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JobaSet Stream


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    If the Devs are going to force us to make our own Content like from the Pirates Like "Camel Toe"  have someone Stream it Live all day long so (more or less) talk about the battles as it is going on, what they are doing wrong, and even when he screws up.  With the bonus that the BIG 3 can See us, know what, and where we. You can see what we got in the group. Don't be a Pussycat Bring it.  We want PVP don't go to missions right next to ours Join ours and Attack us Like we did you.  We attack you for PVP, when all we had to do was do 1 mission to flip it and had the time to do it.!!!!"We don't care about ports"!!!!  FYI. Sorry but doing 152's is not how u slow down Hostility watch my feed on how to build it up crazy fast just ask mate I will tell you.  Everyone Knows the Devs screwed up when they took the Times Down to join from not being open whole time, Well except the Devs.  Beside the point.  We got a broke Ass game and we all still trying to make it somewhat fun if we can.  So with that Said Come get some, you know where we are, You know what we are doing, and if you don't, go watch it live.  If you have a question Ask.  Just know I give NO Quarter Ever Respect That and do the same. This is suppose to be fun.      

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Yah it cracks me up when we find them in 5th and 4th rates doing a 6th rate mission to counter grind and than they wonder why they can't beat us as we grind 1st/2nd rates in Curse level mission.   

The only thing big they got going for them and this goes for the other big nations is there numbers and they aren't using them.  Even worse when you have all three large nations in one alliance and they still won't us those numbers.

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3 hours ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

 The only thing big they got going for them and this goes for the other big nations is there numbers and they aren't using them.  Even worse when you have all three large nations in one alliance and they still won't us those numbers.

Numbers do not seem to be helping anyways and I do not see them helping where it counts. Port Battles. Although we can get the 25 ships in the battle easily compared to the others, we still cannot drive the full might home. 

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Devs screwed up with the alliance patch. This game is promoted as a sailing sandbox. Before gentleman made alliances with clans/nations we were playing a sandbox. People were diplomatic, now noobs and alts vote for safe havens to sail around with no threat.

Now it has so many rules and voting, and the big nations ally and limit pvp and player pop is low. 

Yeah Ive had a break for a bit came back and the notion of grinding for a port battle is a bet meh.

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20 hours ago, Marrius said:

Numbers do not seem to be helping anyways and I do not see them helping where it counts. Port Battles. Although we can get the 25 ships in the battle easily compared to the others, we still cannot drive the full might home. 

I like what you said here.  But the Pirate(s) as a rule don't care about the port battle. We would rather fight a battle in open world, even fight not even fight not matter.  We have had some crazy epic battles this week. On Feb 1st when "Camel Toe" kick off it was really just me and Simon. We were having so much fun we let a Buc and a Pavel attack us, Simon in a Reno and I was in my inger.  They Assumed we would run and started chaining, instantly. But, we were just trying to get position on them. Everyone think about this a min.....what you would be thinking when you see a 4th rate and a 5th rate you were sure were going to run on you and looked like they were, when you and your buddy are in 2nd rates. Then they Suddenly Turns on you and more or less kicks your ass.
My point is We live for the fight, as of typing this I am very close to having 50 kills Since that battle, were I Died, But Simon was left Standing so its a Win.  I was streaming that battle we made some awesome moves and some bad ones.  I think at end of battle we had like 35 plus people watching it.  Brit,Us. Dans, Dutch didn't matter they all cheered for me and them. Some were given good advice some not.  Point was it was epic for me and Simon.
That is one battle of many, but for most battles for some reason most nonpirate will run to towers, forts, even NPC fleets, Split up, run when they have advantage to start with.  And guess WHAT we use that to ours.  I can hear Simon Now "Damn it Joba you always say you are about to die and you almost never do" lol

Here is the truth: Pirates have fun more on this server than any other Nation. Do we fight with each other hell yea we do. But stuff like this is why Pirates are the best:   Port battles we plan them like the D day invasion.  And not once have we ever done one thing the way we planed.  I kid you not not once.  Once battle Starts, we look at it like pvp, everyone knows whats got to be done you watch the guy next to you he watches you.  No one is Really in charge,  Someone see something we can take advantage, they say it, and it is like a hive mind they/we know what to do. Another example, that is hard to understand for nonpirates is we don't leave people behind unless they tell us to go.  My buddy is in a 1st Rate they need to get to point a from b. I will get in a 4th rate and will die to make sure they will get were they wanted to go. Almost never happens but that is the way we think.  OK i got to update Camel toe Stats From Last night   

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Joba you nailed it in that post. On the weekend someone said hey Loco what you going to do I said charge at them and ram them with my Santi they won't be expecting it. When I looked behind me I had 4 boats in a line following me. Was it planned. No. Spur of the moment seeing the US fleet sitting in the cap zone more worried about points and all I wanted was kills. Don't care if we lose a battle it's the tonnage I want.

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1 hour ago, Marrius said:

What programs do you use to stream? I been wanting to do streaming of this game as well.

I used Xsplit Gamer it super easy super easy to use.   I use the broadcast for the score board and stuff not so easy

1 hour ago, van der Decken said:

And, please feel free to provide a how to vid on exact process step-by-step :)

With Gamer After you install and bring it up. Launch game hit CTL-Tab then Start lol.

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9 minutes ago, JobaSet said:

I used Xsplit Gamer it super easy super easy to use.   I use the broadcast for the score board and stuff not so easy

Does it put a damper on video quality or frame rate at all or use a decent deal of processing?

Other items like the scoreboard I will take a look into as well when I get home.

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16 minutes ago, Marrius said:

Does it put a damper on video quality at all or use a decent deal of processing?

Other items like the scoreboard I will take a look into as well when I get home.

No but I do have a 1080 and 6700k processor.   

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The thing I believe more than whatever format used from GeForce or whatever is EDITING...

Hundreds of hours brought down to a watch-able short with commentary. JodaSat even though I'm not Pirate or you wouldn't even class me as a PvPer I seem to understand all your Nations issues more than most. Don't Live stream make mini's... I just don't have the talent for it but would love to see a PB done "Short" from both sides etc... Or a build up to a PB...

Don't be scared about giving away secrets passe. The way to beat Ned is to practice, get sunk, practice, get sunk, practice.... when I'm there... He'll shout it from the roof tops let alone me when I sink him finally.... They (the player) still have to do the "Hard Yards". Data Secrets is a different subject to this in reference to Camel Toe.

On STEAM I published another guide yesterday on the SKY View control. Yes giving secrets away but you still need to practice them.



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