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Everything posted by HarryButpain

  1. I'm sure devs have a solution to switching alignment when it gets too hard or inconvenient.. I sure would..
  2. Are traders rly forced to sail for that long and if yes why? I've just started crafting but as far as I see it I don't have to sail long distances at all.. Back in potbs, however, I was forced to sail from bridgetown to mexico regularly in my san mateo because of the available resources which differ from port to port..
  3. or man the capped ship with skeleton crew and sail it back? Actually, the idea to use it like those npc ships which you can hire to follow and protect doesn't sound all that bad. Maybe add a screen with a 'crew slider' if you made the decision the let it follow you. It would be up to the captain how much crew he wants transfer from his ship to the captured one.
  4. I vaguely remember that in potbs I sometimes put items in the clan inventory by accident cause of the similar look of the UI xD
  5. voted no but prepare for casuals going to war on forums though..
  6. It should be possible but annoying enough to put off spies and other riff raff which try to exploit the mechanics.. If the 'switch' had to do with grinding npcs the xp and gold which you gain on the way would benefit new players which wanna have a look around first..
  7. I find the option to raid or capture a port should be up to the conquest flag buyer. Hence, buy conquest or raid flag. The question is in which way a raid would benefit individual participants and the nation itself? If you raid a port all goods could be transferred to the shop of the victors' capital and depending on your level of participation during the raid you would get better prices than players which weren't part of the attack? Pirates should be able to conquer ports if they're capable of it but making them work exactly like the royal navy or the nation of France is a bit weird IMHO. I'm sure you guys will come up with something smart xD
  8. No idea if this double click thing is supposed to make it harder or not or more realistic or not.. If devs made it that way intentionally to increase difficulty or whatever I could live with it.. It sure makes it easier for bigger vessels..
  9. My problem is that I often accidentally double click, hence ending up in a situation where my vessel automatically turns without me noticing it which I find very frustrating.. I'm just asking for a box in the options menu to check or uncheck..
  10. maybe they can roll back to an older save.. No idea how frequently their servers make a save though..
  11. hi, so when I double click the key for turn left or right (port or starboard) the ship will auto turn. I would appreciated it when the devs would add that feature to the options menu so that I can turn it off! Thank you
  12. HarryButpain


    The idea of RVARR in PotBS drove me nuts from the moment on when I realized what RVR actually meant in this game! And it's not only the mechanics, it's the community, friend or foe alike! Player driven economy and and the whole concept of taking over ports and everything that comes along with that!! The amount of coordination necessary during 6v6, PBs and during flips? Look at nowdays online games and name me one which does such stuff except for EVE which isn't actually new at all? In a way, it's seriously pathetic how basic nowdays games are! PotBS teaches people that awesome graphics aren't everything!! BTW: Ive learnt from stan laguna that you can get your deleted characters back from portalus! I, for example, deleted my characters after FLS went batshit to avoid coming back. You just need to send them a mail with your account names and they'll recover them, the characters not the accounts. They did that with all of my ten accounts! Here the link: http://portalusgames.com/policy/game-rules/
  13. Just make sure that there's an option to place numbers above ships! I agree with Morgan that voice coms were hilarious back then, hehe...
  14. Hey Darth, what's empire :D
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