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Crimson Sunrise

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Everything posted by Crimson Sunrise

  1. 1 major problem with limiting access to vic marks is people who do have port ownerships are still swimming in vic marks and have nothing to do with them. replacing SoL's is one thing but what then when ur dock is full of SoL and still have vic marks. 1 major problem with locking down ports is there is no green on green so say HAVOC locks nassau to just their clan, other british clans cant attack that port to reopen it so any rogue clans can ineffect lock their own nation our of ports. this will cause many problems.
  2. there hasnt been a fair fight since before the removal of the ship durability, u get group combat one side will always have the advantage there is no fair fighting
  3. that would then make it pointless for rear admirals to sail anything but SoL's since it would be based on their rank, this would also prevent group battles as u are likely to have mixed ranks in most groups so how will a battle be determined based on which players rank the rear admirals or the starter they are helping, what about the other side will it be based on their highest or lowest rank. if battles are based on rank then u wouldnt be creating more pvp it would be causing less
  4. say a cutter was in visual range of that battle and relayed that info to nation chat and additional ships from nearby port responded why should they not be able to help out the one that got attacked
  5. why not remove mods in general if u want to have a more balanced game between ships bring it down to just base ships and their performance in battle be purely on player skill in sailin them rather then all the junk we put on them to improve stats which realisticly u couldnt stack different hull modifications without incuring structural weakness or instability or overweight increasing drag coef, if the devs were aiming for realism as they state they wouldnt off changes the stats of the ship based on modules and skill books and trim to improve them. they would of remained with base ships
  6. we dont need more pvp in R zones we need to stop PvP from happening outside captial ports and non-capable ports there is no reason any nation or player should be ganking traders and starting players outside that nations capital, it just further pushes new players away and gives more players the reason to stay in port. using US as an example their capital always has some nations player ships sitting outside or killing players up and down their coast. its shouldnt be happening
  7. why will u not simply provide information would not doing it ourselves yield conflicting results based on ships used upgrades, quality of ship, skill knowledge, material ship is made of. would this not be a breach of forum rules to give misleading and incorrect information?
  8. sadly that will remain anonymous as it is not prevy to the current topic which is pvp and how it should be modified to fit a small reality that makes pvp less and less enjoyable
  9. would u be able to elaborate on the scaling and time scale used in regards to battle and to OW in correpondence to why the battle timer was reduced from 3 minutes to 2
  10. yes learn and improve that 5 could be a single indiaman and 4 escorts the escorts were taken out and the india could of be crippled but still alive. that battle could of had 4 first rates and a fleet of smaller ships sitting outside but unable to reinforce
  11. because that 2v5 might actually be 2v1 with 4 allied ships sunk or it could be 2v5 the 2 being our side still alive with 1 ship. either way if our side is loosing or is wining why not reinforce to help. thats the point of reinforcing a side it to aid either allies or to simply engage in pvp. most ganks that happen the i have see especially when i used to be US nation was a lone single ship hunting traders and less experienced players even if those players are in larger ships. i'll give u an example i used to be US i was out in my epic 4th rate aggy with 2 allied ships we were out doing missions outside reinforcement zone we got tagged by 2 brits in trincs the battle was 2 v 3 it ended up 2 v 1 i lost my 2 escort ships and was left to defend myself. i drew out that battle as long as i could till they gave up. but i could of been reinforced had that timer not closed the battle there were 6 allied ships where my battle was but they couldnt join to help. i was still alive even tho i was several hours out from shore using inbattle speed and time to travel distance. but help was right about the battle and i was still alive. this is why battle shouldnt close because ur presence could tip the balance of a battle u could end up helping or ensuring and enemy or ally's destruction or safety
  12. think of it like this a battle has just started outside brunswick u are in charlseton it takes u a couple hours to get down to brunswick from CT u happen across the battle currently outside the port ur allied ships are in battle condition several have been sunk but a few are still in battle with the enemy, what could possibly prevent u and ur allies that followed u from engaging the enemy to save ur fellow ships
  13. a battle isnt determinded in a couple minutes historically speaking battles could take hours or even longer to end decisively
  14. not quite so u can sail from charlseton to the mouth of the harbor in a few seconds in OW but it takes only a couple minutes depending on ur ship to traverse that distance in battle
  15. i believe u wanted to increase pvp not make it based on inbattle travel time to a battle currently happening. without accounting for OW scaling and OW speed compared to Battle zone scaling and battle zone speed. battle zone is a more expansive zone but with a different speed set to it rather then using OW speed in a battlezone scaling
  16. the problem with that is OW is scaled different to battle zones, being able to join a battle from OW compared to sailing between 2 towns in battle will both take a different amount of time even when using the same ship, a 35knt niagara OW speed will be 15.5knt battle speed
  17. if a passing ships comes across a battle why should it not allow them to join it if there is still ships on both sides alive realistically battles shouldn't close and should allow anyone who happens upon a battle to be able to engage ships within it assuming its still has an enemy on 1 side
  18. i was simply giving an example of what i would do if it was to be pure pvp about pvp and how pvp is currently for me as a player acceptable to within my tolerance for pvp currently on the war server. to further force pvp to be constant or more would make NA less about fun and more about long overly extended battles no better then playing another game that has instant battles with shorter duration. as pvp currently is on NA's war server is lax like very lax battles are short or long depending on what ships are involved and number of players in battle, RoE's do not need to be changed but the way battles operate do, short close battle timers are a hindrance to realism, duration of battles is fine as it is, pirates being able to join both sides of a battle is not a fair balance to how nations are setup, they are a nation they should have to abid to the rules every other nation has to in regards to battles, they should be forced to pick a side and join that not be able to join both sides of a conflict. the current meta with upgrades and books and high quality ships needs to be addressed. balancing of pvp mechanics needs to be discussed in regards to naval tactics while in battle and allowing enemy or allied ships to escape a battle or not. penalites to be applied to retreating forces or to add the death circle from the PZ's to OW battles in general. many changes can and will change whether we keep or loose more players. by making the game more or less complicated by adding or removing mechanics will have a serious effect on how well this game does on release.
  19. well for 1 i would remove the ability for pirates to join both sides of a battle, its over powered and allows for ganking too easily for pirates. 1 ship joins the battle to see whats in there then relays info to pirate fleet then the pirates can then choose which side they want to join in the battle rather then being locked like all other nations are, pirates are a nation they should be constrained by the same rules other nations need to abid to
  20. if i wanted pvp all the time i would go play world of warships i dont want pvp all the time its why i play NA
  21. but what if players want to have a 1st rate but play solo we have alot of players that run around that arent in clans that want to play solo, should excluding them or making it harder for them to get 1st rates be the reason they are forced to join a clan to be able to access them
  22. and yet the market is full of ai ships very few player crafted ships of 4th and up are on the market why because its not worth selling them they cost too much or take too much time and effort to make, to just sell them to other players outside of ur nation out side of your clan. this is the reason why all were seeing are 5th to 7ths running around they dont cost alot of make they can be mass produced and the ones being sold are cheap to make or capped ai. there is no variety
  23. yes but not every player in bracket 4 wants to just play pve without anything ever happening thats where the excitment of maybe getting attacked comes in on war server. but the problem is battle changes like pvp combat with war will also effect pve server
  24. those that want to pvp and those willing to pvp when they feel they want to pvp are different group of players on the war server. 1. hardcore pvper's that seek only pvp combat with other nations (gankers/Hunters) 2. casual pvper's that only do pvp if they have to or are out looking for it, (crafters merchants and coast guards) 3. hardcore PVE'rs those that avoid pvp as much as possible (armed merchants) 4. casual Pve'rs those that play the game at their own pace but dont want to be bothered with pvp (most new players, and antisocial players) making rules that suit only 1 group over others alienates the other players because they feel cheated because the gankers or pvp players get what they cried enough for. over what will logically will bring or retain more players
  25. this is why just having both sides to every battle open indefinitely and having battle duration have a timer then battles are not set in stone and allows anyone to join an battle they come across
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