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basedana last won the day on February 11

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  1. I mean, it still doesn't say it would be heavier, it says it would be more expensive which it is, so I don't see why not add the same -10% boiler weight to both Oil 2 and Oil 3 since boilers should be lighter due to lighter and more efficient fuel being used.
  2. To follow up. Apparently both Oil 2 and Oil 3 are missing the -10% boiler weight stat, which may actually make them heavier in some hulls.
  3. I wonder if there's a way to design transports, and the cost of said ship would translate to the transport slider
  4. No not really, I always assumed that HE shells should explode when hitting a hard surface AKA the hull of a merchant ship, specially if that shell is on the less pen more damage side of things. Also I find it annoying that high capacity shells overpen merchants.
  5. I firmly believe that HE shells should be unable to overpen, specially high capacity and incendiary. I hate when a BB shoots a merchant with an HE (that HE is HC) and then overpens.
  6. Does anyone have a way to play Spain in legendary, because I have restarted about 5 times, the furthest I got was 1935 but my saved crashed. Spain is the most rage inducing, aneurism giving nation, because you have no shipyard capacity and your economy is so trash that you can't get a sizeable fleet with decent ships because you go broke. God Spain really is Spain without the S.
  7. Has anyone noticed that ships under the scout and screen now just rush to the enemy fleet with no second thought? because I remember back in 1.4 that they would stay super far away not rush to the enemy fleet and get torpedoed to hell.
  8. Also, if one were to use the prestige points to persuade the general to either start or stop an attack on a province
  9. good work, but I wonder if there will be fixes to land combat mechanics and AI, because right now it desperately needs some fixes.
  10. imagine if one was able to play minors
  11. Here's something that needs fixing: When the player or the AI does bombardment damage, and then the player reloads the map, like when opening the game, exiting a battle or exiting the designer, the damage done will be magically fixed to the maximum. This cannot be intentional, because it defeats the purpose of strike missions. Also land combat needs fixing, because encircled provinces should not get new troops and troops should not be at full force if they are attacked from multiple fronts.
  12. I can't delete, so disregard this message, because the mod got canceled because of some update and I didn't notice until I double checked. Sorry.
  13. but tbh, forcing missions should be a think because you ships being basically inside the enemy port and doing nothing is stupid, EVEN WITH INVADE ON.
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