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Coastal guns


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17 minutes ago, ThatZenoGuy said:

I think it would be cool if they were in campaign.

Coastal guns could go up to 16 inch weapons, were tiny targets, and were deadly accurate.

Not only what you mentioned it was commonly accepted that 1 gun on shore was worth 3 on a ship because A the gun is perfectly stable, B the crew would have already set up range makers with preset elevations and bearings to them. And they could also be armored with amounts of steel that would sink a battleship while their bases would be meters of concrete and steel.

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1 minute ago, Fess21 said:


It was long held as a rule of thumb that one shore-based gun equaled three naval guns of the same caliber, due to the steadiness of the coastal gun which allowed for significantly higher accuracy than their sea-mounted counterparts. Land-based guns also benefited in most cases from the additional protection of walls or earth mounds. The range of gun powder based coastal artillery also has a derivative role in international law and diplomacy, wherein a country's three mile limit of 'coastal waters' is recognized as under the nation or state's laws.[2]



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well right now we only fight on the high seas... should we get maps with land on it... cause you know ships usually meet each other on the cost (thou modern times has weaken this) I would hope we get also coastal deferenses. In fact a mission one could get is to destroy set deference with your ships to make a invasion possible or help them defend against an invasion force. 

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6 hours ago, MichaelWells said:

I'm pretty sure coastal artillery had a faster rate of fire than the eqivelent guns on a ship.

Actually no they didn’t, except for small man loaded guns that are quite frankly much easier to load on steady ground, there wasn’t any difference in the large caliber guns loaders.

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