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Nation Changing Epidemic USPvP2

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I really liked this idea from another clan member last night. After a certain level is achieved (my addition), for example say Master and Commander or equivalent. If you wish to change nations the cost will be the loss of all of your gained experience. Thoughts?

Great idea, have some pride in your nation.. The flip flopping is out of control.

I would reduce the drawback a little. I think 50% of your xp might be better.

Or do you mean the xp you have gained for that next rank? If that's the fact I disagree, people would wait until right after they rank to switch, in which case they wouldn't be out much. I think 50% of total xp would really make you think about switching, and would punish higher ranking players more than lower ranking players.

Edited by PrewashedYeti
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when you say all do you mean restart from the beginning or from a certain point.


Back to 0 all ranks gained are lost.

maby you should post this in "suggestions" section.


My bad thought i had switched. Apologies.

There should not be a penalty for flip-flopping to an underpopulated nation.


I like this suggestion. I think it should be implemented by the development team if or when they see fit. Announce it.

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I think demotion of one level would be appropriate for nation switching


pvp2 does have an epidemic and its metagamey and bad. 


So deleting a character causes you to go down one rank and start at 0 xp into it. For ex. You are a flag cap, you switch nations by delete/reroll, now you're a post cap with 50k to go to flag. 


If people wanted to start over they could delete their char over and over again and get back down to lv1. I don't know what the reasons are in peoples minds but i have heard a couple people say they wish they could reset their progress. 

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I think demotion of one level would be appropriate for nation switching

pvp2 does have an epidemic and its metagamey and bad.

So deleting a character causes you to go down one rank and start at 0 xp into it. For ex. You are a flag cap, you switch nations by delete/reroll, now you're a post cap with 50k to go to flag.

If people wanted to start over they could delete their char over and over again and get back down to lv1. I don't know what the reasons are in peoples minds but i have heard a couple people say they wish they could reset their progress.

I could definitely get behind this suggestion. Losing all XP seems a bit harsh. I also agree that switching to a severely undermanned faction should incur a less severe drawback.

Also like you suggested, this would allow people to reset their level easily enough. (For those that want that).

Edited by PrewashedYeti
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National pride in whichever nation you are supporting, or fighting for, as some would prefer to stay out of the firing lines of cannon and carronade, should be rewarded. Simply changing nations should be discouraged, an XP penalty and a level penalty would go towards alleviating this. After all, should I be against the wall with enemies at my door, I would feel fighting on is my only option.

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On the surface this sounds like a good idea, but what if you have a main character on PVP1 and a character on PVP2 that you only occasionally play, and you decide you want to switch your PVP2 character to another nation (e.g. you aren't really "playing" on PVP2 so much as using it to research which ports have which resources so that your map tooltips don't all say "Not visited yet")?  Then you would lose a rank on PVP1 as well when you haven't changed anything on PVP1 at all.

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This is a stupid decision until they fix the balance issues. The reason people on PVP flip flop like mad is because the US and UK zerg all the small nations to death while refusing to fight each other.


Bold words, the Brits are already on the move against the US. Or have you missed the map turning less green alongside the pirates, you will need to do better I am afraid. Or is it because it has directly effected the Spanish that you feel this way? Cuba being decidedly more red as of late, I guess it is better then being green I suppose.

See to your Captains, and we will see to ours. We already see a resurgence of Spanish players, and we are delighted, we have routinely come up against resistance, only for it to Nation hop just as it was getting good. Is Britain a large player base, yes, are we surprised, no. Or at least we should not be, when thinking of Naval powers in the era one must think of Nations such as Britain, France and Spain. It is the Spanish Captains turn to claim their place among the big three.

Hopefully we shall see an influx of new players which can bolster your forces.


Good Day.



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