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[PVP EU] Goniec Kaperski - biuletyn Polskiej Floty Kaperskiej

Bart Smith

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Numer pierwszy:


English version:

Polska Flota Kaperska - recruitment

PFK looking for privateers to serve His Majesty King and Homeland. Voulunteers and privateers are called to arms and defend King and Country from enemies of Crown who invade our ports to enslave our wives and doughters, raid our homes and cause terror on our lands. If you love your Country the time comes to show it and sing up on His Majesty Ship "Wodnik" under command of Admiral Bart Smith.

Privateers meeting

Few weeks ago our privateers brotherhood gather in "De Ruyter" Tavern in Willemstad to discuss about our future. We want say thank you all for participate and discussion. New era coming to Caribbean and we plan to make few meetings like that in future. Overall our discussion was good and interesting so we can bring out conclusions about our guild future in Caribbean.

News from the World

World news: Tension incrased between Swedish and Dutch. Few dutch ships was spotted near Gustavia. Their goal was unclear but swedish fleet is staying ready to action. Noticed more than usual pirate activity near Yucatan. Groups for light and fast pirate ships attacking spanish traders routes in area.

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6 minutes ago, Cornelis Tromp said:

Since I can't even google translate this: Short version?

Who says you can't Google translate it?

It's obviously something about recruiting polish players to PFK. Then something about corsair and privateers (kaper) activities.

Google translate version:

The Kaperski
Know the Caribbean
Since 1656
May 5, 1692
Polish Kaperska Fleet calls
Polish Kraftka Fleet recruited capers for the service of his Royal Klepel Mosque and his homeland. Volunteer and corsair 
seekers are called upon to defend Krola and the Kingdom from the enemies of the Crown who are invading our ports to make our 
wives and daughters laugh, rob our homes and terrorize our lands. If you love your country and country, it is time to declare 
it and commit yourself to the term "Aquarius", under the command of 
Polish Fleet Admiral - Bart Smith

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1 hour ago, Cornelis Tromp said:

Since I can't even google translate this: Short version?

First issue: basically recruitment message. Please google translation fail in most cases:)


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3 minutes ago, Intrepido said:

Your guys should go to one of the nations of the old western alliance. Let me explain.

Balance is essential. It would be awesome if each nation had enough numbers to provide RvR to their neighboors.

I encourage you to do that. Also going to VP or GB will be probably more widely accepted by your guys.

So far we decide to not decide:) But thank you for kind advice Sir.

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7 minutes ago, Intrepido said:

Your guys should go to one of the nations of the old western alliance. Let me explain.

Balance is essential. It would be awesome if each nation had enough numbers to provide RvR to their neighboors.

I encourage you to do that. Also going to VP or GB will be probably more widely accepted by your guys.


2 minutes ago, Bart Smith said:

So far we decide to not decide:) But thank you for kind advice Sir.

Don't forget we don't know yet how many could flee from global to eu. So basically we don't know yet about user counts. 

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Just now, Cornelis Tromp said:


Don't forget we don't know yet how many could flee from global to eu. So basically we don't know yet about user counts. 

We know that. Overall population issue is our main concern - we don`t know how many people will back after wipe and how many from them will stay longer. Same question is related to new players - how many will come and how keep them in game? 

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Just now, Bart Smith said:

We know that. Overall population issue is our main concern - we don`t know how many people will back after wipe and how many from them will stay longer. Same question is related to new players - how many will come and how keep them in game? 

Indeed. Chances are high that new player will join the more popular nations though (gb/us)

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4 minutes ago, rediii said:

no idea what you wrote but i approve it because it looks good. :D 

In short: 

First article is recruitment.

Second is about our TS meeting few weeks ago.

Third is few news from national news and other clans newspapers.

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23 minutes ago, FranciS_UPN said:

Ta pierwsza wersja mi się podobała, ale ta obecna jest jeszcze bardziej kozacka :D

Dzieki Francis - postaram sie wydawac "Gonca" co miesiac a jezeli Naval Action odzyje i bedzie sie dzialo moze co 2 tygodnie...

P.S jak ktos chcialby pomoc i lubi role playing - to zapraszam.

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No ładnie to wygląda. I chociaż nigdy nie lubiłem tej czcionki, to trzeba przyznać, że nadaje klimatu (jakoś tak ciężko się ją czyta). Kolejny powód dla którego Naval powinien odżyć ;)

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2 hours ago, Mikocen said:

No ładnie to wygląda. I chociaż nigdy nie lubiłem tej czcionki, to trzeba przyznać, że nadaje klimatu (jakoś tak ciężko się ją czyta). Kolejny powód dla którego Naval powinien odżyć ;)

Na pewno z tego powodu nie odzyje to zadanie dla developerow. Natomiast moze troche ubarwnic polska spolecznosc i nasza gildie.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Numer Drugi:


English Version:

PFK - talks with diplomats from other clans and nations 

In last few days there are talks with diplomats from other nations and guilds. Discussions are beetween guild leaders and are relate to future of our guild and wise pick nation under we will fight soon. Admiral Bart Smith have meeting with swedish Admiral Sveno on board his ship "Vasa" and main topic this conversation was possible cooperation of both clans in future. More details will be printed soon.

Salt Act

Rumors form british parliment: Salt Act was proclaimed. SirArthur Saltymoore said: "We need every grain we can find to build up the fleet" Document enacts sailors to do not waste salt wich is drying on their cloths, boots and socks. PFK admirality are monitoring salt situation on markets and if our needs will increase there will be similar act proclaim.

Germans squadrons arrived to Gustavia

The 13 of May this year a group of german ships arrived to Gustavia. Official statement is: "to assure the swedish interests in the caribeean on a long term". We waiting for reaction from rest of guilds in swedish kingdom.


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Numer trzeci:



English version:

Polish - Swedish Union reactivated!

Today we sign Gustavia Treat and re-activate Polish- Swedish Union from 1592-1599 under Sigismunt III Vasa. Under the pact Polska Flota
Kaperska will be lively support Swedish navy in Caribbean waters. In proclamation act there were participate both navies diplomats -
swedish and polish. Act was proclaimed in Gustavia - swedish colonies capital town. Admirality of Polska Flota Kaperska reveal project
of new flag for privateers on union time being referring to old union arm of coat. You can wiev project of flag on draw beside.

Important news to PFK privateers!

In new world circumstances on Caribbean all privateers of Polska Flota Kaperska are called to take logistic actions such as 
transport ships, goods and other assets to Gustavia - swedish capital town. This will be our new home port until our union signed
today will be valid. For more detailed informations please contact our officers or admirality.

News from New World

One of leaders of pirates was captivated. News says that with help of german ships under swedish flag swedish navy won battle and sunk
5 pirates merchant ships, 3 lights frigates and 2 scouts ships. After few pirate raids in swedish territorial waters last week swedish
navy respond in proper manner and beside less numbers were victorious. Certainly succes was capture of one pirate leaders here who said
during interrogating that recent attacks were hired by Great Britain crown. Swedish navy admirality made no official statement so far
on this.


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Numer czwarty:


English version:

Warships and trade ships of Polska Flota Kaperska anchored at Gustavia

Today 25th may 1717 year a group o warships of Polska Flota Kaperska arrived to Caribbean and anchored in Gustavia port. After short debrief and council meeting we started action to conquer and secure two neighborhood counties Oranjestad and St Johns what was achieve with help of other swedish guilds quite easy with no major resistance.

Freetrade agreement with Danmark-Norge

High Council of Sweden and Danmark-Norge signed temporary freetrade agreement. Agreement allow to free sailing on both nation territorial waters in trade ships and urge to not attack solo traders both nations in region. Conditions of escorting of a traders ships had been discussed on special diplomatic meeting.

World news

Tension is increasing between France and Great Britain on results high activity of french navy near Doenica region. British ports there were cut off supplies by french navy and port battle in there will be fact soon.
Rumours saying that a civil war started beetween few pirates groups. We got partial informations about this fact and we are not sure on basis of this conflict.

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Numer piaty:


English Version:


On Swedish High Council meeting guild leaders legislate of war proclamation against France . Reasons are raiding on swedish territorial waters by french ships and blockading of Hat Island town. All major guild voted for yes and High Council set up a wargoals as: conquer regions of Grande-Terre and Basse-Terre as long with resources from ports in regions.

Flotilla of Polska Flota Kaperska participate in port battle fights

Admirality of Polska Flota Kaperska had send two groups of warships to fight France on south. Few heavy warships was fight directly in port battle and second group of lighters warships, mostly frigates was at escorting and reckon duties. Our privateers had preform as a example and both our wargoals were accomplished without any loss with very small french resistance.

End of Trade Agreement

After only few days live Sweden-Danish trade agreement has ended. Main reasons of this were numerous incidents on border waters of both kingdoms. Meantime diplomats of both sides haven`t make statement about state of relationships between both countries.

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Numer szesc:


English Version:

Swedish Fleet dispatched to Haiti

Big group of swedish navy ships from all major guilds was dispatched towards Haiti Island. Fourteen privateers from Polska Flota Kaperska was participated in this operation. The goal of this trip was establish a outpost on Haiti by conquer french ports in region of Port-au-Prince. Mission end full success and about twenty french navy warships retreat from port battle. Meantime there were report on few swedish vs pirates clashes.

Coast guard patrols
Our privateers along with few other swedish captains has patrolling swedish coast waters and nearby ports. After plenty of reports of enemy ships and small groups trying disrupt our trade routes in region - a gropus of our hunting ships were dispatched to patrol duties in area and secure trade there.

Tavern rumors

Danish Navy made good progress and conquer few regions on Haiti and San Juan. Dutch Navy had extended influence on Maracaibo and Caracas regions. Finally French Nany sent ships to south east part of Caribbean to secure Trinidad and Orinoco regions.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Numer siedem:


English Version:

Swedish Fleet conquered Bermuda

After High Council meeting a division of swedish warships was send towards Bermuda.
The goal of mission was to conquer and secure region and resources there. Plus
rewards as Conquest marks being collected. The task was acomplished succesfully. In
meantime second flotilla of warships was send to defend Grande Terre region. In
defence were participated 12 privateers of Polska Flota Kaperska and operation finished
successfully as well.

Reports of Sweden - Denmark fights

There a numerous report of Sweden - Denmark clashes. Groups of warships both nations
are spotted in Gustavia and Cristiansted waters. Only two days ago a group of swedish
captains board and taka as a prize danish second rate lineship Bucentaure and with
escort of frigates take prize to Gustavia.

Rumors from tavern and world news

Group of 5 pirates called Pirates of Dark Water was spotted recently near Kingstown -
Port Royal. News spread that they trying to disrupt british trade lines in area and
few british captains were sunked already. Spani delcares war agains Dutch. Regional
conflic near Catragena de Indias region became open war and spanish navy dispatched
lineships in area.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Numer osiem:


English version:

Swedish fleet attacked Cuba
Huge swedish fleet including few privateers form PFK was dispatched to conquer south-western Cuba and port Santiago. Advantage with ship numbers on our side cause that whole task was accomplished without major disruptions and port battle itself was a quite easy win as well.

Coastguard reports

A groups of fast frigates each french, danish and sporadic pirates been spotted on swedish homewaters. They are quite succesfully chased and hunt by volunteers of swedish coastguard. However it is strongly recomend for merchants to sail with frigates escort to avoid material and money loose.

Danish fleet defated pirates at Cap Francais

Danish first rate fleet defated pirate fleet at Cap Francais secure same time strategic position to future raids on pirate ports. Rumours are that self proclaimed pirate leader was sunked in this port battle with his lineship. Few others pirates manage to escape to nearest port and save their ships.

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Numer dziewiec:


English version:

Flotilla of PFK was dispatched towards Bahama region

After High Council meeting a swedish fleet was dispatched towards Bahama area. In follow to High Council orders priority target was secure few regions at Bahamas. PFK flotilla attacked succesfully port of Nassau and with cooperation with few others guilds had won port battle. Second swedish fleet fought braverly with superior pirate forces at Morgan Bluff but without succes.

Reports of swedish home waters

Two days ago one of our PFK privateers - Matt - had been attacked by 5 french frigates near Gustavia/Oranjestad area. After few discussion we send chasing group after them and we manage tag them. After short chase w boarding french captain with our prize and another frigate - Suprise. Rest of french ships flee from battle. Mission succesful.

Rumors from tavern and world news

Rumors from spanish kingdom - one of spanish guilds VLTRA had left spanish nation and captains of this guild sailing now under danish flag. We dont know reasons of this decision but we can assuming that there are internal problems in spanish nation. After very long fight with superior pirates near Shroud Cay in wich a group of PFK privateers had participated. We lost few ships class of Mercury same time sunk at least 9 pirates. A few of our privaters manage left battle safely.

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Numer dziesiec:


English Version:

Swedish Navy invade more ports at Bahamas!

Swedish Navy flotilla had made hudge progress while take over pirate ports: Morgan`s Bluff and George`s Town. The pirates were sunk or forced to flee to other Bahama ports. In this task a group of PFK privateers were participated. We have minimal ship looses and they were fully cover by prate ship taken as a prizes. Campaign will be continue until piracy will be stopped in area.

Secret agreement between some dutch and french guilds

There are gossips about secret agreement between some dutch and french guilds. We dont know any details of it as its a secret. More informations about this will be printed as soon as we get some knowledge in this matter. Same time british navy made progress in Yucatan area and take over some spanish ports in this region. Spanish morale seems very low at the moment.

Blueprints of few new ships are available in admirality offices

Blueprints of new ships are available now in admirality of all nations. Ships like Rattlesnake Heavy, Wappen von Hamburg, Ingermanland and Niagara will be possible to build with special permits form admirality. There are speculations as well about more demand for war supplies. They are essentials during attack on enemy ports.

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