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Batalla Puerto Gasparilla 05.03.2017

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21 minutes ago, Chijohnaok said:

I simply ask to be allowed to play the game during my prime time, no different than players in other parts of the globe do.

Tienes toda la razon, por eso precisamente TODOS (americanos y europeos) debemos de pedir que abran dos servidores con diferentes horarios para que todos podamos jugar en nuestro horario.

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1 minute ago, Alvar Fanez de Minaya said:

You're absolutely right, that is precisely why ALL (American and European) must ask to open two servers with different schedules so we can all play our schedule.

Should the Asian players also ask for their own server, since right now neither PvP1 nor PvP 2 server works for them?

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7 minutes ago, Chijohnaok said:

Should the Asian players also ask for their own server, since right now neither PvP1 nor PvP 2 server works for them?

We have to avoid to fall in a EU and US servers trap............ No names, no EU, no US........

Server 1 Battles from 12am - 12pm     For Europeans, americans, asians, australians and africans..... Everyone choose his prefered....
Server 2 Battles from 12pm - 12am     For Europeans, americans, asians, australians and africans..... Everyone choose his prefered....

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Segun leo los comentarios veo que al fin paso aca, lo mismo que en el servidor americano, no habia balance y la jugabilidad se fue a la mier.... Por el bando español, simplemente no hay players suficientes en este lado del charco, nunca los hubo y parece que nunca no los habra.

Por mi parte continuare apoyando las actividades de faccion hasta que nos quedemos solo con Habana. No estoy interesado en cambiarme de faccion para ir a un TS de gente de habla inglesa.


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Just now, Mazinger said:

Segun leo los comentarios veo que al fin paso aca, lo mismo que en el servidor americano, no habia balance y la jugabilidad se fue a la mier.... Por el bando español, simplemente no hay players suficientes en este lado del charco, nunca los hubo y parece que nunca no los habra.

Por mi parte continuare apoyando las actividades de faccion hasta que nos quedemos solo con Habana. No estoy interesado en cambiarme de faccion para ir a un TS de gente de habla inglesa.


Es lo que intentan, destruir este server igual que han destruido el server americano...... A ver cuanto tardan los devs en darse cuenta, y si llegan a tiempo a arreglarlo antes de que se quede sin nadie......

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1 hour ago, Chijohnaok said:

Should the Asian players also ask for their own server, since right now neither PvP1 nor PvP 2 server works for them?

Perdón, pero esto es la parte español del foro.  Si no hablas español (y no hay nada mal en eso) por lo menos poner lo que quieres decir en google translate.  Muchos de los no angloparlantes -no solamente hispanohablantes- se esfuerzan en escribir sus ideas, comentarios y quejas en el otro parte del foro en ingles.  Si se esfuerzan ellos pues deberíamos mostrar el mismo respeto y comunicarnos el la idioma de su parte del  foro.  Por favor no lo tomas como una critica o un reproche, no te estoy acusando de nada y mucho menos; simplemente que no podemos esperar que la gente nos habla en nuestra idioma hasta en sitios reservado para las suyas.


Ahora sobre la tema.

No se la solución, pero desde luego no incluye sufriendo múltiples noches sin apenas dormir para después tener que aguantar al bicho yanquee ese en el foro presumiendo de habernos derrotado.  Porque al final nos derrotaran.  No podemos estar 24 horas luchando contra los holandeses y ingleses de hora europea y contra los estadounidenses de hora americana.  O cambiamos de alianzas, de facción o llegamos ha un acuerdo (o hasta paz) con los americanos o tendremos que aceptar que el Golfo es de los yanquees porque no podemos luchar eficazmente contra ellos.  Yo no quiero formar parte de ninguna Armada de Insomnios luchando contra esta gente,

no merecen tanto esfuerzo.

Edited by Senhor Lenhador
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So here's the deal. We do not particularly want your ports or want to fight empty battles. The current round of nights flips is a direct result of the recent morning flips at 16:00 on Morgan's Bluff and Ays that you guys have been doing for the past couple weeks.  

We flipped islamorada a couple of times which seems to be fun in the harm back and forth target between us. Then of course you decided to move further into US territory and started flipping other regions at 11 am our time. These night flips are a direct result of that.  

So here's what's going to happen. You keep attacking at 16:00 when it's difficult for us to defend and we're going to attack you 01:00 when it's difficult for you to defend. Make sense?

Keep attacking early or stop. Does not matter to me. Do you want to stop the night flips? That's how.  

- Christendom "The Sewer Rat"

Edited by Christendom
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1 minute ago, Christendom said:

So here's the deal. We do not particularly want your ports or want to fight empty battles. The current round of nights flips is a direct result of the recent morning flips at 16:00 on Morgan's Bluff and Ays that you guys have been doing for the past couple weeks.  

We flipped islamorada a couple of times which seems to be fun, in the harm back and forth target between us. Then of course you decided to move further into US territory and started flipping other regions at 11 am our time. These night flips are a direct result of that.  

So here's what's going to happen. You keep attacking at 16:00 when it's difficult for you to defend and we're going to attack you 01:00 when it's difficult for you to defend. Make sense?

Keep attacking early or stop. Does not matter to me. Do you want to stop the night flips? That's how.  

- Christendom "The Sewer Rat"

I´m gonna translate my upper message, and i´m gonna extend it.

Forget about game rules, honour and common sense: Congrats, in a few weeks you have won al entire map. So, with no enemies, your game (you and devs are the true owners) will look like a monkeybone: why having sex with anothers... when you can obtain satisfaction yourself with your own hand?

Enjoy your game y vete a tomar por culo. Cierra la puerta al salir, te vayas a golpear la espalda.

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6 minutes ago, Senhor Lenhador said:

Sorry, but this is the Spanish of the forum. If you do not speak Spanish (and there's nothing wrong with that) at least put what you mean in google translate. Many non-English speakers hispanohablantes--not only strive to write their ideas, comments and complaints on the other part of the forum in English. If they strive for should show the same respect and communicate the language of your part of the forum. Please do not take it as a criticism or a reproach, I'm not accusing you of anything, much less; simply that we can not expect people to speak to us in our language as much reserved for their own sites.


Now on the subject.

Not the solution, but of course does not include suffering multiple nights with little sleep and then having to endure the bug yanquee forum that presuming Had we defeated. Because in the end we defeated. We can not be 24 hours fighting against the Dutch and British European time against Americans and American time. Or change of alliances, or we faction has an agreement (or until peace) with the Americans or we must accept that the Gulf is the yanquees because we can not fight effectively against them. I do not want to be part of any Navy Insomnios fighting these people,

not worth the effort.

My apologies for not including a Google translation in Spanish.  It was inconsiderate of me.



Mis disculpas por no incluir una traducción de Google en español. Fue desconsiderado de mí.

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3 minutes ago, Christendom said:

We shall see what the devs do.  I'm not worried about it.  Until they decide what to do, this is how you stop the night flips.  


We stop the night flips as we are doing now: sleeping.


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31 minutes ago, Christendom said:

So here's the deal. We do not particularly want your ports or want to fight empty battles. The current round of nights flips is a direct result of the recent morning flips at 16:00 on Morgan's Bluff and Ays that you guys have been doing for the past couple weeks.  

We flipped islamorada a couple of times which seems to be fun in the harm back and forth target between us. Then of course you decided to move further into US territory and started flipping other regions at 11 am our time. These night flips are a direct result of that.  

So here's what's going to happen. You keep attacking at 16:00 when it's difficult for us to defend and we're going to attack you 01:00 when it's difficult for you to defend. Make sense?

Keep attacking early or stop. Does not matter to me. Do you want to stop the night flips? That's how.  

- Christendom "The Sewer Rat"

Todos debemos de hacer lo mismo por la noche, dormir.  Vosotros y nosotros. Por eso debemos pedir (vosotros y nosotros) que abran dos servers con diferentes horarios, y adiós problemas............. ;)


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1 hour ago, Christendom said:

So here's the deal. We do not particularly want your ports or want to fight empty battles. The current round of nights flips is a direct result of the recent morning flips at 16:00 on Morgan's Bluff and Ays that you guys have been doing for the past couple weeks.  

We flipped islamorada a couple of times which seems to be fun in the harm back and forth target between us. Then of course you decided to move further into US territory and started flipping other regions at 11 am our time. These night flips are a direct result of that.  

So here's what's going to happen. You keep attacking at 16:00 when it's difficult for us to defend and we're going to attack you 01:00 when it's difficult for you to defend. Make sense?

Keep attacking early or stop. Does not matter to me. Do you want to stop the night flips? That's how.  

- Christendom "The Sewer Rat"

Esto es un foro en español, mientras sigas escribiendo solo en inglés demostraras lo que ya sabemos todos, aparte de tonto, maleducado.

Disfruta luchando batallas vacías y haciendo pve. 

PD. Eres lo más tonto que hemos encontrado en este juego.

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1 hour ago, Christendom said:

So here's the deal. We do not particularly want your ports or want to fight empty battles. The current round of nights flips is a direct result of the recent morning flips at 16:00 on Morgan's Bluff and Ays that you guys have been doing for the past couple weeks.  

We flipped islamorada a couple of times which seems to be fun in the harm back and forth target between us. Then of course you decided to move further into US territory and started flipping other regions at 11 am our time. These night flips are a direct result of that.  

So here's what's going to happen. You keep attacking at 16:00 when it's difficult for us to defend and we're going to attack you 01:00 when it's difficult for you to defend. Make sense?

Keep attacking early or stop. Does not matter to me. Do you want to stop the night flips? That's how.  

- Christendom "The Sewer Rat"


Yes, you can be very proud of being a blackmailer. Do you know what we do with your blackmail? We don't give a shit.

You only get this importance because you can attack when and wherever you want. This didn't happen when we had the lord protector and we kicked your asses so many times that I can barely remember how many.... And by the way, you only attacked us during weekends, taking advantage of the daily british attacks we were suffering back in those days.

You were absolutely irrelevant in this server because our times are very different, and that's the way it should be and hopefully it will.

If you are so mad about ports that you show up on every hello kittying occasion, that's your problem. We like having real life and we won't follow your game. You want ports? 

Then you can take them. You will stop when you have them all.

Si, puedes estar orgulloso de ser un chantajista. ¿Sabes lo que hacemos con tu chantaje? Nos importa una mierda.

Solo teneis este protagonismo porque podeis atacar cuando y donde queráis. Esto no ocurría cuando teníamos el lord protector y os pegamos palizas tantas veces que casi no recuerdo cuántas veces fueron.... Y por cierto, solo nos atacabais durante el fin de semana, aprovechándoos de los ataques diarios de los ingleses que sufríamos en aquel momento.

Eráis absolutamente irrelevantes en este servidor porque nuestros horarios son muy diferentes, y eso es lo que debería ser y ojala será.

Si estáis tan locos por los puertos que aparecéis en cada puñetera ocasión, ese es vuestro problema. A nosotros nos gusta tener vida real y no seguiremos vuestro juego.

¿Queréis puertos? Podéis tomarlos. Parareis cuando los tengáis todos.


PS: I do like your signature: - Christendom "The Sewer Rat"  Suits you very well

PS: me gusta tu firma: - Christendom  "la rata de alcantarilla". Te queda muy bien.

Edited by _Alucard_
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12 hours ago, Mazinger said:

¿Que paso con España?


España decidio entregar todo el golfo?. Nosotros somos pocos, pero cumplimos con presentarnos los estabamos disponibles.

Mazinger, al leer al gilipollas este me olvidé contestarte.

De verdad que sentimos no poder apoyarlos a esas horas y agradecemos vuestros esfuerzos por defender los puertos atacados. Esperamos que en algún momento cambien las mecánicas y podamos volver a luchar codo con codo contra nuestros adversarios.

Un saludo a nuestros compañeros del otro lado del charco.

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Al mismo tiempo que el señor de las moscas viene aqui chantajeando, contesta asi sobre la perdida de Morgans Bluff:

Y eso que eran 25x25......

Pero la cosa no queda aquí, en el hilo de la "doctrina Chijohnaok", a la pregunta de por que no incluyen el Golfo de Mexico, el amado lider responde:

Fiate de este pavo......

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