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Ned Loe

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Everything posted by Ned Loe

  1. That's correct. People knew how much ammo they needed and it quickly became a part of a Captains life at sea. It's very good starting ground for new players who are trying Econ for the first time. Selling ammo was the first basic profit tool and new guys liked it.
  2. Read what was suggested few pages back, you will have ammo to fight. It will be weaker vs crafted.
  3. It's funny when someone says I will leave if you don't do this and that. They don't realize someone else will take their place. Good explanation.
  4. Agree, by adding dump guns+ammo overboard to regain speed could be a cool feature as well. Something like last stand.
  5. Cool thing is that testers don't know what in the end of the tunnel.
  6. Players are taking a break from the development process. I have guys from my clan who refuse to participate in development and only will play when game is ready. They know they can't handle it.
  7. That's where 'Default' reduced damage ammo comes in place. When you run out, you will AUTO switch to 'Default'. 'Default' ammo should be smaller and lighter and will be on every ship until you buy much better Player crafted ammo in Port. That was my idea on how to deal with limited ammo. Potbs uses the same system and people love it.
  8. I don't think so. I thought you realized you are a tester before you paid for this game. Suck it up and help us make this game better. You will have your permanent paint after release.
  9. You need more info to support what you are saying. By saying I don't want it won't change a thing. Thanks I just doubled my production.
  10. They won't be better, you will have regular ship crafting options similar by stats. You will only say ship is rare is because of it's look. Devs said it long time ago, you won't have Premium super powerful ships, you will only have new ship looks with similar stats. So, you will need to do an event if you want that particular ship (look). It will probably sail the same as others and might be weaker in armor.
  11. People will only buy Gold(the best), it's been tested. Why I should buy green or blue when I can save and get gold? Gold will always be a better choice because of mods. I can have 7 mods vs yours 3. So, why would anyone pay for blue or green?
  12. Stop complaining about pixels. Wipe will happen and ALL players including MODs and Devs will get their ships wiped. We will be starting again, but keep our ranks and Craft XP. So, please prepare accordingly. Talking about color system, it really sucked. Devs heading in the right direction and by cleaning up the mess they making it more organized for new players and us. It could be expanded if needed with much less problems. Please realize that this game is under development and it will be changing constantly. You are here to test things and help them build the game for everyone.
  13. Nice, very smart move omho. Questions: -are you going to make cannons craftable? -are you going to make ammo craftable? -are we going to be able to use med kits during battles? why I am asking is because right now If I take my 2nd rate in a Captain Mission, I end up with 350+ crew left after the battle. I am talking group NPCs on both sides case. It looks like you over did on NPCs sniping sterns and killing crew. All they do is follow sterns and kill crew. If you had medkit you could leave everything alone, but add crew recovery. Just feel bad for low rank guys, it must be hell for them. If you do add craftable ammo, consider NPC ammo shop. In other words, NPC will AUTO refill your ammo needs for a much higher cost vs craftable or Player Market cost. Also, add new upgrades that will help with ammo size. ex. Upgraded Crates -50% ammo space required. Same could be used for repair kit stacking etc..
  14. It would be cool to see auto sailing while you firing guns. Simply turn on Auto sailing and select target (sail next to). All you have to do now is aim and shoot, NPC will take care of sailing for you and stick to the target that you fire at.
  15. I will be repeating this many times, Devs have to reward players. 80% of people don't want changes in their lives and same applies here. Players like to collect stupid things. People are impatient and they want cool things now because they paid money for it. You have to balance things out. If you still don't realize it, then you should definitely look into it and see how you can benefit from it. My suggestion, -give away free ships to all players with every patch, so we can test them and be happy. (Wipe will happen anyway.) -add tons of loot and link it to delivery missions for greater rewards. Fleet and be happy. (I have my 300 ton frigate and all I get is Fish)? really? -add pvp marks for player kills and have an exchange for rare items and ships. Kill and be happy. -leaderboards. Show people how good you are and be cool! It will keep all us happy until the wipe. Stay neutral and rage will go on, trust me. It feels like you forgot about PvE crowd and things they like to do. If I was you I would use things listed ^ as my secret weapon and do an unexpected massive come back. This game is awesome, but unfortunately it's a puzzle that shattered into many pieces.
  16. Hey all. We know that next Patch should bring us Land in Battles. Devs already presented some problems with land in battles that could occur, but they forgot to include bonuses after you flip a port. Such bonuses can let Nations decide what strategy they want to pick before PB. Once Nation reaches 10000 hostility points, PB is scheduled in 46 hours. Wait a moment, so what can we do in those 46 hours? Well here is my suggestion. Developers should add bonuses that can be earned after Port Flip. This means Nations can continue fighting after they reached 10000 points and unlock bonuses. ex. at 10000 Bonus points you can unlock nice spawn location with the wind behind your back. Same for Defenders, notice potbs devs gave Defenders less points to grind because they are defending. I will present one example from potbs game: Strictly for example purposes. Attacking advantages Points earned Bonus conferred 1000 Unlocks the West Spawn door in Attacker Ready Room (Starting location number 1) 2000 Unlocks the East Spawn door in Attacker Ready Room (Starting location number 3) 3000 -5% damage debuff on the Fort Commander 4000 -5% damage debuff on the Gun Emplacements A and B 4500 Spawns a group of NPC Attackers that follow the first person to talk to them (AvCom) - if nobody talks to them, they'll just stand around until they're attacked! 5000 -5% damage debuff on the Town Boss 6000 -7.5% damage debuff on Fort Commander 6500 Spawns a group of NPC Attackers that follow the first person to talk to them (AvCom) - if nobody talks to them, they'll just stand around until they're attacked! 7500 -7.5% damage debuff on Town Boss 8000 +.25% initiative regen, placed on all Attacker players 8500 +10 max morale, placed on all Attacker players 9000 Switches the wind direction to attack wind 9500 +.50% initiative regen, placed on all Attacker players 10000 +20 max morale, placed on all Attacker players Defending advantages Points earned Bonus conferred 1000 Unlocks the two remaining doors in Defender Ready Room. 1500 +2% damage on Fort attacks 2500 +5% damage on Fort attacks 3000 +5% HP on the Fort Commander 3500 Turns on one of the extra gun emplacements 4000 +10% structure on Gun Emplacement A and Gun Emplacement B 4500 Adds Lieutenants by Fort Boss 5000 +5% HP on the Town Boss Please suggest replacement bonuses for those points (defensive and offensive). My suggested replacements: -Change Wind direction -More damage vs Forts -More Reload -Boarding Morale -Better Spawn Locations -Stronger Forts -More Forts etc.. Benefits of Bonus System: Never ending pvp, pve = More Fun. Also, ability to increase your Win chances as defender/attacker. Plan better strategies with land in battle. This can also help Devs deal with all those problems that they think will happen with Land in Battles. Why not let players work on it, improving their spawns or wind angles with extra work. Pass problems to them and if they are willing to change wind direction they will do it. This also can take care of port upgrading. Kill enemies and gain Bonus points that will unlock more guns, better Fort walls or more Towers. Please Discuss.
  17. Future Plans 1.Will we ever going to see better loot in Naval Action? (I mean junk Loot). If you by any means add it to the game you will boost your PvE player base, not only that it will be more fun to kill fleets and do pvp knowing you are getting all sorts of items from your activities. I know you already added a lot of PvE content, but in order to finish what you started consider loot. 2.Are you going to add NPC fishing boats around ports to increase 'this port is alive' feel? Are we going to get more beautification in game? Patch questions 1. Are you going to make hostility zones visible on the map by default? (red zones) or players will have to go through map settings to find all the details and %? New players will be lost as usual. What I am saying is that important features that are supposed to be shown to players are hidden. 2. Are you going to add better group control settings? This includes: Visible marker over group leader on OS/BAttle, Pass Group Lead, Assign Group Color should display preset color dot over group members (similar to ready green dot) on OS and in Battles (Port Battles). This is very useful tool. 3. Are you going to fix battle/Port Battle group spawn? ex. I have my PB group set up , but we spawned scattered around 25 people looking for each other. Why not put them together in line, so we focus on PB and not looking for our team members without any markers or indicators in PB. 4. Why ports don't show resources when I mouse over them? Is this going to change/improve? How can a regular player know what that port is producing. Yes you have tools. (Don't expect new guys to know everything). They will look at the map and will be lost. I suggest you to open all the production/resources details from the start. Make life easier for new players and serve all needed info to them , so they can quickly start learning with much less struggle. 5. Are you going to include in-game/login Warnings in future before next content wipe? From what I can tell you lost many players who never registered on Forums and never knew what is coming. All those people are now upset and unfortunately write bad reviews. 6. Are you going to add expand shipyard, so players can store more ships? 7. Can players earn hostility points after Port Flip? 8. Are you going to improve Clan Warehouses in next Patch? What about Clan window, info and maybe clan logo? btw. Awesome Patch, but needs a lot of thinking and fixing. Patches like this every month and you are golden.
  18. Fort Fisher, Please update it. near Wilmington, North Carolina
  19. Did you guys forgot to add some defensive structures around that port? It's a big Town with no defenses. Weird.
  20. They are already in the game. If someone surenders his npc ships raise sails and sail around with 0 crew.
  21. First my sails started flickering and then he appeared Look at Wind Element Fleet 0 (Sails) Monster is washing his hands before starting his evil deeds.... Then he is trying to take ships with him back to hell...
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