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How do I get to be a part of the testing?

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Is it multiplayer only right now or do they have a free sail option?  Sorry just joined very interested in this game I do know its main goal is multiplayer but its always worth testing stuff in a free roam mode too unless they are past that stage already. 


I am also interested in testing as well.

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My only advice is be active on the forums. Being a tester is not the same as playing a game in your own time. (Other testers will agree.) The Developers are looking for dedicated individuals willing to take the time to provide as much feedback on the different stages of the game as is necessary. If you are still interested in becoming a tester, a good place to start proving yourself to the Developers is to be an active and positive part of the online community here on the forums. Asking questions and discussing different opinions and ideas with others is a great place to start. When the Developers decide to bring more testers aboard, you will have a much better chance at being picked as an active member than the many hundreds of accounts with little to no activity on the forums. Hope this helps!



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I think we've to keep in mind that we're dealing here with a russian company which means that their development process is probably also in russian? I would imagine that communication between devs and testers in russian would be a whole lot faster not to mention ingame language and gui but who knows maybe I'm totally wrong  ;)

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Since testing (and eventually playing) this beauty of a game is my intention I thought I could say "hello" to all seeking adventure on the high seas! I'm very glad our support helped Naval Action to get through Green Light on Steam and that things seem to be going in the right direction. It's great to be a part of something that hasn't got Captain Jack Sparrow everywhere (with all do respect to Jack ;) ). A sim worth fighting for, a game worth waiting for, a title worth paying for..


All the best to Naval Action Team and their supporters!

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welcome aboard Belphe!


if you can not wait long feel free to study the forums there is alot information there and the forum is generaly the most polite i have seen sofar.

this will shorten the time until early acces on steam

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Since its a small scale test They would want people who will actually give them feedback. So show you will and they might pick you. If you get a test copy of the game and you dont give feedback then there was really no point in giving you a test copy.

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i actually think they are looked for people who know some stuff about sailing, who can name a specific sail in a rigging out of their sleep thats why the tester number is/was? so low.

personally as much i like testing it i would proberly not be able to giv accurate feedback.

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i would love to be a test for a game like this,


i've been a huge fan of the D.E.I.C Era in dutch we call it the ( V.O.C ) 

this party of the history has a huge impact on me because the ships that are made back then to me are a special crafting , and when i saw this game

i got instantly excited , i ve been watching the forum for a while now , and to me this game looks like i'm going to play a lot when it comes out.

brilliantly done!





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