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Everything posted by Lima

  1. Does the dissolving of countries due to the loss of home territories not work for someone else? It worked in my last campaign, but I just saw a bear eat AH, and her spirit is still alive in Syria. EDIT: Just to clarify, alliances work fine in this campaign, unlike how it works in my next post.
  2. The problem is that my task force got a second battle per turn, even though it was already engaged in battle. Funny thing is, France and Britain are allies, but they decided to fight me separately at the same point in the ocean.
  3. My task force has just generated two "Meetings" in one turn - with the British and the French. I didn't take a screenshot of the first battle with the British because I didn't think there would be any problems.
  4. I mean, obviously they will be broken. The mod makes so many changes compared to the vanilla version. Go back to vanilla and and backup them (if you haven't done it already).
  5. This is not an edited save. It's 1943. This campaign was hanging on "Next turn", but after the latest fix, I was able to continue it.
  6. What is a "Navy's Power Rating" and what it affects? This is in from my revived AH 1920 campaign (as of 1943). All have a very low "Navy's Power Rating". And if it surprises you that there are 100 battleships, I built them at the same time, it's faster than waiting for gradual construction. In the late game, a huge tonnage is needed for successful landings.
  7. “Experimental 3-Mast Cruiser” for China and Spain - anti-submarine gun
  8. The solution at the moment looks like this. Certified by the Abomination Design Bureau.
  9. My old campaign died with "Next turn". Yesterday I created a new campaign without making a single turn. "Building ships" took quite a long time, but the campaign continues (2 years already).
  10. Yeah. I like the strategic component that submarines bring. But the late gameplay is very saturated with these autoresolve events, in which nothing depends on me, and I just need *click* *click* *click*... My minor allies also add their own *click*. I've said "no" dozens of times already, back off guys, I'm building my great landing fleet. It may seem like little things, but it takes quite a long time every turn when I just want to skip turns.
  11. My experience with submarines Above there are 9 battles with submarines in 1 turn, 5 of them are attacks by enemy subs and 4 are battles between subs. I use DDs as 2DDs per 1CA, 4DDs per 1BB/BC + reserve DDs (2-4 usually). Also, all my cruisers carry depth charges and all ships are equipped with sonars. For all the campaigns on beta and on live, the maximum that enemy subs managed to achieve was to damage one CA. DDs get minor damage quite regularly. My submarines survive pretty well and manage to sink enemy ships even if they are DDs and cruisers with depth charges. I mainly use coastal submarines.
  12. OMG, what is this GDP...You must be very unlucky with the wealthGrowthMul, somehting around 0.7-0.8. In combination with the far-right government and the wars, this set a catastrophe. So you have the following options for getting out of the crisis: Set the slider of "transport capacity" to the center. You have 200% (max) or very close to it, you are spending money for nothing. Set all ships to "Limited". Put some ships construction on pause to get out of the red shipyard capaciry. Sit for around 10 years in the peace to build some GDP.
  13. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/5b2tne9gc3ajbdkv40iix/1923-Austro-Hungarian-Empire-CL-Stuck_test_1.7z?rlkey=vsgvdi74foc1ez4yq847rbx26&dl=0
  14. This bug is not limited to the campaign. Here, live footage of how it happens in a custom battle (look at 1:04). This bug happened with most of the ships in this campaign, only a modern battleship and a modern battlecruiser avoided it (probably because I try to keep them safe and they don't have to make swift maneuvers to evade torpedoes).
  15. Stuck turrets video EDIT: Stuck turrets champion, all the turrets are stuck
  16. I have specifically these ships that launch torpedoes very badly. Even at cruise speed, they aim torpedoes at an almost stationary target, but don't launch them. What is even more strange, when "using" torpedoes, they stop firing from the main guns. Do not pay attention to the stuck gun, problems with torpedoes occur even with OK guns.
  17. Now I get a lot less fights in which the AI retreats from the very beginning of the battle. It's great. But the situation described here happens quite often. Frankly, this is almost constantly done by the Italian AI. It does this in every situation when it does not have a battleship. It's fair that the Italian AI wants to maintain a greater distance, given its paper ships. It's not OK that it is trying to maintain a distance at which it is simply not able to return fire. I thought that the larger caliber of my guns might play a role in this, but this happens even with situations with my CLs vs CAs and like. At the same time, other nations can aggressively attack, even if they don't have an advantage.
  18. Cordite III has -6% MV Tube Powder II has -5% MV Cordite III is more accurate
  19. The very description of Tube Powder says that "barrel erosion" has a positive effect on base accuracy, although at a lower distance. But in fact, Tube Powder is inferior to Cordite at any distance. And what about light shells? I have nothing against this system, it's just strange that in the description you see a "positive effect on accuracy" but in fact the accuracy will decrease because of other modifiers.
  20. The thing is that range is not everything. I wouldn't say this if the game itself didn't mention "barrel erosion" in the description of propellants. For example, in the description of Cordite I it is said that "high barrel erosion affect accuracy". But in fact it is not. The description of Tube Powder I says that you get positive accuracy, although at a lower distance. But in fact, you get a deterioration in accuracy at any distance. Also, light shells negatively affect accuracy, although their positive effect is indicated in the description.
  21. @Nick Thomadis Can you please comment on this? Like description says that Tube Powder I and light shells should have a positive effect on accuracy, but this is not the case. In fact, the accuracy debuff from Tube Powder I is brutal.
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