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Guild Warehouse: Ship Storage?

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I would like to request a feature for "guild docks", perhaps as part of the guild warehouse.

It's just a place we can stick ships which anyone with warehouse permissions can pull out.


EVE has this and it's very useful, especially for tighter knit guilds like mine. Basically, knowing we use Renomees a lot, I would like to be able to build up a few spares in the warehouse so that anyone who needs one can pull one out. Also handy for a guild shipbuilder to build a ship and leave it in the warehouse so the intended owner can grab it out later.

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Another possibility:

Ship buy orders.

Now that there's no RNG in ship making, I don't see a problem with being able to create a buy order for a "Live Oak / White Oak Indefatigable".

This would allow people to create a buy order for a ship they just want someone, somewhere, to make, but it could also be used by clans -- I create that buy order for 1 gold because my clan shipbuilder is going to make it and this is just another way to get it to me.

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Just another thought on why we could actually use "guild ship storage" -- ship sharing:

I make a couple of Indiaman. It makes no sense for them to sit in my dock while I'm at work but it's hard to get them into the correct hands every day. I wish I could dock them into the guild warehouse so that other guildies [with warehouse permissions] can take the ship, use it and then redock it for the next guy.

Would also be nice for grinding lineships. We would just have a few common ones we store in the guild warehouse and share.

This would be a big quality of life improvement for guilds.

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You could change the recipe so that the final recipe for ship is Deed + Permit which does not require a Shipyard to build as well.


This would eliminate griefing over marks requirements and permits being handed to a nefarious person as well as a bonus.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thinking about this some more:

To keep people from making 1-man guilds and getting a bunch of free dock space I'd be perfectly content if this was a really expensive option.

Like if guild warehouse comes with 0 dock slots but dock slots can be added for like 500,000 gold each, that would be acceptable. Or maybe you get 1 free slot for every 5 people in the guild (starting at 5, so 1-4 man guilds do not get a guild dock space).

Honestly we just want like 3-5 guild slots to store new ships for guildmates and to make it easy to have shared Indiaman.

Edited by Slamz
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totally agree. came here for the same suggestion. it would also be great to have a log for the clan-warehouse to see who placed and withdraw things.

My idea was to to build the dock in severall stages up to a maximum of 10 slots with a limitation for classes from 2 ships per class. acces to the dock can be given seperately by officers and clan-creator for a limitet time. so if a player wants to level a ship he gets acces for X-days for class 5 as example. after the access-time is over the ship will be automatically transfered back to the dock after server restart to prevent that ships are parked on alt.accounts or when players are inactive. 



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I always thought a Clan Shipyard. Clan officers can add people to the approved list. Those people can then build ships at the shipyard with resources from clan warehouse. It would have maybe 5 dock space and expand like the player ones. The original cost would be high though 5 or 10 times player yard.. 

 Any clan member could also use it for personal builds but not access the CWH resources or dock space...


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