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How will exploration work?

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I believe that exploration should definitely be inplemented into the game. It could start out by being accessed in the "missions" tab.


The mission being to simply sail to a remote port that is, on average, a four to five days sailing distance from the starting port where the mission was accepted. The player receives a small monetary and xp reward for finding and entering that remote port.


If the mission requires the purchase and delivery of specific goods that are produced from this remote port, then the monetary and xp reward for the explorer is greater.


Also, if the remote port is an island port - farther and more isolated from larger land masses, thus making it more difficult to find - then the reward and xp to the explorer should also be greater.


This would seem to be an easy, first step, in having some kind of exploration option implemented into the game.

That does sound interesting but they would have to add the mechanic of being able to enter enemy ports just for these missions, I believe.

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All parts of the game should work together otherwise they become a waste of resources.

Exploration must support conquest and crafting. Same can be said about fishing or flora and fauna exploration expeditions.

Exploration missions to take soundings in ports--->producing of maps as as a commodity----->maps become invaluable in conquest by showing detailed hydrography

This is an an example of PvE leading to great PvP

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  • 1 month later...

If the exploration go for real I would like it to be rewarding you some upgrades at for example sailing or some very rare ressources which uncover new upgrades maybe to just unlock once like new sightings for gunns which enhance precision of guns... or the ability to cancel the lighting of the ship as by experience of sailing to foreign places you learn it's a good way at night to get safe passage.

these upgrades qhould be rewarding you and if you're part of a clan it'll extend to them as a clan sharing but as soon as someone quit the clan they will loose the ability and if you quit the clan your clan will loose the ability as you are the guardien of this knowledge.

We could gain weather knowledge to predict weather catastrophies or natural disaster like hurricanes near a port which will lead to dommage to all ships and constructions making conquest easier as for a volcanic eruption in some islands...

from animals, plants behaviour or other analysis and physics

maybe have specialisation for exemple

  • botanics will enhance the working of wood and hemp... and you will have better sails and surdier ships or faster
  • aerodynamics could enhance the placement of sails by crew and have more speed
  • astronomy/cartography for indication of your position and more precise maps even port maps for port battle strategies
  • medicine would be able to heal your crew (you could have injuried crew that could go back to battle after a certain time or die if not well healed) or to boost them (crew under good care wouldn't have common sailor illnesses like typhus... and they could even be more aware with taking some drugs like tobaco or cocaïne as it was allowed at this time)
  • there is a lot more to imagine
Edited by Galaksee
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If the exploration go for real I would like it to be rewarding you some upgrades at for example sailing or some very rare ressources which uncover new upgrades maybe to just unlock once like new sightings for gunns which enhance precision of guns... or the ability to cancel the lighting of the ship as by experience of sailing to foreign places you learn it's a good way at night to get safe passage.

these upgrades qhould be rewarding you and if you're part of a clan it'll extend to them as a clan sharing but as soon as someone quit the clan they will loose the ability and if you quit the clan your clan will loose the ability as you are the guardien of this knowledge.

We could gain weather knowledge to predict weather catastrophies or natural disaster like hurricanes near a port which will lead to dommage to all ships and constructions making conquest easier as for a volcanic eruption in some islands...

from animals, plants behaviour or other analysis and physics

maybe have specialisation for exemple

  • botanics will enhance the working of wood and hemp... and you will have better sails and surdier ships or faster
  • aerodynamics could enhance the placement of sails by crew and have more speed
  • astronomy/cartography for indication of your position and more precise maps even port maps for port battle strategies
  • there is a lot more to imagine



Exploration in NA ?

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