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2 minutes ago, Hodo said:

I spent two days down at La Tortue, captured 2 ships... and then they added the guns to trade ships and I captured 2 more... but even then they killed the small ship gameplay with that patch.   NOW I HAVE to sail around in a 5th rate or to hunt 6th rates,  Or sail around in a square rigged heavy 6th rate to hunt other 6th rates.  Where as before a 7th Privateer or even a Lynx could hunt trade ships that were unescorted.  A good captain could avoid the smaller ship but ones not paying attention would just get stuck.  

Now you have trade ships with as much firepower as a combat 6th rate, and the cargo space of a 3.5 frigates.    AND you dont have to grind for the knowledges, AND you dont have to build carriages for them AND they are dirt cheap to buy. 

Next shallow port battle will Show 25 vs 25 Traders Brigs and Snows ^^

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1 hour ago, akd said:

Steam reviews of competitive MMO games are worthless.  Most are not reviews of gameplay, but personal vendettas stemming from perceived disadvantages in competitive play.  Social aspect turns MMO steam reviews into toxic cesspool.

Thats why sme of us are posting our views here. But still you dismiss it...

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15 hours ago, Peter Goldman said:

Admin will tell us that everyone who puts bad reviews destroys the game and that we all should put positive reviews to save the bad situation in the game. I believe that the game should be saved by a good development and decent decisions on the development route. So far I've got a feeling that we are walking circles, back and forth, same changes over and over gain.

Please explain

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7 hours ago, admin said:

Before this happens. Could you answer some questions Captain

One of your clan members was already completely banned from game for death threats to players and devs - do you support your clan members who are sending death threats? What is your view on it? Would you or your leadership provide an official statement on that? 

you don't fix known issues and choose to focus on steam review's so - do you support your admin / mod's who are trying to place blame on SORRY member's for all issues you don't like? What is your view on it? Would you or your leadership provide an official statement on that?

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18 hours ago, Peter Goldman said:

Admin will tell us that everyone who puts bad reviews destroys the game and that we all should put positive reviews to save the bad situation in the game. I believe that the game should be saved by a good development and decent decisions on the development route. So far I've got a feeling that we are walking circles, back and forth, same changes over and over gain.


17 hours ago, Intrepido said:

They need to alliviate the time needed for doing something meaningful in the game. It is not normal to capture a trader with empty hold, to travel to ports and discover that they have zero trading goods left, sail long distances across the map with a trader ship because we dont have any kind of delivery system (at least for crafting goods)...

Several of my friends left the game because of the completely lack of Action in the game.

While I still enjoy the game, I believe that really needs some important tweaks to achieve balance.


15 hours ago, Otto Kohl said:

Yeah, sure. Don't forget to mention we should be domoted/banned.


9 hours ago, monk33y said:

That's like blaming all Germans for actions of a few in world war two! It's ridiculous.

Or blaming all Daines for the actions of a few Dane players who exploited the dupe bug!!

Do I need to keep adding examples?

If any player makes death threats against anyone, ban him/her! I don't see how the admin team now lump the blame on his clan? Admin have you asked his/her fellow pirates if they support the views of an idiot!! Or the server said player plays on???

Iv got to say, this is the most ridiculous thing iv ever seen you post. I'm shocked, you now blame the many for the actions of the few?!? 

Ps. How does a clan know if someone is banned! It just shows that player is offline?? 

Also, may I ask why this is being put in the public domain? It's like your trying to stir up more sorry hatred!

*edit - ban and report morrons to the authoritys who behave like that


6 hours ago, fox2run said:

Most players are adressing real problems. My own experience is that the game has gone from very, very good to mediocre/boring since march 2016. Only improvements has been the damagae models but thats about it.



6 hours ago, Christendom said:

@admin brought up a few issues he was seeing with the game, reviews and retention a couple weeks ago.  My response I feel was an adequate reply to the questions he asked.  I have yet to get a reply in return.  As I said in that post, I probably did waste my time.

Admin's question to Otto about SORRY and their reviews perfectly sums up this situation for me.  While I certainly do not support anyone making death threats to the devs or in-game mods, the 20 or so negative reviews that are supposed to be by only SORRY members alone are just the recent crop of bad reviews.  They've been progressively getting worse and worse over the past year or so.  Blaming one clan of people is naive and shows a total lack of understanding as to why there are so many negative reviews.  Head in sand.


5 hours ago, monk33y said:

We have all learnt is that each and every short coming or failure in the game naval action, is SORRY's fault....!


Hey all. 

@maturin was right

They already tanked the reviews. We just feel sorry about all the members of the clan that will get affected if the leaderships slips again and does something stupid. 

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58 minutes ago, admin said:








Hey all. 

@maturin was right

They already tanked the reviews. We just feel sorry about all the members of the clan that will get affected if the leaderships slips again and does something stupid. 


You realize that was my warning? that if you piss of people they react,?  look mine accounts i didnt leave a single one bad,  but against you tryng to coercize people to not leave bad reviews you now that is against steam rules?

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4 minutes ago, Bountyhunter said:


You realize that was my warning? that if you piss of people they react,?  look mine accounts i didnt leave a single one bad,  but against you tryng to coercize people to not leave bad reviews you now that is against steam rules?

we are not trying to affect the reviews by any way.

its the players who for some reason think that they can use the reviews to affect our actions and constantly bring this to our attention. Reviews dont matter. Look at H1Z1 or No Mans sky. We talked about reviews ONLY once when the person was lying about us saying we give premium ships to mods. 

Hope the community will make their own view on the situation because they know why reviews are suddenly down so quickly

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