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Everything posted by flaviohc16

  1. A lot of provinces don't change colours, in my last campaign: Ukraine Central Italy South Honshu Northern China. Also in all my campaigns, France never has the -50% debuff in growth during wars. Not only that, but it says that they have 600k barrels of oil pro capita, when their only terrory that has oil is northern France.
  2. Not only that, you have to check that the enemy hasn't too many allies or nation it could allied with
  3. 1) you miss the multiplier for armor, so the krupp 4 will be 100-120% more resistant than the value you put in 2) look at how much the superheavy mk5 16" weight in respect to reality ( 1600kg vs the real 1270)
  4. have you ever tried holding "CTRL" while you place the turrets?
  5. will you flag it for me or i need to do it myself? @Nick Thomadis i found other bugs, this time with 2ndary armament on british bbs with n3-g3 design ( but i didn't check the other bbs so it might be more widespread as well) edit: it is for all the british bbs edit 2: 4 and 5" secondaries turrets on japanese ships imho are too similar in size
  6. trying to do some test on the new hulls; some bugs or samewhat bad design and bad ancorage point dislacement french super bb italian modernized bb this is what i found right now
  7. maniacally refreshing the launcher
  8. nice topic, it would be really nice to make this some sort of story, like if it was a diary, very well done
  9. the problem is that once the extremities are saturated you won't do damage, i have unloaded hundreds of 18 inch shells on enemy bbs at 3 kms doing no damage because they were running away
  10. you need a crapton of time to accelerate, especially in an h class bb you need to go straight to do so you need to have your ship pristine ( not have taken any serious damage ( 80%+ integrity) then, with 100% engine efficiency you will come to the full design speed
  11. SECONDARY TARGHET Is great, but can we also switch ammo?
  12. "WOWS STALINGRAD noises in the background"😂
  13. now we need the time ( hours) of release😂
  14. they are close-testing it the next week, so in 2-3 weeks we should have it
  15. am i the only one that just can't find this settings.xml? the game those not even follow the "folder tree" that everyone is showing, for example in my pc ultimate admiral is sho0wn directly as a folder withouth the "gamelabs" pre-folder
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