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a feature i think many would like.


were a ship to scuttle itself, maybe have it like an option on the ESC menu, then the crew would maybe setup a line of powder of a fuse in the magazine, and call all hands overbaord, the sails stay down at their cuurent percent (battle, Slow, etc.) and after the fuse bruns out, *boom*.


I cant give any references where this was used back in the time, but I'm sure it was done.



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Something similar to Assassin Creed Black Flag would be nice. Raid the ship after capture and have 3 options. Unload broadside/Set on fire and sink (fire all guns, ship catches fire and slowly sinks), take command or send to an outpost. 


Sinking ship should produce floating debris that can be picked up by other players when they sail near the battle area. 

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Although I love exploding ships going down to the bottom, we already have fireship fittings for that effect.

Apart from those a ship is too expensive to just blow up.

(Besides it would make it abusingly simple to deny the enemy a capture. :))

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Although I love exploding ships going down to the bottom, we already have fireship fittings for that effect.

Apart from those a ship is too expensive to just blow up.

(Besides it would make it abusingly simple to deny the enemy a capture. :))

But Devs should give us this option. Pirate captains used to set ships on fire after they robbed it. So, why we can't just set it on fire and watch it slowly sink? Imagine you board an enemy player, kill him and set his ship on fire. Creating obstacle for other enemies. This can add more strategical meaning to battles. 

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But Devs should give us this option. Pirate captains used to set ships on fire after they robbed it. So, why we can't just set it on fire and watch it slowly sink? Imagine you board an enemy player, kill him and set his ship on fire. Creating obstacle for other enemies. This can add more strategical meaning to battles.

Missed yours while typing mine.

After a capture you can do whatever you like to the ship. Setting it on fire and trying to get away is also great. :D


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I don't like the blow up ship option - this was nearly never done as far as I know.  Even USS Philadelphia, after capture by the barbary pirates, was simply set on fire rather than blown up.


The chance of getting away after setting a fuse like that in a magazine was far lower than simply setting the ship on fire.


That said, I love the idea of being able to set a captured ship on fire in the battle instance.  In order to do so, after boarding, you should have to sit still in boarding range for 3 minutes.  There should be no resulting explosion from this action.

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