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Opinions of a Newcomer

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It's a good game, as human beings we will always want more.  Sometimes just accept, it is what it is.  If the game just turns out to be a testbed for a better game its fine with me.  I'm sure the developers have learned a lot in the development of this and it can only lead to better future game productions.  All of us who are playing this bought into the game in testing, we should maybe remember that.

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I have always felt that playing for one of the many nations you lack an identity!

What I mean by this is, it's just a flag that follows your ship around!

I agree that some kind of tutorial is required, setting out the basics of the game including how to use smugglers flags etc. I also feel we as players are missing a national objective (capture port a, From nation x) 

I really hope to see in the future the admins take an active role in shaping conquest... 

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5 hours ago, Cpt Shadow said:

It's a good game, as human beings we will always want more.  Sometimes just accept, it is what it is.  If the game just turns out to be a testbed for a better game its fine with me.  I'm sure the developers have learned a lot in the development of this and it can only lead to better future game productions.  All of us who are playing this bought into the game in testing, we should maybe remember that.

We did indeed purchase the game in testing. That's why we are providing as much feedback as possible.

That being said, if it's JUST a testbed for a completely different type of game, that's not what we paid for. We paid for an open-world MMO. That's what it says on the tin.

Now, to the developer's credit, they really HAVE focused on what they wrote on the Steam page:

Freedom? Check. Enormous Open World? Check. Beautiful Ships? Check. Realistic Sailing? Check... and so on.

The PROBLEM is this game is designed in such a way to require a large playerbase. It does not have that, so despite it's many obvious strengths more must be done.

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6 hours ago, monk33y said:

I really hope to see in the future the admins take an active role in shaping conquest... 

That would be fine in a game that doesn't have representations of actual nations. Everyone has a certain degree of bias, and it will show if anyone other than players determine how conquest plays out.



I'd like to commend the OP on his objective and well-written thoughts. I'd also caution the admins about arguing with an honest review. I've seen you do it in the past, and while I completely understand your emotional investment, it puts a bad taste in many mouths when you won't accept constructive criticism with a smile.

I came into this game, initially, because of the beauty of it. I watched some YouTube videos on the combat, and read the many, many negative reviews, and still decided to roll the dice and buy the game. I started in PvE, and after about 200 hours, I walked away for a few months due to boredom (and the ridiculous skill tree idea that was put in place after the last wipe). After the skill tree was removed and some other changes added, I decided to give the game another go, this time on PvP Global.

I've spent the majority of my past few months in PvP grinding missions to unlock skill slots and rank up. That's months...300 hours worth of gameplay...just to get to a point where I have a slight chance of being even remotely competitive. I'm not complaining about the time investment. Hell, I come from playing Life is Feudal, which is probably the grindiest game ever made...compared to that, the NA grind is child's play.

But, not everyone is going to put that much time into learning the ropes of what is already a niche game. And honestly, fighting the same three or four ships mission after mission for days or weeks on end to grind up xp on a single ship gets REALLY old.

This game NEEDS more PvE content. That's not an opinion, it's a fact. There have been a wealth of excellent suggestions made within just this thread alone. Storyline missions, player-given delivery contracts, AI bounty hunting, letters of marquee for privateering, treasure fleets, etc., etc. One could go on for days with things to add that would make the game feel far more alive.

I've lost a lot of faith in the devs to make use of the vast amount of potential this game has. I hope I'm wrong, but I see this thing going belly-up within a year if some major content doesn't get added.

As a side note I would like to say that I am very happy about the prospect of a new UI and in-game tutorials.

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On ‎11‎/‎15‎/‎2017 at 1:12 PM, admin said:

The other statements depend on the position - the game shines in pvp and conquest, captains who stop doing pve and start fighting other captains never run out of content after that. This game is about age of sail ships - ships are content. there is no other content in game and we don't pretend there is. Ships are complex and amazing. all other content is basic (its on green light promise on steam page and we never backed down or backed out of this promise)

perhaps you have this game confused with naval action legends.... open world is supposed to have an full open world of content. the content of legends is ships and ships only. open world should have much much more. I'm not trying to be a jerk.... I'm just saying that you have the same purpose for both games and that doesn't look to good. 

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13 hours ago, King of Crowns said:

perhaps you have this game confused with naval action legends.... open world is supposed to have an full open world of content. the content of legends is ships and ships only. open world should have much much more. I'm not trying to be a jerk.... I'm just saying that you have the same purpose for both games and that doesn't look to good. 

Have to agree.  The admin comment you quoted just seems to be a lame defensive retort, not any kind of explanation or direction.

Edited by Jean Ribault
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