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A Smuggler's Suggestions

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With Patch 14 wrapping up finally, I thought I share a bit of my suggestions and opinions on what should be worked on in Patch 15 and beyond.

1) Adjust Battle Ratings and Balance the Wasa

Right now the battle ratings seem to need a bit of a tweaking. Nothing much, just enough to adjust for the arrival of the Wasa and new sailing mechanics. 4th rates most definitely need an adjustment with battle rating since all the 4th rates are still rated at 250 but one 4th rate definitely do not bring the same firepower or have the same amount of impact on a battle as their other 4th rate counterparts. Also the Wasa needs some tweaking. Either make it a 3rd rate and adjust its battle rating accordingly, reduce the type of guns it carries, adjust its sailing/speed profile, or another suggestion I cannot think of at this moment. Currently, with how the Wasa is in the game, it is a very dominant ship and when it comes to port battles makes all other 4th rates and 3rd rates obsolete reducing the variety one could and should see in a port battle creating more unique tactics, interactions in battle, interesting moments, etc.

Wasa Battle Rating raised to 380 so that is a good start. Making the Wasa now a 3rd Rate and the Indiaman a 5th is a step in the right direction.

2) Open World Wind Mechanics

So I overall, love the new wind mechanics. Creates some fun experiences in battle. Only issue I have had with the wind mechanics is how poorly one sails against the wind in the open world. Going against the wind decreases your speed for most ships to 3-4kn. It creates a very dull experience if that is the only direction you can go or need to go. Just a bit of an increase in speed would be nice when going against the wind.

3) Reinforcement Zone

Absolutely a bummer. I do not think they should be removed however, but rather altered on what a reinforcement zone does. My suggestion is whoever is the defender in a fight that takes place in their reinforcement zone, their faction can join the battle at any point. For example, A pirate attacks a Great Britain player in Great Britain's reinforcement zone. That battle remains open for Great Britain while the pirate has the normal amount of time for his faction to join the fight.

From what I read reinforcement zones will be remove and replaced with a new system where captured NPC ships have BR of one and something along that lines. Read more here: 


4) Victory Marks and PvP Marks

I like the concept but do not agree with the rewards and how Victory Marks are awarded. I do not think you should be able to purchase a ship in the admiralty with PvP Marks. I have always believed crafters should be essential to a nation and other players. Victory Marks as well being required to produce a 1st rate creates an unbalance between the factions because of how they are awarded. There are many reasons why I disagree with how they are awarded and what you can use them for. 

5) Balance Upgrades

There are a few upgrades that are currently overpowered or exploited. My suggestion is to go in like you did previously with upgrades like the gazelle and bovenwinds and adjust the upgrades to create a more balanced system. Or make a balance in some other manner.

6) Port Battle Window

I love the idea. Only draw back I have found though and it seems to frustrate many now that the servers have merged is the time frame in which the port battle windows are. They seem small. If the time was extended a bit more in each of those time frames then that might help ease things slightly.

7) Introduce Old Events and Paints

Right now we only have the shipwreck event. It is a fun event, but it is the only event we have. It would be more entertaining to have other events brought back into the game along with paints that created an unique feel to your ship or at least the feeling of one. I really do miss Swede Dreams.

8) Removing Majority of Safe Ports

What I mean by "safe ports" are ports that cannot be captured. Leave only the capitals as safe ports. Or just make everyone like Prussia, Poland, and Russia. Have them start at a free port. Although I do prefer that factions have at least one safe port.

9) User Interface

It needs work. Granted it is still beta or whatever phase of production you want to call it, but a user interface is needed. Known a few people that actually stepped away from purchasing or keeping the game because of the current state of the interface being bland. This stage of the game with as little major adjustments are needed could be a good time to test out a new interface or a variety of interfaces. 

10) Tutorial

I honestly keep hearing this chit chat about making a tutorial. Frankly, I do not think it is needed. If Elite Dangerous which is a game I found to be far more difficult to get a grasp on by myself than this game, I do not feel an in-game tutorial is needed. One thing I found and still find enjoyable is being able to myself as a player teach new players about the game. I do suggest that a video series explaining the basics would be needed however.

Tutorial is added. Still have to test it out.


Those are my ten suggestions I can think of on top of my head. Been stupidly eating way too many of the bourbon cookies @Iroquois Confederacy mailed me. If you have any suggestions, additions, etc obviously post below. Love hearing "constructive" remarks the community has.


1/26/18 Post Patch 14 Hotfix

1) Continue updating Battle Rating

It was good to see the Battle Rating for the Wasa was changed but I still believe they need to adjust the other ships, especially 4th rates, accordingly. Maybe even reduce the 3rd Rate battle rating slightly so that it does not have the same Battle Rating of the Wasa.

2) Continue adjusting Upgrades and Books

I feel that upgrades and books should not give your ship the significant boosts that they do. They made a great adjustment on the speed mods and I feel that they should continue that work.

3) Clan Warehouse Record Keeping

There have been instances where something is taken from a clan warehouse and no one knows who took the items in question. It will be great if a record was kept of who is adding and taking what from the clan warehouse

4) Port Ownership Transfer

Have the ability to transfer ownership of a port to a friendly clan. There have been cases where clans moved or just died out and their ports they own go to neutral which could have been avoided. Also can help with expenses of paying for ports handing the control to other clans that have the money but not the means or ability to play at a certain ports battle time window. 


1/31/18 Patch 15

1) Adjust RNG In Crafting

Personally I like the RNG in crafting. Maybe add more to the crafting RNG list though would help and to reduce the odds of getting an amazing build. Possibly reducing the percentage of what these RNG builds effect the ship. 


Edited by Davos Seasworth
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I think we need the old signaling perk to become standard everywhere on the OW.

Basically everyone inside the initial tag circle gets pulled into battle, the same as we have now. However, once the tag has been made, you can't join a side that already heavily outmatches the other side (based on BR). Of course BR will need to be balanced for this to work correctly.

I would suggest making it impossible to join if BR is already more than 1:2 or 1:3. If more people join the weaker side, then more are able to join the stronger side, until the battle closes after 3 minutes.

I know many of us found this perk very helpful to avoid being heavily ganked, and I'm a bit confused why it hasn't already been made standard for tagging mechanics.


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2 hours ago, EliteDelta said:

I think we need the old signaling perk to become standard everywhere on the OW.


The Devs pulled it saying (I think) that it didn't work as intended. As I was fairly new then, I'm not sure what the problem was. I thought it would come back.

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7 hours ago, Davos Seasworth said:

3) Reinforcement Zone

Absolutely a bummer. I do not think they should be removed however, but rather altered on what a reinforcement zone does. My suggestion is whoever is the defender in a fight that takes place in their reinforcement zone, their faction can join the battle at any point. For example, A pirate attacks a Great Britain player in Great Britain's reinforcement zone. That battle remains open for Great Britain while the pirate has the normal amount of time for his faction to join the fight.

I like this solution and suggested it myself before aswell... The real question is why max rank players are equally protected by zones. New Players ( rank 1-4 ) should have their missions spawn right in front of the port so their whole nation can jump in without restrictions and higher rank missions should be open indefinitely too but only until BR is about even ( excluding AI or counting them only for x0.5 ), then close. 

But I think admin wants to keep the zones as they are now... I would be fine with this, if there was maximum one zone with reduced size per nation. Having some nations with zones that stretch across entire coastlines is a tad bit ridiculous for the PvP server...

Edited by Landsman
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9 hours ago, Davos Seasworth said:

Those are my ten suggestions I can think of on top of my head. Been stupidly eating way too many of the bourbon cookies @Iroquois Confederacy mailed me. If you have any suggestions, additions, etc obviously post below. Love hearing "constructive" remarks the community has.

NB:  They're bourbon balls.  If they were cookies, the alcohol would cook out.  As they are not actually cooked, but rather mixed, the alcohol is most assuredly still present and potent :D

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I am not sure how 2 will fix anything.


If you want to go faster into the wind, use a fore-aft rigged ship, Lynx, Privateer, Pickle, Prince.   Some others do well in close hauled situations, like the LGV, Surprise, and Belle. 

Use the right ship for the right job.

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5 minutes ago, Davos Seasworth said:

What happens if you have no room to tack? There are a few places on the map where that situation continuously occurs.

WInd in the OW will have no meaning if you make ships go faster into the wind.. 

If you are stuck with no room to tack, in 10 minutes you will be moving again... I don't know a way around it.  

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