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Sir Cloudsley-Shovell

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Everything posted by Sir Cloudsley-Shovell

  1. I would guess they were used as Training Ships before the Training was shore based.
  2. Handed out to US navy personel when going ashore in Gibraltar.
  3. ts all a bit back to front. I current am a Lt Cdr sailing a Suprise.I have more XP to progress to the next rank.So i now need to drop to a Cerb and get 10 Kills!I killed a Frigate with my Suprise and feel that should count as an Honour Kill and not get discounted as its not the Cerb!
  4. 1664 – The Duke of York and Albany's Maritime Regiment of Foot, later to be known as the Royal Marines, is established.
  5. 1747 – British fleet under Admiral Sir Edward Hawke defeats the French at the Second Battle of Cape Finisterre.
  6. I had 3 Privateer ones untill yesterday!
  7. A short film about the Painting https://www.facebook.com/168937285403/videos/10153085163925404/?fref=nf
  8. UK 1859 hrs still happening Login failed 7 times,VERY slow to load screens in port.Sometimes getting the missing ship and a ping of zero.WHEN i can get in all seems fine untill i go into port and we are back to stage one again!
  9. 1710 – Port Royal, the capital of French Acadia, falls in a siege by British forces.
  10. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-berkshire-34503044
  11. 1748 – British and Spanish naval forces engage at the Battle of Havana during the War of Jenkins' Ear.
  12. 1797 – Battle of Camperdown: Naval battle between Royal Navy and Royal Netherlands Navy during the French Revolutionary Wars. The outcome of the battle was a decisive British victory.
  13. Seems i am Famous!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ykl2RleVTy8
  14. 1338 – The Battle of Arnemuiden was the first naval battle of the Hundred Years' War and the first naval battle using artillery, as the English ship Christofer had three cannon and one hand gun.
  15. I am only posting such things so we can have such discussions as yours.I get them form Wiki so its not my fault.
  16. 1799 – The entire Dutch fleet is captured by British forces under the command of Sir Ralph Abercromby and Admiral Sir Charles Mitchell during the War of the Second Coalition.
  17. 1838 – The Wilkes Expedition, which would explore the Puget Sound and Antarctica, weighs anchor at Hampton Roads.
  18. No,i am 55 years old and i havent really caught up with technology.
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