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Posts posted by jodgi

  1. On 8/25/2019 at 4:23 PM, Atreides said:

    You have nothing of value to add to this and are simply taking the piss mate.  Knock it off and go post a funny meme mocking me for trying to help improve this game, not in the mood for your acerbic wit.


    Well, "nothing of value to add" except he's right. I applaud your effort, though.

    This sandbox MMO teaches that gear is king so hard that the timidity you wish to alleviate won't budge. 

  2. 10 hours ago, Macjimm said:

    When the violence and fighting is unending it starts to become uninteresting

    That's not it, Jim. It's the outplaying and winning or losing and learning that is the top level "Maslow's hierarchy of needs"-like stuff we want.

    It's not wrong of anyone to be content with lower level stuff, but Naval Action is in an exclusive club of games that can enable top level play.

    Asymmetric warfare completely cancels out the potential for players to reach top level just as chess wouldn't be chess if there was a minigame before placing the pieces where one could attain positional or numerical advantage.

    • Like 3
  3. 1 hour ago, Mascarino said:

    For those arena fans, there's already an arena in the game, it's called Patrol Zone. If there's little action there is because majority of players don't like arena style. 

    Well, I'm going to quote John Lennon for this:

    "Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see"

    • Like 1
  4. Ah, the motivation of us arena outcasts is unclear. I can only speak for the likes of Puchu, Doran, myself and presumably Hachi, but we're here bitching and moaning because we want to play the game. So, some highly motivated players are unable to climb the fence of... stuff in order to get to the fun part of the game.

    I don't expect anyone is shedding tears on our behalf because we're viewed upon as the enemy of your... stuff. No, the stuff is the very thing that will attract and retain players.

    We all like the raisin inside the bun, on that account we're all in happy, clappy agreement. Some gobble through the bun and savor the raisin. I choke on the bun, I've forced myself to eat so many dry and empty calory buns and the last buns I rammed down my throat despite already feeling queasy.

    I still like raisin, though... No I LOVE the raisins! I could eat nothing but raisins. I dream of raisins and have nightmares about buns.

    I'm deflated, despondent but mostly sad.


  5. 2 minutes ago, History said:

    Xp is not that bad you are right. It is extremely repetitive and boring however.

    I would like to see the numbers for "the best" PvP only grinder, by that I mean xp/time. Does such a player even exist?

    • Like 1
  6. On 6/28/2019 at 10:44 PM, van der Clam said:

    Your WoT stat indeed shows a downtrend, does it not?...
    ...BTW, which server is your WoT stat? US? EU? RU?

    It shows a downtrend and if you'd just said that I wouldn't have started typing. You also went on assuming to know what causes the trend, I can play that game too; It's arti and wheelies that are ruining the game :P. I pulled the EU stats so I wouldn't be accused of cooking the numbers ;) RU server is way, way bigger and the downtrend is much less pronounced.

    ech! Even with with this terrible downtrend the low threshold of free-to-play gave the "dying" EU server 50k new accounts this month. I wish we could try that, even in a possibly smaller scale, with NA arena.

    • Like 3
  7. 44 minutes ago, Vizzini said:

    did the combat zone bring swarms of players back to the game , pvp on demand ....

    Oh, the zones became a massive disappointment to those it was intended for. 

    As they are now I wouldn't even blink if they were deleted for the good of the sandbox.

    We tried to think up PvP-on-demand within the OW, but that discussion culminated in admin saying "gankers are players too". MMO sandbox stuff invariably shits on everything I might find fun.

    • Like 3
  8. On 6/26/2019 at 12:52 AM, admin said:

    Duel room can be a subscription feature. This will be a real litmus test on how many people REALLY want a duel room.

    With a price tag; not many. Many clan creators and officers would. I would too, but I would be acutely sensitive to the prescence of books, rare mods and port stuff. I don't think I'll ever be able to compete in that regard and that would almost make the room unusable to me.

    The game I truly enjoy has been kept from me for years, I'm highly motivated but with limits.

  9. Now, that was a cold shower! :(

    On 6/26/2019 at 12:52 AM, admin said:

    Arenas/MOBAs only survive if they get to top 1 or top 2 spot. Otherwise they die. If you have no players any arena dies. All mobas that did not get to pole position died. Unlike niche games it is a winner takes all concept.

    Though I still believe in NA as an arena concept it is true it's hard to keep the snowball snowballing. Any stalling may quickly result in a fatal crash. Armoured Warfare (while still "alive") sure does seem to struggle against the massive WoT and WarThunder. AW is the third copy of a concept specifically funded by mail.ru to get in on the cashgrab. NA arena (f2p) would be a unique and first-off thing with loads of ardent, almost militant, supporters already in the woodwork. Don't sell yourself too short!

    It irks me when you say "The arena has been tried, twice". I was around for both tries and the first one failed when "the community gods" went to OW and the rest just sat on their hands waiting to be admitted. The second try has been challenged enough and many times.

    I don't know much of the cost involved in releasing a free-to-play arena game on Steam, but I'd be willing to put money on a profit margin even for a "failed attempt".

    I also don't know much about player retention numbers. You mention the 2017 count of 120.000 buyers, let's go with that and pretend that is the current individual owners corrected for alts. Maybe 1% concurrent players retention is good for a buy-outright game? With f2p NA arena you would tap into the 99% for a few % points plus low threshold for new blood for additional % points, we don't even have to wish for the moon in order to have sustainable numbers.

    Imagine being able to sell premium time all the time... Imagine being able to sell (sensible) premium ships without incurring the wrath of players...

    While you may have gotten the blues about NA arena this is the response I get when I promote NA OW elsewhere:


    loved the sailing test when it was going, never really got into the open world stuff. Always wanted them to just make a WoWs style game like the testing was


    • Like 2
  10. On 5/13/2019 at 11:09 PM, Liberalism said:

    Economy based game. We all know that harsh and realistic economy is what everyone desires. Nelson didn't build HMS Victory alone and in one day.

    Aww... I wish I could come up with satire like that. 

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