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Reset all timers when reinforcements arrive

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Perhaps this is already how the game works... if so... sorry for the taking up everyone's bandwidth, but...

If ships are in battle, the 3(?) minute join timer has not yet expired, and reinforcements join on either side I suggest reset the 3 minute clock as well as the Escape clock. It would be nice to see battles able to grow and grow and less cross swords camping. Yes, a "gank" fleet could try and use the mechanic to keep a victim in battle but if they do that, they would be slowly weakening their strength outside the battle against what may be just over the horizon.

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21 minutes ago, Prater said:

Gank turns into mega gank.  Pvp becomes absolutely impossible.  Game turns into pve.

It more or less already is..

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I see the gankers and PVE-ers don't like this idea. Timers are what destroys PVP.

PVP is destroyed when game mechanics (time compression/logging out/cross-sword camping, etc) are used to artificially create a situation in which your opponent is unable to counter due to some other game mechanics.

Fight you battles, don't try to use timers and warp speed to create an alternate reality.

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2 hours ago, CaptVonGunn said:

Even the current 3 minute timer is almost to long.... Ship that were docked 20 miles away can already enter battles they shouldn't .... Now you want to make it never ending

No. I don't want to make it never ending. I want it to end when one side is either defeated or escapes by putting so much distance from their opponent they give up the chase. I don't want it controlled by an escape being defined as possible because 1 minute 30 seconds has passed or legitimate potential combatants can't enter because the battle started more than 3 minutes before.

i realize OW speeds complicate this. But timers mean the lousy camping of revenge fleets at the crossed swords waiting for a predictable exit is a "tactic".

Devs should strive to develop code that spawns players exiting a battle to the location where they were in battle, not where they started.

Battles should not close. But obviously ships entering later will probably be entering far from the action. We all know that even entering inside the 3 minute limit means you may not make it to the action. Perhaps the Devs could do it in a way where it works similar to the outer circle that attackers in a port battle must be outside prior to entering a port battle. They must start outside that outter ring and then sail "real time" from there. That would slow down those revenge fleets to a more realistic distance.

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I agree with the post battle spawn to where you are in battle to same spot. But a nasty exploit is in that... Ie.. You get in a air or arranged PvP..(with an salt).  Neither side shoots so you sail the battle timer out. Pop out at your destination by passing all OW threats.... Find a fix for that and maybe we can get it

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