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Map location indicator needed. Realism

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It's close, possibly close enough for most of our purposes. Mariners should exercise caution though.

When openseamaps made the surveys on which their maps are based, the world was round. It's flat now, and some of the landmasses have since moved.


Thats why i like it,its not going to be 100% accurate and thus includes that wee bit of uncertainty on Voyages over long Distances.

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Agreed that these tools are obvious by their omission in the game itself. Just about everyone notices that right away, judging by the number of duplicate threads here alone.

One advantage of the external maps and tools is that you can have them open on a 2nd screen, so there no time consumed. Also, depending on your choice, they could have more annotation features than an in-game one is likely to have.

Though if the difference between pressing "M" versus Alt+Tab is important to you I must admire and envy your productivity! :-)

Because there is no reasons such tools shouldn't or can't exist in game.

Only reason not to allow them in game is so those few that do know and use 3ed party sites to navigate can have an advantage over those that don't.

Going to a third-party site or having a second monitor isn't hardcore. It's time consumming and gives advantage to those that do.

Edited by Sylven1
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Because there is no reasons such tools shouldn't or can't exist in game.

Only reason not to allow them in game is so those few that do know and use 3ed party sites to navigate can have an advantage over those that don't.

Going to a third-party site or having a second monitor isn't hardcore. It's time consumming and gives advantage to those that do.

Your first point: True, some equivalent tools could and maybe should be in game.

I've tried to start the discussion about what we players would like to see, but people are so fixated on GPS the exist/not exist/in game/external issue that we can have a more useful discussion.

Your second point: The only "disallow" I've heard is about precise GPS location and the overwhelming consensus is "no". Perhaps the constant reminders about the existance of external aids are misunderstood as arguments to never put them in the game? If so, that's not what's intended, I am sure. See my rant thread.

This is the second time you included the statement about "hardcore"-- Has anyone said or implied "to qualify as a real player you must use eternal nav tools"?? That must be another misunderstanding.

As for things being an advantage only to for those who know about them... Have I not done enough to get the word out to players by posting on every new thread here, making a page on the NA wiki, and then being pleased when the Google analytics numbers go higher?

I am not holding the tools we've built as an advantage for the few, and neither are the other guys who put hundreds of hours into them. We're filling a need and helping out, just like the people who make gaming mice, headsets, video tutorials, etc.

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Makes no sense not to have an option for a locator.



This is a horrible idea. Part of the fun is learning to navigate while at sea. It really isn't that hard and it makes the game way better than some childish "You are Here" sign.....I hope they don't put this in the game it will really hurt open world sailing. And for the record it makes A LOT of sense when you consider that as authentic as this game is appearing and replicating putting that in would be leaps in the other direction.

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Your first point: True, some equivalent tools could and maybe should be in game.

I've tried to start the discussion about what we players would like to see, but people are so fixated on GPS the exist/not exist/in game/external issue that we can have a more useful discussion.

Your second point: The only "disallow" I've heard is about precise GPS location and the overwhelming consensus is "no". Perhaps the constant reminders about the existance of external aids are misunderstood as arguments to never put them in the game? If so, that's not what's intended, I am sure. See my rant thread.

This is the second time you included the statement about "hardcore"-- Has anyone said or implied "to qualify as a real player you must use eternal nav tools"?? That must be another misunderstanding.

As for things being an advantage only to for those who know about them... Have I not done enough to get the word out to players by posting on every new thread here, making a page on the NA wiki, and then being pleased when the Google analytics numbers go higher?

I am not holding the tools we've built as an advantage for the few, and neither are the other guys who put hundreds of hours into them. We're filling a need and helping out, just like the people who make gaming mice, headsets, video tutorials, etc.

First, I do not want some sort of GPS like tracking device. I keep thinking more like the Silent Hunter III where you could use the map in game to point at with you finger if you could figure the math and what not to say "I think I'm here". Not a minigame where a few buttons pressed at the right time and BAMO exact location is known on the map.

Second, yes this game has a good and helpful community if people ask. If they don't ask any knowledge they don't have that someone else does have is an advantage. I understand this game is in EA, and I suspect when released it will have better tools and instructions.

And to reiterate, I do NOT want a GPS tracking device, just the tools that would of been used in that time to assist with dead reckoning navigation.

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After playing awhile now, I don't think any tools for navigating on the map in-game are necessary. Only thing I'd like is a bearing/heading to the compass. Perhaps an angle to the wind on the compass too.


Last night (when I realized I was likely significantly off course after running from a player) I suddenly realized how bored I would be sailing over long distances without having to consult my physical map. Granted I did quasi cheat, because it has a grid system based on the F11 trick. If they ever get rid of it, the only thing I would like to see is a way to find your coordinates at 12:00 or something of that nature. 

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Someone made a suggestion in game the other day, buggered if I remember their name, but it was that you should give people the option to get a rough location marker placed on the map at their current location, but to do so, they need to sit still in sea for 2 minutes, de-powered, while it is "plotted", similar to how your teleport works.

Edited by Tindahbawx
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Someone made a suggestion in game the other day, buggered if I remember their name, but it was that you should give people the option to get a rough location marker placed on the map at their current location, but to do so, they need to sit still in sea for 2 minutes, de-powered, while it is "plotted", similar to how your teleport works.


I know I posted that idea some where else on the forums, but I use TS and disdain in game chat for the most part.


Having played enough in the rain, I now this that the accuracy of that plot should partly be based on the weather conditions.  If it's clear skies and you can find the sun/stars it should be easier to get a better idea of where you are.



I still think that a map point should be available until level 3, only because of the steepness of this games learning curve for starting people.  Being lost on your first couple of days is not really fun, but after you have some of the basics down it can be ... entertaining.

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Last night (when I realized I was likely significantly off course after running from a player) I suddenly realized how bored I would be sailing over long distances without having to consult my physical map. Granted I did quasi cheat, because it has a grid system based on the F11 trick. If they ever get rid of it, the only thing I would like to see is a way to find your coordinates at 12:00 or something of that nature. 

Seriously? :huh: 

If you had a battle, or ran from someone on OW, then you should at least have an idea of a general direction to go if lost.

Let's say your were off Charleston playing as USA. Um, if lost, all you have to do is head west. 

I really don't see the need for a map indicator.

If people want to "cheat" and use external websites, fine. Doesn't bother me one bit. Do it.

Unless you were randomly teleported to somewhere on the map, coordinates is not important either.

Still, I was teleported to somewhere off Costa Rica playing out of Charleston from a bug. I still found my way around.

I asked in Help if there was a map indicator and someone said no. 

Then I realized how much fun just sailing around can be in this game!

I actually had to think and observe things in game.

Imagine that?

Edited by Admiral 8Q
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Let's go off course a little. I wish to complain about the map itself. I like the color blue but not for the whole map. Kind of un-inspiring really. Rather dull. The other thing that I don't like is that when one zooms in on the BLUE MAP and closes it, on screen you're presented with a great view of the fore stay. A wee bit annoying. 


Jimmy Buffett said something like this...Even the best navigators, when they get where they're going still don't know where the hell they are.

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Seriously? :huh: 

If you had a battle, or ran from someone on OW, then you should at least have an idea of a general direction to go if lost.

Let's say your were off Charleston playing as USA. Um, if lost, all you have to do is head west. 

I really don't see the need for a map indicator.

If people want to "cheat" and use external websites, fine. Doesn't bother me one bit. Do it.

Unless you were randomly teleported to somewhere on the map, coordinates is not important either.

Still, I was teleported to somewhere off Costa Rica playing out of Charleston from a bug. I still found my way around.

I asked in Help if there was a map indicator and someone said no. 

Then I realized how much fun just sailing around can be in this game!

I actually had to think and observe things in game.

Imagine that?


Did not mean to make it sound dire, and was actually complementing the current system. It was a sudden and long chase while heading over a large area of open water and trying to rendezvous with some friends in a timely matter, didn't want the Admiral crawling down my throat.  ;)


And that was the only time I had any trouble navigating, wasn't necessarily lost as I knew the general direction of the rendezvous. 

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I am amazed this thread is still going. Now that I have played for a few weeks I find I really just don't need a map or navigational aid. After awhile you just know where you are more often than not. On the rare occasion I end up way off shore the sun in game still goes east to west and the star pattern at night is also constant. So even when lost, finding a basic compass heading is just not that hard.

I am not in favor of the F11 cords but I could live with it if they left them in.

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