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Posts posted by Meraun

  1. 4 hours ago, jodgi said:

    Oh?! I've just given up on woods entirely as I can't bring myself to grind much of either cash nor dubs.

    Could you explain how it works to get "the shitty" woods for reals? Player sold? Bidding war? How much does it typically cost? 

    i sell Cannnon on a Free Port for living. With those Reals i buy Mahgany and Sabicu in Santa Domingo and Port o Prince. It usally around 25 Reals per Piece. I dont place contracts

    • Like 2
  2. 5 minutes ago, jodgi said:

    Question to those who pay all those dubs for rare woods: Does anyone go for the middle woods (sab, cag, mahogany...)? Are the best woods so expensive that people settle for middle tier woods?

    i got Mahogany, Sabicu and Cedar in reach. (for Reals, not Dubloons). I cant reach the Top Tier Woods, nor have i the Doubloons for it. Tahts why i got used to Mid Tier Woods. I like thema ACtually. A Bermuda/Bermuda PFrigate or Caguarian/Sabicu Essex are decent Ships wich dont need permits (yet, dont tell them 🙂

    • Like 1
  3. We currently got kind of 2 Tiers of Wood right now (Due avalability)

    TierI: Fir, Oak

    Tier II: The Rest

    My Suggestion:

    Tier I: Fir, Oak (avaliable as it is)

    Tier II: Sabicu, Mahogany, Caguairan (Avaliable at 3 - 5 Ports around the Map)

    Tier IV: Live Oak, White Oak, Bermuda Cedar, Teak (Avaliable as it is)


    This woud make the Tier II Woods more attractive. Currentlly you go Oak/Oak + Fir/Fir or you go rare wich will always be Teak/white + Live/white. With an easier second Tier, you woud see medium ships with mabye Caguarian/Sabicu etc.

    • Like 6
  4. 5 hours ago, admin said:

    It will get worse. Polarization will continue and we will see the total removal of free speech from the internet in the next 10-15 years. It will spread from the east (china, singapore) and when western governments realize that they cant control the masses if masses can speak on social media to millions of other people they will start removing all dissent and opposition from social media. Its already starting.

    No Offense, but we shoudnt go into Politics since we have more then enough controversy already.  No Reason to start even more due Political views on the World.

  5. 8 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    I'm going to bet it's prob not folks that actually have the most feed back from other players of nations, but instead a bunch of there....well lets not go there.

    Waht about beeing positive about something for once? Maybe consider that this change coud improve something? Change needs to come from everyone. the Dev's and you as well.

  6. 30 minutes ago, Barbarosa said:

    Wow, just watched SidAlpha and @Banished Privateer videos on Youtube. It reminded me a story of a crow and a fox.

    Crow and fox are sitting side by side while flying to their destinations in a plane. Crow presses service button and hostess came asking if crow needs anything that she can help. Crow replies "Not really, I am just assholling". Crow keeps repeating this for several times. Fox finds it very amusing and decides to join the party. Presses the service button and replies exactly in the same way. But enough is enough, hostess can't handle this anymore and throw both of them out of the plane.

    Falling down Fox starts crying to Crow: "You see what you have done to me, soon I will be death because of you". Crow bewildered, replies "Sorry but if you don't know how to fly, why you are assholling?"

    Seriously, why on earth you thought it is a good idea to retaliate/fight your customers if you can not fly?

    For how long will be be discussing this matters? 100 Years? Get over it. @admin have shut down all communications anway.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Graf Bernadotte said:


    If players don't have the option to get the ship they want, they buy what they get. But you expect that players will search for bad ships with your ship contracts. They won't. They will search for teak-teak frigates and teak-WO or LO - WO line ships and you won't be able to deliver them, because it's too hard to get those resources. And if you get some of them, you prefer to use them for yourself. Of course you can buy limited numbers of combat medals. For 60k per peace. That means you have to spend 240k only for the permit of a Surprise, you would be able to sell at Shroud Cay. But will you find a player willing to pay 350K for an Oak-Oak Surprise  he loses in two hours patrol zone? That's half a million including cannons and upgrades for a shitty throw away ship.

    Your problem might be that you're not max ranked in crafting yet. And you can't use all those ships you have to craft for getting XP by yourself. That's why you search for sales channels. But I promise you, as soon as you have reached max level you'll stop crafting for others, since crafting ships is completely broke.

    i see waht your telling me. But doesnt make the Suggestion useless, does it?

    • Like 1
  8. 31 minutes ago, Graf Bernadotte said:

    If you wanna craft them for players, you have to organize the woods they want and the permits you need. I don't have seen your name in the bidder list for WO. And I hardly can imagine that you're willing to spend the combat medals you earn for other players favorite ships.

    I dont see waht this has to do with the possibility of Placeing Shipscontract

    (Iam not sure, but arent Combatr Marks tradable anyway?)

  9. 36 minutes ago, Graf Bernadotte said:

    A search for a mahogany sabicu Surprise will not be the ship you'll find in your ship contract list. You might sell it to players who urgently need a ship. Players who try to win a fight won't be your clients though.

    i just gotta work with waht i got.

    i build Mahogany/Bermuda Cedar Surpire. And Mahogany/Sabicu Essex. It sells. People needs Ships to lose 🙂

  10. 3 minutes ago, admin said:

    We have no resources for new features: there are 2 programmers who are working on this list:

    It maybe done after release if game sells well and if reviews start going up after the release wipe (or earlier)

    in that case, im hope you add it to your "after release" to do list 🙂

  11. 9 hours ago, Hethwill said:

    Get out there, sink other players, get permits.

    Go out with your clan, conquer ports, get the woods you want.

    Crafting in the war server in a nutshell.


    @Hethwill@admin My Suggestions goes nowhere against this "nutshell". It woud be a tool to make live easier for everyone wihle increase PvP even more. Its not about getting the Woods or the PvP Marks. Its just about Building the Ship the Players want for PvP.

    • Like 1
  12. 11 hours ago, Intrepido said:

    Crafting is not really happening due to the costs of woods so it wont change much.

    Negativ as usual


    why? I craft Ships with Mahgony and Bermuda Cedar, plus some Saibcu if i get my hands on it. i pay 20ish Reals per Unit. This isnt too  much.  Fir and Oak are all over the Map anyway. i dont think there is a Problem with Cost's.

    I like taht White Oak, Teak and Live Oak are so rare  these days. it makes those ships imporant. People need to get away from their "i only craft Woods i like" Whining.

    You gotta work with waht you have. And the People will have to Sail waht we can craft.


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