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Posts posted by jodgi

  1. 28 minutes ago, Raekur said:

    remove the trade goods and lets just pit warship vs warship

    I'm ok with that, but you're not listening to the other guys telling you they like doing trade runs and like hunting traders.

    To you I'm probably one of the "pure malice" guys. Is it so bad that all I want in this game is to shoot at ships? I tag anything I see unless it's way stronger than me or a requin. I don't play games to care about money so why should my raiding adhere to the ideas in your passive aggressive post?

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Azenya said:

    Its so easy shooting suggestions down. So be constructive or gtfo!

    Yes it is easy to shoot down suggestions. I didn't come here to be a smartass but I truly find the rare and fantastic upgrade system objectionable. Some people think grinding bots for items is content, to me it is a puncture wound to the main artery.

    It's just my unpopular opinion.

    • Like 3
  3. 24 minutes ago, Slim McSauce said:

    while giving value back to overlooked oak wood that has no sort of bonus and has no niche.

    I actually use oak but then only to make disposable ships I know I'm going to lose. Oak has a HP bonus, dunno if we could call it niche.

    Anyway, I'm onboard with any idea that narrows the spread and dampens the fir/fir tackler with LO/WO tank in tow syndrome. I never liked that the rich, the powergamers and even the large clans have "easy" access to the best stuff while the poorfags suffer. It does not promote fighting and it does not help with retaining players. Let the dragons and orcs MMOs boil in that particular fat while we make a proper fighting game.

    • Like 1
  4. There was a tagging incident 20 minutes ago in OW.


    A req + niag tried to tag a herc. 240 BR trying to tag 170 BR and they got a "BR too high" error message.

    If this isn't a bug then what are we missing or what could have caused it?

  5. On 1/19/2019 at 6:55 AM, Admiral_Of_The_Fleet said:

    hang on are you referring to steam hours or ingame hours???

    in-game days.

    6 hours ago, Admiral_Of_The_Fleet said:

    only you know the real answer..

    This topic was a self-deprecating piece I posted because I'm a dirty PvE cheater.

    I know some guys have done this challenge properly in the past; Some dude I can't remember but maybe also @Chevalier du Ethuville?

    Go ahead and see how far you can go without docking up and don't mind idiots like me! :)

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