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How do you even generate battles in the New Campaign?


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I'm playing Italy and I just cannot get any battles to start. I've tried Task Forces. Sea Control in port, Nothing I do generates any battles. I'm currently at august 1910 in a 1900 campaign and I've only had one battle. wtf do I have to do to get battles to happen. 

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(This is just a bug report, I hope the information proves useful.)

I am experiencing something similar in my Italian 1890 campaign. I was blockaded pretty much from the start. I immediately gathered my BBs to try and challenge the 15 CAs the AI had had in his southernmost port. I tried sea control, invade... but no encounters were generated. The AI could keep me blockaded by sitting in port and sniping my transports.

Setting 2 fleets to protect (covering the entirety of the Adriatic Sea) seemed to improve my transport situation somewhat, and then something broke the blockade. Could've been protect, could've been my shipbuilding efforts, I cannot say.

So, purely for testing purposes, I set all my budget options to 100% and went down the Hull Strengthening research tree, heading towards the first Dreadnought hull. My economy held up nicely, Austrian transports started to get sniped occasionally instead of mine. The VP counters kept creeping up but they may be showing erroneous data. 

I reached the Dreadnought I hull in 1901, which was nice. I noticed the AI CA count going down and thought they may be scrapping older designs, and then I was again under blockade. The game tells me it's a 1,350,000 (!) vs 350,000 navy tonnage advantage in their favour.

When I took a look at the AI ports, I noticed what appear to be "ghost ships" which all count against me in the power projection calculation. I am attaching a screenshot for each port to showcase the issue.




Again, I hope the information proves useful. My blessings and prayers go out to all of you in these difficult times.

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5 minutes ago, BilgeRat22 said:

(This is just a bug report, I hope the information proves useful.)

I am experiencing something similar in my Italian 1890 campaign. I was blockaded pretty much from the start. I immediately gathered my BBs to try and challenge the 15 CAs the AI had had in his southernmost port. I tried sea control, invade... but no encounters were generated. The AI could keep me blockaded by sitting in port and sniping my transports.

Setting 2 fleets to protect (covering the entirety of the Adriatic Sea) seemed to improve my transport situation somewhat, and then something broke the blockade. Could've been protect, could've been my shipbuilding efforts, I cannot say.

So, purely for testing purposes, I set all my budget options to 100% and went down the Hull Strengthening research tree, heading towards the first Dreadnought hull. My economy held up nicely, Austrian transports started to get sniped occasionally instead of mine. The VP counters kept creeping up but they may be showing erroneous data. 

I reached the Dreadnought I hull in 1901, which was nice. I noticed the AI CA count going down and thought they may be scrapping older designs, and then I was again under blockade. The game tells me it's a 1,350,000 (!) vs 350,000 navy tonnage advantage in their favour.

When I took a look at the AI ports, I noticed what appear to be "ghost ships" which all count against me in the power projection calculation. I am attaching a screenshot for each port to showcase the issue.




Again, I hope the information proves useful. My blessings and prayers go out to all of you in these difficult times.

Can you make a report with the internal report button? Just open up this campaign,  report, write a brief title  with your issue, and we will look to it.

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16 hours ago, Tybor56 said:

I'm playing Italy and I just cannot get any battles to start. I've tried Task Forces. Sea Control in port, Nothing I do generates any battles. I'm currently at august 1910 in a 1900 campaign and I've only had one battle. wtf do I have to do to get battles to happen. 

I have the same problem too. This is my third campaign playing France (1st in 1890, end in 1902, 2nd in 1900, end in 1905 and 3td in 1900, still playing in 1909). Total of 26 years of campaign, with less than 10 battles. I have some fleets waiting in front of ennemy ports. All my ships are in "sea control". What should I do to meet ennemy ships? 

Edited by Lastreaumont
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Same here. War drags on for ten years now, I have battlegroups going here and there, tried invade, protect or sea control oders but only very few battles generate.
The ones I win give VPs to the enemy. Also, When I knock either france or italy out of the war, the campaign ends. Since I could not directly engage Britain directly as Austrian player, the campaign ended in a major defeat.

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I can confirm the same.

At first I didn’t move any ships into open ocean, maybe 6 months of campaign time, battles were normal, but once taskforce’s were created no more battles. To me, it looked like AI pathfinding problem, once pathfinding failed for an enemy AI it simply bailed out, hence no battles. I.e. Italy taskforces seems to block Austria pathfinding or blocks/bails the battle generator.

Edited by Skeksis
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1 hour ago, Skeksis said:

I can confirm the same.

At first I didn’t move any ships into open ocean, maybe 6 months of campaign time, battles were normal, but once taskforce’s were created no more battles. To me, it looked like AI pathfinding problem, once pathfinding failed for an enemy AI it simply bailed out, hence no battles. I.e. Italy taskforces seems to block Austria pathfinding or blocks/bails the battle generator.

I thought about this and I returned back all my task forces to port. And, miracle, I started to have some battles. So, thanks for the idea. :-)

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