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Everything posted by Herminator

  1. Let us just hope that this council no matter what it's opinion must be, reflects the majority of the people, and that minor and major clans both are represented in a fair manner.
  2. In our nation we have room for everyone, even you.
  3. Dear Sirs! Yesterday a couragous strike against the heart of the shaken British empire was launced. A force with the sole purpose of bringing hope to Jamaica, set sail out of the south of Haiti and landed in Port Morant. Even being greatly outnumbered, and under constand attacks, the brave Danish-Norwegians reached their destination and the battle was on. Just a few weeks ago such an attack would not have been seen as possible. The British Empire, has been chased all the way from English Harbour to El Soco, and into the midst of their home island of Jamaica. Reports indicates that the ports once occupied in southern Haiti have been evacuated in haste, leaving warehouses and goods behind. Free trade and freedom of speech have been introduced, and once again taverns are flooding in Danish beer! Yours truly himself also engaged in the battles that roared outside Port Morant. There is a rumour that the British has put a price on my head, for encouraging free people from all over the world to stand up against slavery and tyranny. Stand up against suppresion, to stand up against an empire that only demands from their allies, and gives nothing in return. An empire that asks even the smallest and most subdued of nations to stand up to prove their worth! To ask something like this from a nation that has proven and given their loyalty even when it lead this nation to it's total anihilation. I say to you, leaders of the British empire, never look down on a man unless you are willing to help him up on his feet! I sadly must admit, after being greatly outnumbered, and after chasing away the British fleets that desperately fought for purse instead of justice several times. You finally got me. You finally sunk me. As my ship went down with my crew still firing deck guns from the topmast, you finally sunk me. But I tell you this slaves of the British Empire! We will not stop coming! We will keep coming, and we will not stop for as long as we have breath to keep fighting. Every day we keep fighting more and more people join our ranks! And more and more nations will open their eyes and join our just cause! yours truly Herminator.
  4. Are you starting to feel the heat Charles? Today we proved that not even ports next to the British Capitol is safe! It was a close call in Port Morant, and as usual the British fled enough for our ships being forced to return by our creators. But as we speak, more recruits are getting graduated from the naval acadamy in Norway! So be prepaired, this was only the first attack, and not the last! Norwegian Naval graduates.
  5. Unfortunately, you have no ability to see when people try to help you, instead you start to insult them. No wonder Sweden gets left alone.
  6. No problem, we are mainly sailing Victory's atm..
  7. Most certainly that was not my intention. However it has been brought to my attention a group of DRUNKEN sailors that keep claiming all minor skirmishes a major victory. However both you and me Meraun know that that is all this tiny band of bandits are. DRUNKEN attention whores. I hope that answered all of your questions.
  8. As Foreign Minister of Vest Indiske Escadre, now known as VIE. I must say that I find it amusing beeing called a powerblock. However, Let us give ourselves some credit. We have no matter what the Swedes want to call it, forced them into silence. Let them post pictures of captured ships. It's the only thing they can ever do. We have reached out to France and treated our friends with respect, and been given respect in return. We have, even if it might be fragile, peace in the east. You have some minor issues with a few Swedish renegades, but they are more like the little brother that keeps poking you until you give him a proper beating and it stopps again for a while. He has to grow up before he can really hurt you, and it don't seem like they gonna grow up any time soon. We most certainly not a powerblock. For that we simply don't have the numbers. But a nation that can influence the politics in the west Indies? Most definately yes.
  9. You guys are really hurting us now... Starting to feel the pain Please stop this madness!!
  10. This is my personal perspetion of the British position at the moment. The British situation
  11. I belive the Cabin boy knew because Hugo Van Grojt had been braging about his female endeavours. So I challenge you to a duel Hugo van Grojt! You have put shame on me an my wife!!! Pistols or Swords?
  12. Yesterday, a Pirate under the name of Pagan Pete, came visiting me in Vieques. He had information regarding a newly established republic in the midst of our territory. At first I could not belive him, but for the price he demanded for the proof, I knew something serious was up. It happens he has a ginger cabin boy, a boy that hales from dutch territory. This cabinboy had also served under Hugo van Grojt. As the story goes I am given direct information that Hugo has been having indescretions with Mrs. Herminator in Fredriksted, while I was helping Capt.Bubbles making peace in the East. At first I did not belive him, but when he could give me details about a certain mole, placed high up on Mrs Herminators legs, almost at the top I might add! All doubt fell away. We quickly gathered a small council of brave men to stop this madness. Luckily we managed to catch up with Hugo Van Grojt in Amalienborg after chasing him from Fredriksted, where he jumped out my bedroom window, to Coral Bay and finally catching up with him in Amalienborg, where some gentle men in white coats brought him safely home to Capt.Bubbles and company. I really want to thank Capt.Bubbles for taking his effort to send people capable of handling his special needs and bringing him back south to dutch waters. I sincerely hope he stays there for all future. Best regards Herminator EDIT: Now I really need to spend some time with Mrs Herminator.
  13. VIE agrees on these terms. We also want to thank the French delegates for a good atmosphear during negotiations, and now in the newly formed peace we have. We are looking forward to becoming close friends in the future.
  14. They only had to agree to terms because of your own selfish reasons. You considered attacking Les Gonaives more important for your own realm, than helping your allies in need. What a great ally you proved to be. Honest and dedicated in helping them. And now, when we have setteled it as gentlemen, you ask them to brake their words and behave as untrustworthy as yourself? A man that brings out the worst in others he is not a man, he is surely a servant of a greater evil, greater than anything else and whos name shall not be spoken, so help me God!
  15. You are most welcome to bring your ship and log out without one.
  16. They were earned thru diplomacy and given in trust to build a new relationship between brothers, and neighbours that should live in peace.
  17. Looking forward to what lies ahead If Bearshare defeated you I shall not fear you at all, and then you are truly not equal to anything I have ever met on the field of battle before
  18. Settle for scraps? You have the exact same amount of ports after the treaty is completed as you had before the campaign started. You are truly DRUNK, I will grant you audience when you become SOBER. best regards your loving and caring Scandinavian brother. yours truly Hermy
  19. Well. the point of of it was, if PFK wants a war, they are on their own. VIE will not be dragged into a new war on the East started by the Dutch. However we will assist the Dutch if a new war would be started by the French. Let us be straight foreward, PFK aggresion towards the French weakens the Dutch relationship to Denmark-Norway. French aggression strengthen it, and at the same time ruins the new founded trust between France and Denmark-Norway.
  20. You must truly be DRUNK. Maybe when you become SOBER, you will get some common sense.
  21. I must say the same here to you Bart Smith as I said to DAS and BOAT, if a dutch clan should be the reason why this non aggresion pact would fall, you can expect no more help from us against the French. And let us be honest, how did your war against the French go before we intervened? Denmark-Norway do now consider France a friend, but not an ally. However, would France attack the Dutch and not respect the agreement, retaliation from the Danish-Norwegian kingdom would once more be swift and overwhelming, and this time without stopping until we were totally united with our Dutch brothers.
  22. Reki, I am really sorry that not all feel content with the deal struck. However you claim to be democratic, and as one that took part in the negotiations, the number of clans that voted for this treaty was overwhelming. So how can it then be that your clan disapproves, by voting within your own clan, and inflicting that descission to be forced upon the rest of us. That is absolutely not democratic at all. In VIE we had only 1 of 180members that had any opposition to the agreement, and he left the clan for LG.
  23. I sincerely hope our business from now on can be executed on the promenadedeck instead of the gundeck my good sir I believe we have many stories to tell, and many new ones ahead. But maybe, one day we may stay together, side by side against a greater evil, for the common good.
  24. Again I am brought to pen by people not respecting the treaty, unfortunately on both sides Quinloe. But I assure you, if you see anyone affiliated with VIE doing so, please inform me and they will be brought to justice and the punishment will be severe! If you see anyone else affiliated with any other clan as well you also may contact me and I will pass the message and evidence to the correct court. Regarding the agreement, I want honour those that really should be honoured. The Swedish delegates proved valiant faced the choice given all of Guadeloupe. We the delegates for our King, offered them this for their loyalty, and they refused instead bringing peace also to the French nation. I must say dear Sirs, you have proven yourselves much more honourable and loyal to one another than Charles Caldwell could ever dream off. By simple negotiations, and loyalty you brought peace and hopefully over time stability to the entire East! Long live the Swedish nation and together may we prosper and live in harmony!
  25. Dear Sirs, Officers, and gentlemen. I see that lots have been discussed about the terms presented by his majesty the King of Denmark-Norways delegates. A most generous offer I must say that was agreed upon, without his most gracious majesty, demanding any refund for any of his war expenses. I must say that this and the fact that Denmark-Norway only extended it borders with 2 ports after returning liberated ports proves that the goal of this campaign was peace and not war. Unfortunately the bloodthirsty Admiral Charles Caldwell encourages Swedish and French wives and sweethearts to endure more suffering and pain, for a nation that left them all alone in their desperate time of need. I come to wonder, would he demand the same from his own wife and sweetheart? Why would he not send a fleet to aid, since he has asked it , and most loyal been given it so many times by both Swedes and French. No, for him the conquest of Les Gonaives for the British crown was more important than the survival of 2 nations! I tell you this my fellow gentlemen, it takes a brave man to look his yesterdays enemy in the eyes and trusting him to be tomorrows friend. For the ability to do so I salute my new Swedish Brothers and French friends, and I curse Charles Caldwell for trying to ruin bonds of peace and friendship for his own personal gain. Alot has been said about the Dutch, not so much about Denmark-Norway. Let us never forget that Denmark-Norway is a war-weary country. Excausted by fighting numerous fronts against numerous enemies. First we managed to send the evil Spaniards away from Haiti, and then the selfish British abandoned English Harbour. Now we have finally come to terms with our Scandinavian brothers and are drinking fine wine from Bordeaux with our new French friends. And now, hopefully we can concentrate on stabilizing the Haiti front so we one day may return to our wifes and sweethearts. Unfortunately that seems to be delayed. All this warmongering from Charles Caldwell as representitive of the British nation, seems to be forcing our peaceloving king to once again call his brave officers and loyal men to arms. Although the wars have made us war-weary, they have also made us battle hardened. So I warn you Sir Charles Caldwell, do not for a second belive that this undermining of a peacefull relationships in the East to pass on without reprisals. And the reprisals will be loyal servants of his majesty hoisting their colours once more for honesty and a better future for all nations, and all mankind. And as a countryman of our glorious fleet commander Petter Wessel, also known as Tordenskjold that was born in Trondheim, Norway, 1690. I want to remind you that not all of us are Danes, so please I humbly advice you to call us Danish-Norwegians, as we Norwegians are an equal part to this union as much as the Danes. yours truly Foreign Minister of Vest Indiske Escadre Herminator
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