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Posts posted by jodgi

  1. 2 minutes ago, Archaos said:

    would you pay a sub to play NA?

    Sure, but it won't happen. Oh, if I had to sub and still would have to eco to get ships (like EVE?) I'm not sure I would be able to take the eco abuse.

    5 minutes ago, Archaos said:

    NA is not the sort of game that lends itself well to PvP on demand

    I disagree. I think NA first and foremost lends itself to PvP-on-demand. I view eco as a malicious growth on a beautiful thing ;)

  2. 21 minutes ago, Archaos said:

    tell me how many games are released now that are F2P P2W cash grabs that only last a year or two as compared to the nineties

    I have no idea as I never play bad games. I know of three longtime running sub games: WoW, EVE and Aces High, though I've steered well clear of the two first. I've never played any F2P games that are not still running year after year either. Then there's NA which I hold in highest regard over WoT and up there with Aces High (though WoT's pvp-on-demand-all-day-every-day is so alluring I still get tricked into bed).

  3. 2 minutes ago, Hullabaloo said:

    I am not sulking. I'm entitled to my opinion it is a forum.

    I'm entitled to an opinion of your opinion. I read a complaining and sulky tone in your post, it's hardly an insult.


    20 minutes ago, Hullabaloo said:

    Else I will have a few choice words about what I think of you.

    That's fine. You can yell at me in PM. Whenever you see a poster breaking the forum rules you can report the post, this also goes for me.

  4. 13 minutes ago, Hullabaloo said:

    I will relay that comment to the 5 committed and active players I played with for years who quit the game permanently immediately upon them being released.

    Yup, and I'll relay your sulking to the 10 players who started to throw themselves more into PvP with the DLCs.


    14 minutes ago, Hullabaloo said:

    they pay real money to get a lot of kills

    Umm... That's not what the numbers say, They got themselves killed and so provided content for others.


    16 minutes ago, Hullabaloo said:

    but paid for DLC should NEVER be the top predators

    They listened and it will be as you wish on this point.

  5. 40 minutes ago, qw569 said:

    I think if DLC ship will become more popular then craft will died.

    I'm absolutely sure DLC ships will become very popular, probably so popular it will even annoy me a little at times. But they will provide a lot of PvP and that trumps everything else, according to moi, of course ;).

    Even so, when I have enough doubs and CM to spend I will want to roll in ships that are objectively better than my DLCs. I will craft them myself because I can't stand trading for cash, but others will do that and spend cash on player-sold ships. DLC ships won't even kill off crafting for one of the most reluctant crafters (me) in the game. A lot of people will still craft-grind to get those coveted 5/5 ships, it is an annoying mechanic so I'm not applauding it, but it will keep many clicking those buttons.

    What we "lose" by getting DLC ships is the complete and absolute power eco/crafting could have over the player base. I appreciate the fact that hard-core eco guys would like such an EVE system over happy-go-lucky DLC PvP. We could put a spin on it and say it makes player choice between eco and PvP completely free. Everyone knows I've pushed against eco from the start, but it's not to spite eco fans; I don't have the time, like at all, nor the inclination to make it as an eco player, so DLC ships enable me to make it here despite the inherently boring eco part. People I respect suggest to me and others that we should set limited goals with what we hope to achieve in the game, but I don't play games in that manner.

    I can sympathize with the concern that it makes things easy for people who are willing to fork over cash. While I don't agree with the claim that DLCs are ship-power pay2win, I guess you could call it eco pay2win. Firstly, I don't have a single milligram of concern for the well-being of eco, but more importantly, every single game I've played that wasn't sub-based has offered an easier life in exchange for cash. It's just a way to keep the lights on, I'm not able to force my panties to bunch up over this.

    • Like 3
  6. 19 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    Oh and the reason folks don’t craft big ships to level up cause the cost of permits and doubloons.  Some one leveling up doesn’t have a big supplies of such to be using them to level up.  Those ships are almost made in house with clans or to order.

    I doubt I'll level up all the way. I don't need lineships and will lazily craftgrind cheap ships until I can craft Connie.

    I'll use premium ships a lot and craft ships only when I want to and not because I have to. It's great because I never could keep up the cash grind to buy ships from crafters, but if I craft and lose frigates I won't deplete my cash.

    Those interested in winning the war can help each other in-house with the last craft levels, much like you describe it is today. 

    • Like 2
  7. 3 minutes ago, manuva85 said:

    I can assure you that if devs decided to go only with costumables, paints,flags,titles and such types of premiums/dlc's i would buy as many as  i could, bcs that would mean i apreciate the devs.

    I'm just being practical about it. I saw the numbers for wargaming, they made peanuts off bling but sustainable cash off grind acceleration and premium tanks (also grind acceleration). I know Fortnite makes cash from bling, but what is their target audience?

    9 minutes ago, manuva85 said:

    shouldnt gaem provide me with it wihtout going through mind numbing grind?

    We should probably take the high road and remember that some people enjoy the eco thing ;)

    Eh, we probably won't see eye to eye on this Manny, but I still love you.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, admin said:

    We still need to pay for the game and servers

    Don't worry, even the holier-than-thou whiners know this.

    I have my sea legs on and am ready to weather this storm of hissy-fit-knee-jerk protests.

    Most of 'em will end up buying the ships and play them in order to get the required stuff to make or buy the better permit ships so they can dominate the DLCs.

    • Like 6
  9. 3 hours ago, Captain Reverse said:


    Thanks! I've seen that thread but completely forgotten about it.

    1 hour ago, HachiRoku said:

    You have trinco scared? Bastard!

    Shut up, kid! I may have her scarred but you keep sending perfectly fine ships to the bottom.

    • Like 3
  10. It would be cool to see the ships and paints in one place as it'll take me some time to click them all out. I'll start off:

    United States - Swiss guard


    United States - Sicily


    Trincomalee - Scarred


    • Like 2
  11. 24 minutes ago, Cetric de Cornusiac said:

    I understand you are no PvE Peace server player, so why bother about our affairs?

    You know what? I think I understand Peace players a lot better than most War players. You want to do eco, build stuff and grind bots without interference or losing stuff you don't intend to lose. It's very clear cut to me.

    War players are hard for me to understand. They want to do what you do with the added excitement of player interference. Most say they like the concept of loss but there are countless issues tied to people losing things. Ambivalent would be a euphemism, to me or looks more like a bipolar approach (the mind is made up but the emotions are opposed).

    I find it extremely interesting that you want voluntary PvP duels. You want PvP only when you decide to. I don't scoff at this, truly, most War guys are like this. I guess that with eco and loss you are denied PvP unless you subject yourself to risk (ganks, revenge ganks, griefing...)?

    I don't have a horse in this race as I'm not in the least interested in eco and loss. PvP is the only thing I want and I would opt out of eco, loss and the associated timidity at the drop of a hat.

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