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Hoist the colours and raise 'em high! 


For this be the hour we do or die!


We be infamous, proud, and quick to brag!


For we sail Jolly as Rogers, under the Black Flag!




Avast there! We be the Messengers of Death, a veteran society from the Pirates of the Burning Sea, Roberts Server. We now be callin' fer crew to serve on board in Naval Action! 



To sail under the Black Flag as free mariners be our intent. However, should we be denied such a luxury, we may seek work and pay in either the United States Continental Navy or the English Royal Navy.


We be callin' all sailors with like designs to join up with us. We be an English speaking Euro/Aus based community, who offer website and Teamspeak resources. English will be mandatory in any type of Guild/Society/Clan Chat.


We have but one purpose in our adventures: to be merry and free; the society will not be anchored to one single aspect or another of gameplay. Sailors of all types be welcome, for we intend to be active in all aspects of Naval Action, from PvP, PvE, RvR, Economy, Exploration, (And 'o course perhaps a wee bit 'o RP)  and whatever else this treasure-trove of a game may come to offer.


Lay to it, though; we like to run a rather tight ship: we expect our sailors to be loyal and steadfast to fellow members, to be respectful of fellow Pirates, and to be manageable with our enemies, in accordance to their behavior towards us 'o course. Trolling, flaming, or any other conduct of the sort will not be allowed. Should ye have yer hand at PvP or RvR, we expect ye to be prepared, to fight with the utmost zeal and fervor attributed to us as Cutthroats and Pirates, and to carry a sense of decency as Gentlemen and Women of Fortune when dealing with fellow sailors of all creeds.


So if'n ye be willin' to serve with us, sign away! and set yer sails fer plunder, pillage, and adventure!

-William Drummond, one of the Lords of the Messengers of Death



MoD info:


-William Drummond

Edited by William the Drake
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Good luck with your group and recruiting!

On a separate note, may you all survive, plunder and loot long enough to raise a massive bounty on your heads to make it worth the time and effort for us to dispatch a squadron and collect it.

Just saying... ;)

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I'll see ye to it gentlemen! Know this: should I see yer sails on the horizon, I'll present ye with a respectful tip o' me hat, and an equally respectful broadside!


'sides, I figured the U.S. Navy would be keen to work with us rapscallions, seein' as they employed privateers during their revolution, and then asked fer help from none other than Jean Lafitte -a pirate no less!- during the Battle o' New Orleans.

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they employed privateers during their revolution, and then asked fer help from none other than Jean Lafitte -a pirate no less!- during the Battle o' New Orleans.

And some of the early US privateers were pirates up until the signing of the Declaration of Independence, as they'd committed acts of piracy against Britain or its holdings and advertised their actions to the US to become bonded after the fact!

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'sides, I figured the U.S. Navy would be keen to work with us rapscallions, seein' as they employed privateers during their revolution, and then asked fer help from none other than Jean Lafitte -a pirate no less!- during the Battle o' New Orleans.



And some of the early US privateers were pirates up until the signing of the Declaration of Independence, as they'd committed acts of piracy against Britain or its holdings and advertised their actions to the US to become bonded after the fact!


Good pints...  


I believe that we may be able come to a mutually beneficial understanding after all :ph34r:

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Good pints...  


I believe that we may be able come to a mutually beneficial understanding after all :ph34r:


Aye, but remember our... services... tend to be a bit pricey, ha har!


I be sure that the English navy will give us more than enough reason to find common ground. Surely America could sympathize with us freedom loving vagabonds.

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The Messengers of Death Dragon



The Horned Dragon has long been the mascot for the Messengers of Death.


While in battle, the Messengers of Death moved with such precision and unity, ebbing and moving in orderly unison. The force with which they struck their enemy was that like a great fire. They were tough, their rough and strong skin able to take great abuse. However, they were smart, and proud. They were cunning, and shrewd. They were protective and kind to friends, and ruthlessly sharp with those that crossed them. Surely it was true when it was said "...the fiery destruction left behind them was like that of a great dragon... they surely did fight like dragons..."


And so, the dragon was chosen to represent the Messengers of Death, a wing-ed messenger, reigning death and destruction from the sky, on land, and at sea. Placed upon the sails of our ships, the steel of our tanks, and the wings of our fighters, and the arms and shields of our followers. All who faced us knew what they faced; the Dragon.


Its mouth agape and clear snarl show that the Messengers of Death are fierce and proud fighters. Its eyes, poised on the enemy, show we are determined to achieve victory. It was a symbol of security and unity to our friends, and a warning of destruction to our enemies.


So, are you willing to join the deadly Dragon? Do you want to be one of the wing-ed messengers? Then sign on, and show the world to respect and fear the mighty Dragon!

Edited by William the Drake
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  • 2 months later...

Hey William the Drake,


All the best with the Messengers of Death!


Hopefully we will cross paths in the future, may the navies be worse off because of it!


Hoist the colours and give no quarter! :lol:





Edited by FORBES
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  • 1 month later...



Attention all Cutthroats, Scallywags, and Gentlemen (and women) of Fortune!

The Messengers of Death Set Sail!


Avast! Let it be known that the first of the Messengers of Death have set sail on the Open World! We be right proud to fly white bones on a black field, and we be ready to plunder the high seas!


Pirates are now indisputably a playable faction in Naval Action, and we are prepared and willing to sail under the illustrious and infamous colors of the black flag! 


With this, we are open and eager for new recruits to serve as crew alongside us.  We have Teamspeak capabilities and are a welcoming and expansive community, with branches in other Games such as ArcheAge and WarThunder. 


Lastly, we would like to officially and formally welcome our members active here in Naval Action, both in Sea trials and Open World:


Captain Daniel Sharktooth - an MoD veteran with experience sailing on the Burning Seas.

Captain Alabaster Epic - another Veteran of Pirates of the Burning Sea, and old friend of MoD.

Captain Shadowdune - A newcomer to the Messengers of Death, we welcome him to the crew of Death and hope he finds great success and plenty of booty!


So, if ye plan on sailin' the high seas as pirates, go ahead and consider sailin' with us! If'n ye think ye have the gumption, sign on!

Edited by William the Drake
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  • 6 months later...



The Messengers of Death have raised the coin to charter a society and are now fully operational in Naval Action!

If'n ye fancy yerself a sea rover and wan't to join on, simply ask away! We be an English speaking Europe/Australia based, with an American/Australian Leadership. We operated out of Pirates of the Burning Sea and currently have active guilds in ArcheAge, and a member base with access to many other games such as Warthunder, World of Warships, and soon to be Naval Action (just as soon as it hits steam!)


So sign on if ye've got the gumption!

-William Drummond, The Drake

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  • 1 month later...

The Messengers of Death are LIVE in Naval Action Early Access! We would like to welcome aboard the following officers and Members!

Fellow Leaders (Caesars) of MoD, veterans of Pirates of the Burning Sea:

  • Lydia Fry (Current head of MoD-ArcheAge)
  • Morgan McKinnon (Warthunder Wing Commander, ArcheAge General)

Old MoD Veterans from Pirates of the Burning Sea:

  • Bustybabe (Formerly Max gore) - Staff NCO
  • Rochelle Widow (Formerly Hawk MiHawk) - NCO
  • Jonesy  (Formerly Bartholomew Jones) - Member

Veterans of Pirates of the Burning Sea but new members of MoD

  • Jack Shard (a.k.a. Tom) -Member
  • Kurzo Rips -Member

New Members:

  • Dead Pirate Roberts (a.k.a. NATO) - Member
Edited by William the Drake
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