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I think there should be a "Reverse" command


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I don't know if this is historically appropriate, but from a gamer's perspective I think there should be a "Reverse" command to move a brigade backwards to a given point in an orderly fashion while still facing the enemy.

Right now, there's only "Fallback", in which case you don't really control the direction of the fallback, and a normal "March" or "Run" command, where your troops turn their backs to the enemy, when marching back towards your own lines, getting a "Flanked" or "Rear Flanked" malus.

Just give it a command like "Shift+RClick" or something like this.

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I tend to agree.

The "Fallback" command is errantly used in the programming. What the current "Fallback" command is doing is issuing an "About Face" command, which means the troops turn 180 degrees to "Face Rear" in which case the game determines that they're "Rear Flanked" thus causing on many occasions a "Rout".

"Fallback" as a general order should mean that the unit steps backwards still facing the enemy but giving ground with resistance, thus never being rear flanked and possibly routing.

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This is how it worked in SMG. You chose fallback and the regiment would slowly back up while continuing to fire. This wouldn't work in UGCW because of the lethality of weapons. You need to fallback very quickly to avoid massive casualties. If casualty rates were lower then a slow fallback would work.

I do like the reverse option. It could be a toggle and when you have it on AND move a unit, they move to that position without changing facing. Slowly, of course! A controlled shifting of forces, or retreat without exposing your backs to the enemy or randomly falling back. The CSA position at 2nd Bull Run would be perfect use of this as you are forced back from defensive positions and want to pull back to the tree line.

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Yes, I'd like this option too. Fallback works 90 % of the time and I can cancel if the unit is moving too far but in the few instances where it is really important they fall back to a specific point, this would be very useful.

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There is a command "Backwards march" that is the real life equivalent of what's being suggested herein. However, you try to get an entire brigade to march backwards without tripping over terrain and let me know how feasible it is to do this over a long distance. It's really only used for small distance movements.

Edited by Kevlarburrito
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There are two ways of doing it in Hardee's manual of arms:

One sounds like what you're suggesting, but is impractical - stepping backwards while fighting.

 March Backwards

The other might be more practical to this game:  About facing and marching forward.

 About Face and March Forward

There IS a skirmish order that would work where you leapfrog backwards (forward-most staying loaded until his rearward partner is loaded, firing, and falling back... 20 paces?), but I don't think that was ever done on a regimental level.

Hardee's Manual of Arms

NB:  I'm not sure which manual of arms the development team is using, though the Civil War saw many.

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I doubt that walking backwards in regimental style would work out, especially in any other than absolutely flat terrain - let alone woods, rocks or rural area.

But then again, we don't see friendly fire for playability reasons. We might allow regiments to slowly warp backwards.

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If we want it to be real, then fallback should be the default command to slowly pull back. But it can't work that way with how high casualty rates occur. Fallback as it works now is like an organized retreat.

The reverse march command wouldn't be realistic over long distance, but for playability purposes only...it would be useful in UGCW. And if was on a leash (ie, cant reverse march past a certain distance) how would that be handled in-game? Would the brigade ignore the command if it was too far away? Would it revert to normal marching and turn around? Would it be a toggle that provides a circular "distance" ring showing where you can click to engage the reverse march? Any movement order outside that ring is invalid?

In SMG it was a very slow fallback precisely because it would seem odd a 500 man regiment is marching backwards at any great rate faster than shuffling. Lol

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On 12/3/2016 at 9:19 AM, P-Dup said:

I don't know if this is historically appropriate, but from a gamer's perspective I think there should be a "Reverse" command to move a brigade backwards to a given point in an orderly fashion while still facing the enemy.

Right now, there's only "Fallback", in which case you don't really control the direction of the fallback, and a normal "March" or "Run" command, where your troops turn their backs to the enemy, when marching back towards your own lines, getting a "Flanked" or "Rear Flanked" malus.

Just give it a command like "Shift+RClick" or something like this.


Yes. This is very historically accurate. There needs to be a retrograde command to allow infantry to back up and dress a line of battle while facing the enemy without turning your back to them. 

Edited by Andre Bolkonsky
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1 hour ago, jekct1212 said:

Thats exactly what they drill into us at reenactments, if they yell fallback or the retreat sounds, you fall back in order and fire while you do, the men during the war and the wars beforehand saw it as a point of pride to be able to do this in good order.

Exactly. It's not a full blown suave que peut. A unit has to be able to maneuver and maintain proper order. More than one battle has been won by troops withdrawing in good formation and attacking elsewhere. Cowpens is but one example. 


Fallback needs to drop back 50 yards and reform line for skirmishers. 

Retrograde would be facing the enemy and walking backwards while maintaining line formation. 

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  • 5 weeks later...

Fallback seems to send you 180 degrees from your last target. If it's a fresh battle, F key does nothing. I get around this by targeting a distant unit that's 180 degrees from where I want to retreat to, but there's not always an enemy in that direction. A reverse key would be useful. 

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