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Boarding Mechanics - Reduce Round Timer

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The boarding mechanic IMO is too slow and the outcome of each round is not enough driven by the player attack/defense picks;


1- Reduce the round timer to 10 seconds instead of 15: Actually, player spend most of their time waiting for the timer.

2- Add a Fight and Defense pick option for more immersive and player decision fight model;

Example: Player can choose the attack option and then pick an attack model (Sword fight, Axe fight, Knife fight, Pistols) and Defense can do the same. Sword attack should have a slight advantage versus Axe but should have more casualties versus a defense Pistols.

3- Crew should have experience level that would impact each round. They should be rated as they were when the ship was first fitted at port with the different type of sailors. They should also gain experience to rank up with each fight until they reach veterans level.

4- Crew experience should impact the cannons reload time, sailing ability, cannons accuracy, boarding abilities. Veterans should have less chances to be killed by grape than regular Sailors, Marines should be extremely hard to kill by grapes volley while Sailors should dies like cockroaches.


All this with different preparation cost for each type of fight model.


Dev's might already have plans to improve boarding fight mechanics.

In its current state, boarding is really a dice roll game, its long and boring when player waits for the timer and has not much choice over the boarding tactics.


This game is on the right track, Dev's are doing an awesome job so far!

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I like those ideas. Though I'm sceptical about the crew experience. If two players meet in equal ships, and one player's ship is inexplicably very OP and skill or strategic choice of modules has nothing to do with it, then that would be bad for PVP I think.There are ways that crew experience could be implemented, but it needs to be done very carefully so as not to ruin PVP engagements for a lot of people.

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Lets be honest... the second that matters most is the last second. Whoever pushes the button first lose.

An attack or defense order in the last second shouldn't be so strong like an order given in the first seconds of the fight.

Like crew transfer to other sations (gunnery to survival) it takes time for the man to get in a defending or attacking position. Furthermore to pass the order through the ship I takes time too.

In my opinion the actual boarding favors undeceive captains.

Because of this I suggest after choosing an attack the strength increase over time. And to don't make it a who pushes first all action should be splitter into 2 categories. Aggressive (attack, fire guns..) and passive (brace defend disengage). Only the 2 main categories are visible.

Edited by z4ys
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all action should be splitter into 2 categories. Aggressive (attack, fire guns..) and passive (brace defend disengage). Only the 2 main categories are visible.


Quite elegant, would enjoy a lot to test this.


Also, giving the orders too late would cost the preparation and would mean less time to do whatever was ordered, so decrease effectiveness proportionally as the clock ticks.

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