and wind. So,

    I challenge your idea of "I can see so I should be able to enter" and how logical that is.

    Allow me to suggest that what you're experiencing is related to emotions and not logic. It's the same for everyone; OW time-warp leads us on and let's us down when logic (2 min wysiwyg timer compromise) denies us the fight. It happens to me too and even I get involuntarily frustrated.

    12 hours ago, Slim McSauce said:

    aside from that it allows for more pvp=automatic yes

    This is my weak point as I'm often tempted to ditch sensible OW mechanics in order to shoot at ships. However, since 2015 we've argued that (best compromise) wysiwyg OW mechanics will attract and retain the type of player that OW is made for. I'm a Legends and patrol zone guy so I sin against the true OW experience, but I hope I can atone by fighting alongside true OW players to save the Open World from devolving into one big king-of-the-hill patrol zone.

    If you're available for open ended conversation; I'm willing to test crossed swords visibility, measure distance, calculate OW time vs. instance time factoring in good wind and bad wind.

    Are you a true OW champion or are you corruptible, like me?

    • Like 1
  4. 10 hours ago, Slim McSauce said:

    Battles shouldn't close on you if you have them selected. It's unfair that you already have to track them down in 2 minutes

    Allow me to be non-combative but testy with you...

    I understand the frustration of coming up on closed battles. You want to fight or help your nation or friends, it's commendable.

    But by beating upwind in a slow ship and still being able to join any selected battle allows you to cheat on a carefully planned OW attack. You can see it, sure, but in a 1:1 time world you would've arrived well after the fight was concluded. That's not fair to the guys playing it smart. You would get a science fiction teleport into the fight.

    Consider your frustration towards closed battles you were too far from against the sensible OW/instance time and space break compromise that 2 min timers provide. Think of the wargamers, the "playing it smart" dudes and the careful OW hunters.

    Do you want smart OW play or do you prefer patrol zone-like arena mechanics?

    I'm not teasing, I'm dead serious.


    I've forgotten @Vernon Merrill, what kind of whining made insta close RoE go bye-bye?


    • Like 4
  5. 1 hour ago, Macjimm said:

    Good point jodgi.  I doubt many want that much realism.  I'll make do with whatever.  

    Hope it is a grid location, rather than a circle, or icon, on the map though.

    As I understand realism would go something like this: At noon they "quickly" decided latitude by measuring sun angle over horizon. Then some (unknown to me) fiddling with a time-piece to determine longitude. The rest of the day and night it was lines on a map according to log speed, compass, leeway and currents. Dunno how often they would gaze at stars or how accurate that could be.

    We only have dead reckoning by using landmarks, then imaginary lines on map according to laser accurate course and speed.

    I understand why people want this, but accurate position all the time is science fiction in our game's setting.

    • Like 1
  6. 17 minutes ago, Draymoor said:

    Or are they only protected from nerfs cause they are DLC? 

    Don't worry about that. A global rebalance of ships could include dlc's. As I understand it's the cool down that can't easily be touched.

    Admin had said he wants to go back to individual and special sailing profiles. Changes are very possible.

    Consider this... The forum outrage after a dlc-only nerf would be quite severe. 

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