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Help me pick a nation

Anne Wildcat

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Hello, I'm from the U.S. and am extremely excited about logging in on the 19th. I was planning on creating 2 characters, 1 pirate, 1 national not to X-team but to get a taste in both. However, it appears, there will be a 1 char limit. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/8357-player-characters-limitations-vote/

So, I need the community help to help me pick a nation.

My interests, not in any particular order




and just map exploring

The times I play most will be

M-F mornings, Central Time, and Saturday & Sunday evenings

Languages spoken: English only

Nation must have a TeamSpeak channel.

I was thinking US or Spain but US starts so far from everything and with only speaking English, Spain may not be the best.

What are your thoughts?

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As anneiedu said you should consider all nations, not only pirates or US nations.

In any case you may pick a nation for stating instead of pirates. they are far more difficults at the begining. You will be able to swicht pirates after if you want.

Even if some nation chat will have some national languague in, you may find english speaking clan and teamspeak for your nation.

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I have heard this a few times, 'US is so far away '.   However there are many US ports and free towns in the game that are further into the main areas and you will find US players on many other nations and pirates.  My first reaction to your question was this,  get a team together and take a port that you want, the US need not feel its too far out, just seize an area on the map for yourselves and put in outposts.  Second reaction was, if your uncertain, then join the Pirates.

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Not played as any other nation, but pre-wipe GB had a huge player base, and SLRN has separate fleets for each side of the pond. The territories taken will reset along with the wipe of course though, so assuming the capitals haven't moved, GB is Jamaica based, and you can surely guess where the US is based. Swings and roundabouts.

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