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Everything posted by Herminator

  1. No I did not, I did not even realize it was a bug until I got accused of exploiting it, and was told by some of my clan mates to read this post! I simply did not understand. Because I thought the timer would reset when I jumped back into port. And since I jumped out again pretty fast I thought I might get a head start on you so I could get to Port Antionio hoping you were stuck in shallows. As I said... It was only you and a 3rd rate... Knowing that you guys have been drinking rum the last days, and knowing that your aim is terrible(proven in this thread), I did not see any problem getting past you or even engage you in open world. However I did have a hope as mentioned that you were stuck in shallows and I could get a head start to Port Antonio.....
  2. Hi there... I was targeted outside Port Morant, this is true......... And I had started my teleport waiting to teleport my Bellona to CS. Then you attacked me.... I jumped into port, and then out again to try to use the teleport again but it was "used" so I started sailing East..... Then suddenly I was teleported anyways to CS. I was totally prepared to have to start sailing East, so yes it is a bug out there, but I did not know of it until it now happened to me. But do not tell me that I took advantage of any exploit that I knew off. if you had pm'ed me I would have told you the exact same story.
  3. Sorry But this one must have slipped me. Let me once again spell it out as I have done several times before. We are FRIENDLY to some pirate clans, and Neutral to others. However his Majesty the King do NOT have an alliance with pirates nor terrorists. We do however salute the Pirates just cause to free themselves from British tyranny and encourage them to keep fighting for what they believe is right. We did never the less encourage them to try to solve their difficulties with the British crown thru talks, but it seemed futile. It seems noone can trust the British diplomacy.
  4. So your aim will be shitty for the next weeks
  5. On my team was Connie, Trinc and Renomme, and me in Surprise. Other team was: Bellona Renomme Frigate 2x Basic Cutters I can't totally confirm this, I would have to double check. The last one I really don't remember. It might be a Surprise, but again, I can't confirm.
  6. This is a thread about SLRN and skirmishes right? My nation was today accused of hiding in Port Morant, however I know there is someone sitting dug in at Jeremie. But infact we were figthing outside Port Royal against SLRN skirmishes and captured an exceptional Bellona.
  7. So SLRN have given up on your home island of Jamaica and fled to Panama? That makes sense......
  8. I see some Brits are claiming that they have to fight everyone, and they are smaller than Denmark-Norway. What a pile of rubbish! First of all. In the beginning of this game, British led charges against Denmark-Norway, and had Spanish, French and Swedes to buy flags at us simultaneously. With the playerbase the British had against us in the beginning, it's a miracle that they did not turn us into a 1 port nation. We had to organize ourselves from day one, and we did. While the British kept using their allies to keep pressure on other small nations themselves expanded and grew big. The first British mistake, was to give English Harbour and Saint Johns to the Swedish, against a clan called WIS's will. They were stationed there and wanted that to be their home region. By dobbelcrossing WIS, and giving those ports to Sweden, we actually had no British presence in the East, however the British were closing in from Haiti. We then quickly did what we could to remove the Spanish from Northern Haiti, in what we succeeded. We then managed to hold stand stopping a British advance in Higuey. Even thou the British tried some long distance attacks and surprise attacks on Fredriksted, that they never managed to do. We got a deal then with Pirates, not to attack one anothers ports, basically securing our Samana / Bahia Escocesa front. So now, we only had to focus on 2 fronts. East and West. French were occupied south vs Dutch, and Swedes still kept harassing us on the East. However French kept their promise to British and Swedes and helped whenever they were asked. Buying flags and screening for their allies. We were still barely holding on to Higuey the times that the British attacked. Then the great fortune appeared. Pirates managed to take Les Gonaives! And intel told us Brits wanted it back at all costs. We planted some leads and everything pointed that the Brits were fixated on having an offensive against Pirates, at all costs. They were willing to let the Swedes and French die if necessary..... We double checked if it was possible to leave our West front open for just one day! And belive it or not..... It was, not only for 1 day but also for the following day the British did nothing. They did not even make a fake flag for Higuey so we would have to sit tight with 25 3rd rates there. It's amazing, that an ally that had been given so much in an alliance, was not willing to spend the cost of a single flag to save an entire nation and ally! During all the peacetalks we had with both Sweden and France, we gave the Swedes back all their ports, we took nothing from them. We had Oranjestad and Fort Baai before the offensive. We kept Marigot and Fort Baai. The Swedes wanted Oranjestad because it was closer to Gustavia, and we gave it to them. French got all their ports back except for 2 ports taken by Denmark-Norway. We captured 14 ports from them, and returned 12. And during all this, his noble Sir Charles Caldwell still encouraged France to fight! Well, if Britain was not willing to spend gold to allow them to fight why would they ever again listen to you. Let us all be fair. Denmark-Norway did not at this point consider an alliance with the French to be possible. We wanted our closest neighbour to be our allied. The Swedes were given alot of privileges, and they were handed the best negotiation cards. They however was not so easily persuaded to cooperate. The French had realised that a war between us would only weaken us in the long term. They contacted the Danish-Norwegian embassy in Christiansted, and so the story begins. They told us how they felt deserted, they asked us to help bringing them into the fight against a nation that had used them for own personal gain. They asked us if we wanted to be their friend, and yes, we became friends, allies and now brothers in arms. I salute the French for rising up again, rising up against those who did them wrong in the first place! And I assure you! Denmark-Norway will not take as easy on our alliance as the British did. Having this in mind, can you really blame the French for declaring war on British?
  9. A small fleet of his majestys ships arrived and liberated Port Morant this evening. The Danish-Norwegian King is a huge music lover and have heard rumours of the amazing rythms and beats made by the Jamaican people. It has come to his royal higness attention that the British, led by a certain Charles Caldwell is only allowing the citizens of Jamaica to listen to Beatles and Rolling Stones. His royal highness is a huge fan of rock and roll, but does not feel it is in any nations right to dictate what music one shall listen to. We hereby announce Reagge to be reestablished in Jamaica, and celebrate it all for as long as it may last, with a free concert with local artists, free beer and french wine. Atleast for tonight, all citizens can once more enjoy freedom of speech, singing and dancing!
  10. Danmark-Norge: Diplomacy: Great Britain: WAR France: Allied United States: Friendly España: Neutral Sverige: Neutral Verenigde Provinciën: Allied Pirates: Neutral/Friendly
  11. I built a Bellona, I lost my hrs, and blueprints for both Victory and Santisima! Feel this is quite unacceptable to be honest. If they do a rollback, labour hrs should definately be a part of that as well. Anything else seems rediculus to me.
  12. I heard some reinforcements from the East are also on their way
  13. Well... It proved several things.... 1. Even 7 vs 1, you still bring AI fleet with you into battles. 2. Even with 7 vs 1, if our 1 call reinforcements, you cant handle an AI fleet. 3. Even with 7 vs 1, if our 1 call reinforcements, you will run and hide. 4. You do only attack when you greatly outnumber us, and even then you don't always win 5. That you are actually cowards with big mouths, and a sensational need to get some sort of accept from someone. Well you won't find it in Danish-Norwegian waters
  14. And soon the RUS will tell you where to go too
  15. Are we discussing the French declaring war to Brittain now, or Dutch meetings with Denmark-Norway? 2 Totally different cases. If you want to question our talks with the Dutch, you are most welcome to start a thread about that, and I will try to answer you to the best of my ability BTW, I am not Russian..... I am Norwegian.......... But we can agree on one thing Great Britains list of enemies keep growing
  16. Well...... If you treat your girlfriend bad, you will chase her into some others arms. We had our fight with both Swedes and French, we were enemies. Enemies that treated each other with respect and dignity. I can only talk for myself, but I suspect the French appreciate how we solved our issues after the war. No gun has been hold to anyones head, no threats have been made. The French were honest to us in their feedbacks, we had open talks and many matters were discussed how to make a better and more stable home territory for us both. We both hope to keep it that way for a very long time. EDIT: When it comes to the Russians... Why do everyone always blame Russians for everything? Can they not be allowed to play the game like anyone else? Just because France declare war on Britain or there is something else you don't like..... Blame it on the Russians....... If you keep doing that, then you really don't know anything.
  17. You guys have been so quiet for a while.. Well, heard you tried to ambush one of his Danish-Norwegian kings loyal citizens today.... But you have not told us so I will. For God and country! Keep coming!
  18. You guys really have no idea do you? Always complaining about Russians.... Let me tell you this.. The Danish-Norwegian Russians have been great allies! They are cooperative, dedicated, loyal, and trustworthy. All the things the SLRN have proven not to be! But yeah! You can always blame it on the mechanics!
  19. Still my favourite tune! Based on a true story. And regarding our alliance now with France.... They contacted us about it, seems like the way you have handled your former allies turn them into tomorrows enemies..... I wonder why?
  20. It's a pitty that the British was too selfish to help their former allies both Sweden and the French instead of trying to take 1 port from the Pirates.
  21. A little bird told me that DRUNK lost 2 Trincs yesterday? Is this information correct?
  22. Denmark-Norway welcomes tthis consortium, however we want some questions answered. Panama region: As the current diplomatic status is that Denmark-Norway and Dutch are allies, why they have a peace agreement with British while their ally must take all the struggle alone. Except DAS and BOAT, we do not see how the Dutch nation ever contributed to this alliance, and ask what the Dutch nations next step will be.
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