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There is NO such thing as GANKING

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4 hours ago, Crow said:


I have to admit I'm lost a bit here??

To many of you are very emotional.😥

I have said constantly that I enjoy the escape from larger fleets. How is that a ganking?

I don't quite understand this question. Of course escaping isn't ganking. Doesn't mean that you maybe were ganked (regarding the official definition of ganking) beforehand.

I have said that I enjoy solo hunting, how is that ganking?

It's not. Nobody said that.

I have said I sail all over the world how is that ganking?

See above.

When I attack a player I can't see his rank or if his ship is damaged how is that ganking ?

Fair enough and absolutely right. You can't see it after the changes lately. If you are in a good mood you can try to help him a bit. Give tips etc. But nonetheless there is imho nothing bad about sinking him. Could be an alt after all and you are not the one who must step back everytime someone starts crying and begging for mercy :) 

I don't whine when I am sunk.

That's good

I don't whine when jumped by a larger fleet.

That's good too. I usually complain and write something about it but without insulting but this depends on the situation. Not every gank is intentional and if you sail blindly into it is probably your own fault for the most part.

I don't whine when I make mistakes and get smashed up which happens a lot.

That is commendable. You can't blame others for your mistakes. But people tend to do it and then they get emotional like you said. I don't exclude myself from this. Sometimes you are a bit hotheaded and stubborn but after a few minutes you see, that you are wrong and responsible for your own failure.

Please don't believe that all the  names on the PvP leader board are having fair fights. They are not.

I think most people know that.

Btw I rarely get on there because I will spend a lot of time sailing and hunting rather that capital camping which is another cancer in this game but that another topic.

Being numbered,  out smarted, out fought, out sailed, sunk, is a terrible thing in a video game....It's not fair.

It's not right.

It's not just.

It's not ...oh f$#k it...... I'm getting emotional to....




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2 hours ago, Trashumi Fujiwara said:

Is this considered ganking or a lot of solo hunting guys going in group in the same area? Im confused, helpCD7D02DDE32653004394CC88955FD55F89018BE5

That's called a 'gift.

How I long to find unescorted big ships. 

Yummy.....(licks lips and rubs tummy.).


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10 hours ago, Trashumi Fujiwara said:

Is this considered ganking or a lot of solo hunting guys going in group in the same area? Im confused, help

Lol, no! They're just playing smart, this is a war game, you fool!

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Ganking is nothing more than a player made "circumstance" to facilitate the risk management process.

One could say it is the weakest form of risk management, and I agree as there's no baseline negative effects by choosing that route.

Some games do design it though, making the management of large warbands more difficult, meaning players will gather just in sufficient numbers to achieve certain tasks so not to waste any resources.

Alas we also have the opposite, as each individual can generate enough resources to support hundred fold his own necessities.

Not entirely related but cover the essentials of a loss based game.


"...if a mistake is made and the avatar dies, the player knows the reasons behind the failure and can adjust their strategies the next time they play."


"(...) In the case of failing at a certain task in a video game the player may decide that the failure was due to:

1. Person - The players own level of skill in the specific game might not be high enough to complete the task. The player places the cause of the failure on themselves, believing that they are not good enough at this particular video game.

2. Entity - The player places the cause of the failure on the game itself, perhaps believing it to be unfair, or purposefully designed to frustrate.

3. Circumstance - There could be unaccountable factors for the player not being able to complete the task, such as the gaming pad being faulty, an unfortunate chance occurrence in the game, or simply the bad night of sleep the player had the night before."


"(...) Juul’s theory on how players enjoy feeling responsible for their own failures also explains part of the appeal of Permadeath games. Permadeath makes the player very careful when it comes to risk management, essentially allowing them some control over their avatar’s fate. Then, if a mistake is made and the avatar dies, the player knows the reasons behind the failure and can adjust their strategies the next time they play."


The Resurrection of Permadeath: An analysis of the sustainability of Permadeath use in Video Games. by Hugh Ruddy

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1 hour ago, Sir Hethwill the RedDuke said:

Ganking is nothing more than a player made "circumstance" to facilitate the risk management process.

One could say it is the weakest form of risk management, and I agree as there's no baseline negative effects by choosing that route.

Some games do design it though, making the management of large warbands more difficult, meaning players will gather just in sufficient numbers to achieve certain tasks so not to waste any resources.

Alas we also have the opposite, as each individual can generate enough resources to support hundred fold his own necessities.

Not entirely related but cover the essentials of a loss based game.


"...if a mistake is made and the avatar dies, the player knows the reasons behind the failure and can adjust their strategies the next time they play."


"(...) In the case of failing at a certain task in a video game the player may decide that the failure was due to:

1. Person - The players own level of skill in the specific game might not be high enough to complete the task. The player places the cause of the failure on themselves, believing that they are not good enough at this particular video game.

2. Entity - The player places the cause of the failure on the game itself, perhaps believing it to be unfair, or purposefully designed to frustrate.

3. Circumstance - There could be unaccountable factors for the player not being able to complete the task, such as the gaming pad being faulty, an unfortunate chance occurrence in the game, or simply the bad night of sleep the player had the night before."


"(...) Juul’s theory on how players enjoy feeling responsible for their own failures also explains part of the appeal of Permadeath games. Permadeath makes the player very careful when it comes to risk management, essentially allowing them some control over their avatar’s fate. Then, if a mistake is made and the avatar dies, the player knows the reasons behind the failure and can adjust their strategies the next time they play."


The Resurrection of Permadeath: An analysis of the sustainability of Permadeath use in Video Games. by Hugh Ruddy

Sorry.. where did permadeath come into this?  The talk was about Ganking, which is designed into this game as rewarding by the devs, and whether it exists or not.  That is in no way the same as a permadeath game which would be..  if you are killed at sea.. EVERYTHING you own (even in ports) would be lost and you would be starting a new character.  The conversation is about the fact that the game has been designed to make Ganking rewarding and as such it's not FUN unless you are sufficiently skilled to be able to survive it, which newbies aren't.. hence you loose newbies and people get pissed off which means they stop playing.

Misunderstanding funadamental in-game behaviours and experiences is part of what got us to this state and for those who keep going on with trite comments about well it's a WAR game.. no it's not.. it's a GAME.    War Games are VERY different...  and I agree.. a permadeath game is the closest you will come to a WAR game.

After 2 to 3 years of faffing about with parameters and trivia and still loosing players hand over fist and trying to recover from that by adding huge PTW DLC into the game.. it's really a no brainer to see that all clues have left the building some time ago.

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12 minutes ago, Moria15 said:

where did permadeath come into this

permanent loss of ship due to being ganked

that's "permadeath"

it is a game design feature used by all games.

Some might have immortal avatar but permadeath items ( decay )

Ganking is a risk management human made feature to minimize chances of loss and maximize results/rewards.


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On 8/3/2018 at 3:33 PM, Crow said:

Ok so we all get a bit fed up with unbalance atm but I want to try and stop a cancer in this game.

There is NO such thing as GANKING!!!!

Being, ambushed, tricked, outnumbered 100 to 1, picked on, hunted, robbed,  Chased, jumped while in a mission is all:


What is not normal is equal fights.

You may have problems or things you don't like but stop acting like crying noobs and calling everything a GANK.

It was and is normal in the military to out number or out tech your enemy and pirates hardly ever fought on equal terms.

Get smarter.

If you sail alone, sail a fast ship like me and RUN.

If you sail in a group, then attack smaller groups.

And for God's sake leave Mortimer and KPR and see the world.

You can only get sunk.

Stop crying GANK it's become an obsession of fairness in an unfair world.

 And then People wonder why this Game is Dying....


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4 hours ago, Sir Hethwill the RedDuke said:

permanent loss of ship due to being ganked

that's "permadeath"

it is a game design feature used by all games.

Some might have immortal avatar but permadeath items ( decay )

Ganking is a risk management human made feature to minimize chances of loss and maximize results/rewards.


no.. seriously  Permadeath is a game mechanic which makes it so that when a player-controlled character dies (in this game their ship dies ), they cannot respawn or otherwise return.  An arcade game that costs qurters is permadeath because when you get game over, you start again at the beginning.  There have only ever been a few permadeath MMO's and this one sure as hell ain't one of them in the same way that this game is not, in any way shape or form, hardcore.

Games without Permadeath may allow characters who are killed (in this game their ship is sunk) to be resurrected to a playable state, with this action often costing resources or undoing progress the player has made ( which this games DOESN't do apart from cost of ship and now with DLC not even that).

Ganking is a mechanism allowed and designed by Video games designers which specifically reward the "picking on the weak" aspect of human nature as per this game..  Ganking is not only designed into this game, it is rewarded. No single MMO that has ever implemented this has survived, and don''t go the Eve route, because Ganking in Eve DOES have penalties and they can be severe, and it's why Warcraft developed the Honour system which means that Gankers get restricted opportunities to buy and sell and progress to the final end game.


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