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NAR BETA 3 "Major Powers update" for UAD opt x3

o Barão

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Posted (edited)
28 minutes ago, Fangoriously said:

Of course its from NAR, just with 'shiptypes' tweaked, I wouldn't be bothering you about it if it was from some wholly other mod! See for yourself in a ~1910 custom battle, the heavy cruiser

But that is the problem. I don't have 12" or higher guns set for any cruiser line in game. By doing this, you are forcing the game engine to read the default gun table.

28 minutes ago, Fangoriously said:

will be using non Japanese turret models, at least in the mk1-3 range, I'm only at 1909 in my campaign so far.

Here I give you reason. The problem is not the gun model, but the order they are showing up. It should be inverted for the cruiser line. mk2«»mk3


28 minutes ago, Fangoriously said:


If i want to engage in battle with any force strength vs any force strength, i have to chase them for 5 minutes before I see them, their behavior is exactly what your own ships would do if you selected the retreat command. I'll see about getting pictures of stern chases.


I need screenshots to know what are both fleets compositions and if there were losses already. You saying that this is happening without me knowing what in details is not helping me.


As an example. In my current 1899, Spanish campaign, I had around 7 battles and the AI fought all of them. A complete different experience from what you are saying.

In one battle, I manage to force the AI to retreat from battle after it lost all capital ships. A reasonable decision.

In another battle, the AI created a beautiful powerful battle line, but failed to chase me and I manage to sink one BB in a TB run before I retreated from battle.


But if you don't want to see the AI doing human things, but fighting until all are dead, all the time. Open the "params" file.

general_retreat_threshold,0.5,ratio of own fleet's power to enemy to start general fleet retreat (keep lower than battle_avoid_threshold),0.5,,,,,,
division_retreat_threshold,0.5,threshold to start division retreat for division's estimated damage (average median),0.3,,,,,,

set both values to "0". Problem solved.

Edited by o Barão
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38 minutes ago, o Barão said:

But that is the problem. I don't have 12" or higher guns set for any cruiser line in game. By doing this, you are forcing the game engine to read the default gun table.

1910 custom battle with unadjusted NAR. ?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Lett

The mk3 in this case 9in-11in are not using the same Japanese specific turrets as the capital ships would. I kept adjusting the years up and the MK4 turrets were Japanese specific though.


1925 custom battle with unadjusted NAR. All guns mk4, Japanese specific turrets like i would expect.

1 hour ago, o Barão said:

Here I give you reason. The problem is not the gun model, but the order they are showing up. It should be inverted for the cruiser line. mk2«»mk3

I'm not quite sure what you mean here, but I also went through and checked every other faction's capital ships and cruiser main guns throughout the years, and without fail the cruisers and capitals had the same 9in-11in turret models, its only the Japanese right now that there is an issue that i could tell.


Then i put my adjusted version of the mod back on, and from 12in-14in the main guns were consistent between cruisers and capitals on the other factions, somehow. I'd been running that change for a wile now and never ran into defaulted generic gun models before.


1 hour ago, o Barão said:

I need screenshots to know what are both fleets compositions and if there were losses already. You saying that this is happening without me knowing what in details is not helping me.


As an example. In my current 1899, Spanish campaign, I had around 7 battles and the AI fought all of them. A complete different experience from what you are saying.

In one battle, I manage to force the AI to retreat from battle after it lost all capital ships. A reasonable decision.

In another battle, the AI created a beautiful powerful battle line, but failed to chase me and I manage to sink one BB in a TB run before I retreated from battle.


But if you don't want to see the AI doing human things, but fighting until all are dead, all the time. Open the "params" file.

general_retreat_threshold,0.5,ratio of own fleet's power to enemy to start general fleet retreat (keep lower than battle_avoid_threshold),0.5,,,,,,
division_retreat_threshold,0.5,threshold to start division retreat for division's estimated damage (average median),0.3,,,,,,

set both values to "0". Problem solved.

I did a bit more thinking about it, and for the first 5 years or so of the 1900 campaign the enemy would show up to the fight for the most part, it might have been when I did my first major refits that it changed to always running. Going from coal and triple expansion to semi oil and turbines, mk3 guns, using all that freed up extra tonnage to crank up the speed 3 knots and put fore/aft 14.6in guns on that semi dreadnaught, up from an all 9.8in main battery, that's when the AI just started autorunning, their ships mostly 1900 designs. But, even their newer designs on newer hulls run as well, their newly unlocked dreadnaughts.

I might go in and adjust that 'parms' file a bit, maybe just down to .4 to start, see if at least the enemy new designs get a bit braver.

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33 minutes ago, Fangoriously said:

I did a bit more thinking about it, and for the first 5 years or so of the 1900 campaign the enemy would show up to the fight for the most part, it might have been when I did my first major refits that it changed to always running. Going from coal and triple expansion to semi oil and turbines, mk3 guns, using all that freed up extra tonnage to crank up the speed 3 knots and put fore/aft 14.6in guns on that semi dreadnaught, up from an all 9.8in main battery, that's when the AI just started autorunning, their ships mostly 1900 designs. But, even their newer designs on newer hulls run as well, their newly unlocked dreadnaughts.

I might go in and adjust that 'parms' file a bit, maybe just down to .4 to start, see if at least the enemy new designs get a bit braver.

I just had my glorious defeat ever in UAD, and all started because the AI was smarter to not fight me.


I clear had the advantage here. So the AI did the reasonable thing to do and run away and live to fight another day.


The next month they returned, but now with more 3 BB and 1 CA.


The AI rushed to get close to me and form battle lines. They had the speed advantage and, worst, the British CLs had better torpedoes.


After I lost a CA and a CL, i had to call my TBs to do a suicide run to win some time for my capital ships to runaway.


BB Santa Teresa eat some torpedoes in the beginning and had the speed crippled for almost the entire battle. She would eventually be hit by more torpedoes by ships rushing her position in close quarters fight and would sink later. Only the "Pelayo" is still alive.


A British CL sense blood in the water and gets close enough to give the mortal blow. Thankfully, in the last minute, my gunners managed to sink her before she was able to launch any torpedo. The entire British fleet is faster and getting closer and closer.


Sadly, the AI in the end gave up on me and let me run away. Almost the perfect battle for the AI.


And this defeat was only possible, because the AI decided to not fight me in the previous month. Now I am struggling to win this war, and the British are building many more ships. In a few months it is going to be hell for me. Better to ask for a peace agreement.

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Afraid i don't have as exciting a tale.


a tank of a CA with more than double the displacement of my 2 ASW escort cruisers


he's surly coming right at me, id have no defense against it's 8 and 9 in guns


hmm, maybe not, must have just started really far away


back from the bathroom break, no contact yet


at last, my ~5knot speed advantage pays off!


as i feared, a stern chase all along


Also as i feared, my guns are all but harmless to it, if i can land a hit at all. With the terrible stability of this hull having a awful -27.4 stability and towers score, it could never win a gun fight with peer.


Seeing as all i can do is get flooded badly by every hit i take, i do the only smart thing and disengage. The enemy doesn't chase me down to finish me off as i limp away, its still to terrified of me to do anything but continue to disengage.

sorry, my story kind of sucked, i liked yours a lot better.

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@Fangoriously you wrote all that report because one CA was running away from 2 CLs armed with torpedoes rushing her in bad weather for a torpedo run? ok.


If you see 2 CA running away from your only CL, that would be interesting for me.

That is why I am asking for screenshots all the time.

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I got this idea what I think would be nice addition to the game if possible: In real life ships hull speed, which the game seems to refer as "Max. optimal speed", is heavily dependant of ships length to beam ratio. Would it be possible to make it so that the ships, width slider had effect on this "Max. optimal speed" parameter? Ofcourse, this wouldn't take into account the ships actual length, but I think it would still be an upgrade over vanilla.


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4 minutes ago, HMS Implosive said:

I got this idea what I think would be nice addition to the game if possible: In real life ships hull speed, which the game seems to refer as "Max. optimal speed", is heavily dependant of ships length to beam ratio. Would it be possible to make it so that the ships, width slider had effect on this "Max. optimal speed" parameter? Ofcourse, this wouldn't take into account the ships actual length, but I think it would still be an upgrade over vanilla.


Not possible. It is an individual value per hull.

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Posted (edited)

BETA v8.0.2 - "Battle stations update" - N.A.R. changelog:

  • Updated to UAD Opt x 4


Changes to guns:

  • A-H capital guns replaced by another model that resembles the one used in the Viribius Unitis.
  • Because of this, many Chinese guns were replaced by others from Spain. Since this two nations late guns are mostly fantasy, it is not a problem if they share many guns models, but there are still some differences in early years.
  • Japan early cruiser and BB guns were standardized. Models were changed to reflect more accurately what they were using in that time period.
  • Spanish 4" and 5", single barrel, mk1/2 and 3 had the size changed. It is smaller now and should look better.


Changes to the battlefield.

  • Decrease the initial distances between the fleets. If the fleets are spawning too close to each other, please report to me. I am really interested to know what it is happening around 1940.
  • Changes made to the AI to feel more confident in attacking.
  • Changed the autoresolve parameters to be only about firepower and nothing more. *Needs testing.


Changes to ship movement.

  • Nerfed the acceleration and deceleration modifier. The ships should have a more natural movement and should avoid the players exploiting the game by going from flank speed to "0" in a few seconds for avoiding torpedoes like they are braking with a car in the road. This is unrealistic and it needs to be removed.
  • Nerfed a little the ship turning rotation speed to help the ships not wobbling so much.*Being tested.


Changes to the tech tree.

  • Possible fix for the late tech missing from the campaign. This was suggested by @brothermunro so if it works don't forget to say thanks to him. Needs a new campaign.
  • Changed the "flags communication" in the tech tree, by the "light lamp". Makes much more sense now. The "English" file needs to be updated because of this.



Changes to the campaign.

  • Lowered the crew training cost in 30%
  • Lowered the GDP penalty by 25% for losing transports.
  • Multiplied by x10!!! the tension raised by enemies from my allies to see if I can make the dumb allies to do something instead of just sitting there and watching the world on fire without doing nothing. 😒



I don't know when I am going to update the mod again, so to avoid any issues, block the auto updates from steam:

  • Set game to update when start game. Do this in game setting(properties)-> update.
  • Don't start game by steam or steam shortcut. Make a shortcut on desktop form a main game .exe like "x:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts\Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts.exe"
  • Start a game from this shortcut. Game will run without update.
Edited by o Barão
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  • o Barão changed the title to "Naval Arms Race" mod overhaul. BETA v8.0.2 "Battle Stations update" - for UAD v1.5.0.6 Optx4
16 hours ago, o Barão said:

Decrease the initial distances between the fleets. If the fleets are spawning too close to each other, please report to me. I am really interested to know what it is happening around 1940.

This only work for campaign battles if I didn't mistaken?

The Battle stations update is really great, thanks for your great work!


And may I ask that if there's anyway to edit the AI aim chossing? For I seen most about this part in params had notes that they were not used anymore. Always seen AI rather to shoot a light armor target far away than a heavy armor target at their faces(and prefer shoot a damaged target far away than a healthy target at close). I thought this is almost the worst part of the game experiences at now.


Edited by Azerostar
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i wonder how many battlships i'll lose if i hit auto resolve...


Hey! Very reasonable result for once.


I also fought a similar battle, though the French had about double the numbers in the picture. Understandably they ran, but once my faster cruisers caught up, ships would turn and fight once forced, more reasonable behavior.

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The initial distances are only for the campaign.

Sadly, as you said, many important accuracy modifiers are not used anymore.

danger_low_threshold,1.00E-37,minimal threshold to promote shooting not-dangerous targets NOT USED,0.1,,,,,,
new_aim_threshold,5.00E-36,relative threshold to change to better target NOT USED,0.5,,,,,,


@Fangoriously I hope to see more reasonable results now.🙏


Note for all players:

I started a campaign with Germany in 1930. I want to see how badly was my hammer nerf to subs. Months ago I balance them based on player feedback, and after that no one complained about them anymore. I suspect they are incredibly weak now, so I want to see with my own eyes what it is happening. 🤔


"Light lamp", will be "Signal lamp", in the next version.

I reverted my changes to crew cost, because with Germany in 1930 I am already swimming in money.

I already found a good distance for late year battles. In 1930 is around 25km. I suspect it can be around 30km for 1940. Report to me if battles around 1890-1900 start with the fleets too close to each other.

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Next version preview.


  • Badly damaged AI divisions will try to disengage from battle. Battle AI logic improvement.
  • Province defense bonus for many provinces rebalanced. Some are too high in vanilla game. Locations with extreme weather or geographic conditions that favor the defense or guerrilla warfare will get a bonus (harsh winters, jungle, desert, mountains). This should help major nations to expand in many situations.
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Next version preview.

Small improvement to make it a little easier to place torpedo launchers in some places. Without exaggerations.


2x2 21" can fit here.


3x2 21" can't fit here.


3x3 18" can fit here.


This helps both the player and the AI to place torpedoes where it is not possible atm. But again without any crazy stuff. Reasonable designs. If you want to place bigger torpedoes, consider increasing the ship beam or have enough space away from towers, barbettes or another guns to be able to use them.

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hey does anyone know how to make a shortcut of the game without steam in the game files? So the game doesn't update and get rid of the mod cause I've been trying to make a shortcut but it won't work? 

Any help appreciated.

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47 minutes ago, fiercefirega said:

hey does anyone know how to make a shortcut of the game without steam in the game files? So the game doesn't update and get rid of the mod cause I've been trying to make a shortcut but it won't work? 

Any help appreciated.

go to your game folder : steam\steamapps\common\Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts
right click Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts.exe -> send to -> desktop (create shortcut)

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46 minutes ago, MDHansen said:

go to your game folder : steam\steamapps\common\Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts
right click Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts.exe -> send to -> desktop (create shortcut)

Thank you for the help!

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17 minutes ago, spinaker said:

The campaign of the 1900s, very often fleets appear 6-7 km from each other. The distance should be slightly increased, in my opinion.

7 from the nearest ship or 7 km from the main divisions?

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14 minutes ago, o Barão said:

в 7 км от ближайшего корабля или в 7 км от основных подразделений?

It was a convoy protection mission. My BB was guarding, the enemy - 2 CA, 3DD, were 7 km from BB.

Now it's 1903 and fleets often appear in line of sight.

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Has anyone noticed that ships under the scout and screen now just rush to the enemy fleet with no second thought? because I remember back in 1.4 that they would stay super far away not rush to the enemy fleet and get torpedoed to hell.



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