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PB Won and timed out after didnt flip the port


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Haulover PB after it was won by points, everyone inside PB got disconected and Timed Out.

F11 Report was made (was kicked out of server before i could copy number) and pictures taken. aulover.thumb.jpg.4f7205126b9082091f31815fadd909ab.jpg 

After the 60 seconds passed, everyone was kicked from the game. When everyone logged back in, exp and combat report was given but the port didnt flip. All damage recieved inside the PB once outisde seems to have been rolled back and everyone was full HP.  The port is still swedish, and doesnt have any cooldown for rising hostility again as if we failed either.

Mishka user on twitter and https://na-map.netlify.com/ still hasnt reported on the battle either way. We need a fix @admin

Edited by Lecner
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52 minutes ago, Despe said:

Lol, so the problem is patch of today. It is not the first time that it happen

BTW, send a PM to @Ink with the code of F11 report could be a good idea.

If you read carefully you would know what happened with the F11 code. A report was still made. 

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27 minutes ago, Lecner said:

If you read carefully you would know what happened with the F11 code. A report was still made. 

sorry, I didn't read your entire post because when i saw your capture, i identify your problem inmediatly, i saw some more screens like that few months ago.

I guess that F11 code is not important any way... This same case is not the first, similars had happen in server after patchs too.

Edited by Despe
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