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Everything posted by Magnum

  1. You "implied" it. im·plied imˈplīd/ adjective adjective: implied suggested but not directly expressed; implicit. Emphasis added
  2. So, you are saying - if you are in a rated ship - consider yourself blockaded?
  3. Actually it would say "depower" right under the "Full 100%" - if he were depowered - in my experience.
  4. Again with the threats for the Lynx player to "mind his manners" and not "bother" the "big boys" while they farm ........ 1. If you attack my capitol - I should flee, to attack you back is "griefing" ----- cumon man. 2. Primo chance to earn gold and XP - while showing bravery and vigor ----- The best of the seafaring tradition. 3. Don't complain about "lack" of PvP if you are going to spend all your time in your personal "uber-fleet" farming Capitol Defense fleets complaining when attacked by real players! I play Spanish atm like you Bungeelemming - but you must show honor to your enemies to expect honor back! Especially the honor of letting them die like men!
  5. I think a small ship joining a battle between his country and another and then shooting at the ships of the other country could hardly be accused of "farming" - bigger ships are simply much easier to hit. And your requirement that a person kiss the ring and "be respectful" before you will treat them right is IMHO - a rather sad twist on the concept of "Noblesse Oblige" - as the more experienced and "leveled up" player you should just let them go, no matter what they say or do. Reminds me of what schoolyard bullies do - they feint like they are going to hit you and if you flinch - that's their excuse for then actually hitting you. You're better than that Prater, You're better than that TDA ....
  6. Yet, another reason NOT to have Kickass ships as your pets - sort of like keeping Tigers in your house
  7. Thank you Dev's for the patch to the log out time - now we can log out while looking around - yipee!
  8. I'm not sure with your character's name that you should bring THAT up
  9. Captain - I often agree with you and I generally respect you - here you are as wrong as wrong can possibly be. The souped up Trinco in the lead can do 22 knts or better - leaving the "victim" with no hope of escape and no hope of victory. It is not the intention of the game designers - and is an EXPLOIT. As pure as can be.
  10. Yes to zoom. Spyglass - meh - might be hard to use at speed, it can already be hard to "click" on distant sails that are moving laterally. Yes to stores - each port should have a unique blend of products (unique to THAT port), with the "bigger" ports (like Capitols) having a much greater selection of goods - and they should be persistent. Like one port might be the only place on earth you can get a GOLD "Extra Fire Buckets" - another might have red and green - but no GOLD!
  11. Glad the game is immersive enough to have us arguing over the "benefit" of powder monkeys on board. Arrrrgggg!
  12. A wealthy Captain might well hire or press extra crew in the form of young boys and train them to pre-fetch the bags of powder from the magazine and the cannonballs from the hold and place them in such a way that the firing of the cannons would be faster on that ship - and if they were really well drilled "powder monkeys" they might even be called "golden powder monkeys" and increase the fire rate 15% ! What you got against me hiring young boys to help me win? That was the age. We can call it "fast pototes" or "stupid tomatoes" - don't matter, some want to customize their ship to fit their game play style. I'm sure all the Rakers have golden powder monkeys AND golden improved magazine access as well.
  13. I've already help defend my COUNTRY'S home port (Capitol) in a lynx no less - but I felt I had a choice if I had not wanted to. As you may have surmised, I don't want extra time demands placed on me - I play test to relax from demands.
  14. While I am hoping against hope that this stays a game anyone can play and enjoy - without the NEED for "bigger strategical aspect" - just sailin and shootin, with the occasional oops I sank.
  15. I would not be opposed to a two hour timer - whenever you log in after having been offline for two hours - THEN you could choose your outpost. Heaven forbid any TDA "rolfstomping" - as if they won't figure some other advantage And Tommy - I think your new nickname is - le maître d'exploits - I bow to your superior knowledge when it comes to exploits.
  16. Straw horse argument - do you really think you will have fleet battles at more than one outpost all at about the same time? And since when does forcing you to "sail" your bathtub from one outpost to another "INCREASE" action? In your scenario - if you had to "sail" to the second outpost you would miss the second battle (is the implication). And finally if you can afford multiple Santi's at multiple outposts - why shouldn't you be able to sail them each and all - WHEN you want to, just not all at the same time? ----- It seems some just want long sea voyages in tubs - how is MORE action, less staring at the ceiling er, horizon an EXPLOIT?
  17. Please clarify - your first two sentences seem to me to be contradictory in intent. Forcing hours and hours of sailing around in a HUGE world reduces "actions"? ------- Starting the game (as in when you log in) at any of YOUR outposts would help cut down on the distance requirements to "get into action" and is not exactly "teleporting" - thus supporting your first sentence. I agree with no teleporting (and always have, read my post history) - I guess I don't see how logging on at any of your own outposts could be confused with "teleporting" - I assume you would have to have logged off at one of your outposts as well. If you log off in the middle of the ocean - you restart there.
  18. If the mechanic to "order" an NPC to join your fleet isn't doable - perhaps a way to see their destination, and if you are going that way - join them! If you come across a (Brit) fleet near the southern tip of Cuba and find out they are headed to Nassau 1. you are a Brit :0 and 2: you are going that way you can lasso them and tag along - sort of like on cruse control. three or four of you buds could join as well - or eight Of course if the fleet gets tagged for a fight, most likely by another fleet - so do you - sounds like a great and jolly fleet action to me. ------- This mode of "finding fleet action" would actually be more realistic than the "comm-ganking" tit tat tit tat we are seeing develop now into lopsided fleet actions.
  19. Absolutely ridiculous - between the bad wind every 20 minutes and the dark every other 20 minutes - good sailing is about 40% of the time. I can't see well at night - so I pretty much have to log out, which limits how often I can take my bigger ships out. FYI if you log out in the middle of the ocean in your basic lynx - it's usually there when you come back or you are at some new and exciting port of call!!!!!! There are plenty of actual log books of ships sailing on the same course for weeks in real life
  20. I would like the ship moved down in the display to show more ocean where it counts - where the prey is (and the threats as well) like this: Currently: My proposal: Sorry about the quickie photoshoping OR; perhaps the distance from the ship of my viewpoint can be increased ......
  21. I would like to see a fleet of NPC's represented by more than one sail - perhaps if there are two ships in the NPC fleet, show two sails (sprites) and if there are three or more just show three sails. It would be more immersive ....
  22. Perhaps if we were (at least could be) present during the log out timer (10 min atm) it wouldn't be so scary to just log out in the middle of the deep blue sea? I suggest that when you can drop sails and push "escape" and a press "log out" and a ten minute timer would start - but - you would still be connected for the ten min and could be present watching the surroundings. If nothing is happening the time ticks down and you log out - if an enemy finds you and tags you the timer is void or if you try to sail away the timer is void. But if you are watching - at least you wouldn't feel you are abandoning the men - like it is now
  23. That is my suggestion - but you would have to create the outpost the old fashioned way...... Perhaps, you keep a NavyBrig at port A (Capitol) - and a Surprise at port B (outpost 1) - and a Trincomalee at port C (outpost 2) With my idea implemented - you could start at A - but only drive a NavyBrig (until you manually sailed to outpost B or C or bought or captured something) or restart (with all that THAT implies) or start at outpost port C in a Trincomalee. ----- it would add another whole layer of Strategery to the game
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