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Ship knowledge grind

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The ship knowledge  grind is to heavy so it´s having a negative impact on the game the idea of having players invest number of hours only to unlock skills slots will drive more people away then keeping them interested in the game.

Think it will be best to scrub the slot grind it´s not fitting for this game sorry if i'm raining down on someone's dream here.

The skill books are good addition and gives the game a good flavor same with the refits its nice to have them limited and players have and use different setups.


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I have no clue why everyone is saying its bad. It doesnt affect anyone's game play. The devs put in a system that rewards players for using only one ship, and a lot of people love it. I hate to see them getting flak from the minority of players. Just from ranking up with the current system you unlock 3-4 slots per ship before moving on. Hell i've almost unlocked 3 on the l'ocean and i only sail it about an hour a day for the last week.

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The skill slot grind could be rebalanced or eased a little, possibly, but in general it's a good idea. And it's not much of a problem now they removed the slot unlock ship tree requirements. 

The RNG-drops of skill books and refits however, are  a problem.

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You should not be maxed out in a ship in one week or two unless you spend a lot of time in that one ship. In most games you don't get the elite gear until you been playing months if not years in some of the MMO's out there.  It's not hard if you have the time.  IF you don't than you shouldn't get instant master level of a ship.  We have one clan mate with his Santi unlocked all 5 slots.  Insane, but he has no other ships unlocked. I have a couple ships on there 2 or 3 slots (not counting all the light ships) cause I spend a little time in each ship.  I can prob unlock one of them fully if I wanted to grind a  lot, but they aren't meant to be mastered over night.  Take your time and level up as you play.   

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My issue is that pve is what you need to do to unlock slots. Travel xp doesnt count. Pvp captures don't give xp. Apparently sinking players is double xp but if you are pvping 1/10 as often as a mission its just not worth it. 


Pve missioning is bland. 

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The sad thing is that most games need some form of grind to give the game longevity. If everyone could reach maximum rank and maximum slots unlocked easily then you would find people become bored as they have no further goals.

The problem also is that many people feel they need to have all slots unlocked before they can be competitive in PvP rather than just enjoying the game no matter how many slots they have unlocked. This is partly to do with the fact that having all slots unlocked can make a huge difference to your performance especially with stacking mods.

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The ship grinding is not bad itself. Only the way how its implemented atm is. The missions are horribly boring and stupid as hell, Always the same situation, nothing new. one fakin scenerio, Kill one or more NPC, they are always in front of u, beam wind... WHO THE FK design it?

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3 minutes ago, Rychu Karas said:

The ship grinding is not bad itself. Only the way how its implemented atm is. The missions are horribly boring and stupid as hell, Always the same situation, nothing new. one fakin scenerio, Kill one or more NPC, they are always in front of u, beam wind... WHO THE FK design it?

I could agree with this if this was a mainly PvE game, but the game is supposed to be a PvP game so that is where they should be concentrating their time. The reason the PvE aspects come to a head is that the current game mechanics appear to make people do more PvE and hence they notice the failings of PvE. Once they eventually get the PvP right they can look at making PvE more interesting.

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If the Devs changed the rules and said to unlock slots in your ships you must pvp. The same people complaining about having to pve will complain about having to pvp.

I'm sorry but this just comes back to this strange idea that players of games have inwhich they deserve everything straight away before they put any work in!!

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I have to admit the scale of EXP needed to the foe defeated seems out of balanced.

But Sir Texas is right. I would love to do this and that, in this ship or that one.

So you just need to talk to your mates and not all be sailing in the Aggy or Santi, or Connie or Mortar Brig.

As you know my old freind Jack.....plan, plan,plan.

Then the Devs changes it.

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This ship knowledge system is horrible.Repetitive, boring, zero thrill, zero challenge if we don't count The finished the mission before server crash feature. Mastering a ship used to mean you were able to use your advantage of enemy players in a PVP battle.It was a real skill.Now its mean you killed hundreds of ai monkey.

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So let me sum this up for those who just don't get it.

Your a new captain of a sloop. You've never sailed a sloop before. So your knowledge is limited.

On your first patrol you encounter a well know pirate, who has for years been terrorising the local merchants and fishermen!

With you limited ship knowledge you engage the pirate, afterall the pirates ship is smaller with less guns and lower crew levels.

Two says later your back on port after the warrent for your arrest has been issued for loosing your ship.

Or a simple example if I pick up this violin and start playing with no prior experience I must be as good as the masters who have played with it for years!!!

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Good to see that there are players that like the system in play i for one don't and really comparing this to a musical master is silly.

This is a game and nothing more if there is a system added in the game that i see that it's flawed i will point it out.

How i see this working is to take out the unlocking part of the slots but keep the ship knowledge book´s  that way a player in a early state of the game has few skills that he can use where a vet has more options.

And final word a player that had years of playing the game is always superior to a new player no matter what skill slots you have unlock´d.

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1 hour ago, monk33y said:

And how do you get better at playing a ship/game!! You invest time into it.....

Really ? .......... 

Sad that you do not see the point in this topic or maybe you are one of the forum trolls really don't care.

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Ship slots were removed because the old two and three slot ships were never being used. The currant system is far from perfect but it enables any player from any skill background to (with work) get the maximum slots!!! 

I don't see how that is unfair! You said it yourself it's two grindy to unlock ship slots! How else do you unlock ship slots. Of it was for money say 1 million per slot would you be happy (I thinks not), or if you had to travel say 1000miles to unlock the slots, would you be happy (again I thinks not). 

Would you be happy getting all the slots for free! (now I thinks you'll be happy)!!!

It takes time in any game to get good with a skill combo or gun. In naval action it takes time to master a ship skill...

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25 minutes ago, monk33y said:

It takes time in any game to get good with a skill combo or gun. In naval action it takes time to master a ship skill...

That's the point the game was always steep learning curve how to fight in your ships and still is few have mastered it but those who do are well known to the community for example the player that to me was the best one in the game used the name Jeff if i remember it right.

That part is still in the game and i hope it will be until the end.

30 minutes ago, monk33y said:

Ship slots were removed because the old two and three slot ships were never being used

The way I play´d and those in my guild we for sure did use them.

32 minutes ago, monk33y said:

I don't see how that is unfair

Was not talking about this being unfair in any way i did say i do not like this a big difference there.

But this is not a personal argument let's try to stay on topic thats the only way the game can benefit from the ideas and discussion.  

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34 minutes ago, monk33y said:

Ship slots were removed because the old two and three slot ships were never being used. The currant system is far from perfect but it enables any player from any skill background to (with work) get the maximum slots!!! 

I don't see how that is unfair! You said it yourself it's two grindy to unlock ship slots! How else do you unlock ship slots. Of it was for money say 1 million per slot would you be happy (I thinks not), or if you had to travel say 1000miles to unlock the slots, would you be happy (again I thinks not). 

Would you be happy getting all the slots for free! (now I thinks you'll be happy)!!!

It takes time in any game to get good with a skill combo or gun. In naval action it takes time to master a ship skill...

Sorry, you didn't master anything you just spend a lot of hours with grind.That's it.Mastering ship skill was a  real skill before its turn to world of shipcraft and I can give you a very good example later if you wish.Anyway if I have to choose between hundreds of PvE mission vs 1 million gold per slot I'm glad to choose  1 million gold/slot options.Off course best options is removing.Before you start ohhh they want free everything....  we didn't get free materials, gold, labor hours, upgrades, blueprints, shipyards and time to collect those staffs.So thank you very much indeed but I love to see this feature in the bin.

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10 hours ago, rediii said:

It's okay, I just don't do it.

Please make PvP experience reasonable. Should be WAY more than PvE.

Part of the problem is the group share in PvP or even PvE makes it that you gain very little. The other weekend i had over 6 player kills, almost a dozen Assist with some NPC kills too of AI fleets at PnP battle that never made it into the port battle. I got 900 xp, 14 Marks and 45K credits that night of 6 hours of fighting PvP.   WHAT THE HELL?   I can get that in one or two solo mission of PvE in less than an hours time.   While PvP is currently 1:3 the marks trade system was done 1:5 when they merged PvP and PvE.  So they pay outs should be 1:5 instead of 1:3.  Though I even think it should be as high as 1:10.  High risk should be high pay out.  Right now it's low risk high pay out and High risk low pay out and it needs to be fixed.  

I also think Travel XP and Mission XP should go towards your ship knowledge.  When you maxed out this xp pretty much does nothing since we don't have to spend it on officers any more.  Just like I think crafted ships xp should go towards a player Craft XP pool since they took out all the other means to get crafting XP.  Once again this means nothing to me since all three of my chars are level 50 crafters.   They honestly nerfed to many means to gain xp and level up to a point it's hurting newer players.  I didn't make RA/Curse over night and my third char is still Demon/Flag Capt level cause I hadn't finished leveling it up before the merge but I got the crafting level up.   Luckily for it all traders are unlocked.  Which I think they shouldn't be.  IF you get travel xp and some combat xp for those ships (LVG can fight after all) than I think they should have to unlock there slots too.  Just make them take less xp than the war ships to unlock.

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