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Everything posted by Lukas97Austria

  1. ,,Russia is a Zerg and Can only gank´´ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1965425209
  2. Jungs. Admins haben im forum geschrieben alles was reported wurde. Darf ausgenutzt werden. Da sind die devs schon sehr fair. Siehe das stacken von hostility Missionen von den Russen vs Schweden. Würde reported und darf ausgenutzt werden da die devs sich Daum kümmern müssen
  3. Well. Some morale boost isn't wrong. And I also say rvr is difficult. Not sure about the US member count. But if there is no one teaching it from the veterans etc they have to show what enemy's doing or in streams. But just seeing it doesn't make them better. Improvement will have a longer time to gain. Other nations have the luck to have really veterans in it. Us don't. Just some pvp guys I guess
  4. Well a master dont fall out of the sky. Hope they continue and learn rvr. Nobody is perfect and losing will maybe give them more strength to push harder next time
  5. Yacht. We got one and a Santa. There you have it. But how about the Diana?
  6. @admin I know you working on other protects but can we get a slider that we can make our flags bigger or smaller? That would be very cool. It has not a high priority but would be a cool feature. Btw we could also have a slider to choose how worn our flags are maybe. If they are new or battlescared ( hope this word is right)
  7. But still. Port bonus gives slightly advantage.. It's like playing world of tanks with a stock crew and with an ace crew. Yes you can do in both good. But what will be statistically be better? Exactly. The good crew. It also works when you compare it in war thunder etc. I can't understand how people really think it doesn't matter. As a example I got jumped 1vs2. My pfrig vs herc and trinco. I didn't had any chances. I tried my best vs the herc but because mods etc missed I couldn't get in position with out risking to show boardside to the trinc. I was sinking when the herc did get to close to me. I boarded him while sinking and took his herc. Purple. 15,5 knots best mods. I am an unskilled player. With very less experience. That poor trinco dude had not a chance against that devil of a ship. I was killing him easy. Just because the mods make my life better. (driving boardside to trinc. Doesn't matter norther carps will do as example). So I would rather have an port bonus with mod ship instead of an stock ship. Just my opinion. (just to be clear I have the Screenshots of its really needed to be believed). So does this win is only because I am more skilled than my enemy? I don't think so. Btw don't mind the chat
  8. I trough myself into this conversation. I am playing as Poland. Since Russian why the hell ever decided to take basse Terre we have no port to build ships. OK you can buy some. But how much u need to play to buy "decent" ships. Than you think. Time to hunt better ships. You kill a guy and instantly (my luck) a veteran shows up in a faster ship. For me it's hard to fight if you are just the victim against an predator. I do fighting. And I don't mind losing ships. But in the moment I am trying to get my money for my trash ships back. The balance between winning something and losing something is very much on an minus pool. Atleast for me. Only hope are these mission and gold chest. So well it's OK when a nation is strong. But for what did Russia take our port? Poland not even able to have 25 1st rates. Now we can argue its your choice. We'll that's true. But it's also russians choice to attack it or not. I would like to see a alliance system that works. But here is the question. If we choose this. How will a nation agree on that? And who has the power to vote it?. Every member? Per clan 1 vote? Many questions. I apologize my bad English and wish everyone an good weekend
  9. Mein Respekt. Ich bin ja zurzeit bei den Polen. Und wie man halt so merkt sind wir nicht im stande etwas gegen die übermacht zu tun. Skill technisch hätten wir Potenzial. Allerdings mal alle Leute zur selben Zeit online zu haben ist etwas schwer. Zudem hatten wir schon "Verräter" die es etwas erschwert haben sich voll auf das wirtschaftliche zu konzentrieren. Leider ist unser Interesse so weit gesunken das wir unseren Port nicht mehr zahlen könnten. Andere Nationen die eigentlich alles haben kamen immer vorbei um " sinnlose" Schiffe zu versenken. Russland kam jeden Tag vorbei Hallo zu sagen. Selbst ein port battle hatten wir. Obwohl wir nicht ein einziges Schiff in der 1st oder 2nd class hatten. Ist halt alles sehr schwierig. Ich bin gespannt was unsere Leute sagen werden. Die meisten kamen ja von den Preußen. Banished Privateer etc. Die verfolgen das und es gibt schon gewisse Ideen eventuell zu wechseln. Ansonsten viel Glück auf hoher See
  10. Well. We don't even have numbers for a pb 😂 so nice that Russia let us our port.
  11. When u just pvp and get roasted. Jesus
  12. Screening might not work. But get into the defend line of the pb u can. And I guess u have 20/25 first rates for a clash 👌
  13. And now we know why I like pirate Nation. Nobody likes us. And they come to gank and we go to gank others. There is such drama here. U can still with diplomatic etc have allies. But u also can have strong enemy's with there allies. In the end its just a game with pixels. And I guess no nation will be deafet to the bitter end. I mean even Poland will gain an port what is very nice from the French nation. ( guess they give it to them). So overall to much drama about nothing. Back when I played most games and enemy's where better we still keep going and trained harder. I would today lose 98% of my 1vs1 s. Still I wouldn't be frustrated to lose it. OK maybe at beginning but after an day. Who cares. So why not try get better flip the port and sink the Dutch. Or the Dutch the French. That's the good thing about a video game. U never die once ^^ So. Now u can hate me. See u on the sea captains.
  14. Frustrated Österreicher? ( Austrians). Join pirates and all problems are solved.
  15. That's the cool thing about war. It's all about business
  16. Aber doch nicht als Angreifer. Wenn dann als Verteidiger OK. Lass ich mir einreden. Aber doch nicht als Angreifer.
  17. Soweit ich weiß galt schon immer 2 min offen danach geschlossen. Neu dazu gekommen ist der Br lock. Heißt die Seite mit weniger Br kann noch unterstützt werden. Keine Ahnung ob das nur für die Verteidiger gilt. Aber ich hasse diese Br lock Zeug weil gewisse Schiffe einfach ein falsches Br haben. Und somit da mehr spawnen können etc nach 2 Minuten weil dein gecraftetws Schiff das Br hält viel höher hält. Ich wäre wieder fürs alte System m 2 Minuten und dann ist es closed
  18. Hello captains. Because I was before the wipe just an captain with shorten options on ships wood types upgrades etc I wanna end this right now and wanna start make it right from the beginning. So far the grind was... Meh. No books. But rest is fine. So I was again in the hard choice between carros meds and longs. Normally I did go for longs all the time. Right now because of heavy prices I go for meds. They are fine. Now I saw the navy gun. As I look at it it's a better medium gun. I never tested it but how is its fly curve? Like a long gun? Like a medium gun? As also the upgrades are not that game changing as before I am still looking a bit confused what should I get for pvping arround. Before wipe I did go with 5% more pen. French rig. And if I had copper. But mostly navy hull with 2.5% speed. After the wipe I have no idea because new stuff was coming and so on. So what's your choices for pvp ship. Or what mods do u use mostly for pvp? My English could be a little bit crap so don't mind me here, and I write the text on the phone. Hope autocorrection or my fingers didn't make a mistake Good sailing captains
  19. What a nice battle this was! Sadly our rättvisan had no repairs 40 min before battle ends. I got out alive Oak oak frigate with 1 sail and 1 hull upgrade. Medium cannons. Rudder turn time upgrade and faster reload. Was an intense battle! Thanks to bait and rubli for it.
  20. Natürlich bleib ich bei meiner Nation. Als Pirat darf man sich halt auch wie einer benehmen Habe vorhin was gelesen das Piraten und Preußen zusammen gearbeitet hätten. Wüsste nicht wann das gewesen sein soll. Aber gut. Vllt trefft ihr mal auf den Clan LACO. Habt ne gute Chance das ich mit im battle bin 👌😂 Btw blacksails und Co. Nächstes Mal nervt uns nicht wenn Port battle ist 😂 bzw bringt größere Schiffe damit wir sie cappen können 😉
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