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Crimson Sunrise

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Everything posted by Crimson Sunrise

  1. green on green is not tolerated in general i got proof of it and will leave it up to the devs to deal with its their call
  2. he intentionally dropped broadsides into me not aiming for the ai into me instead from that angle its intentional green on green without my concent thats not allowed under the game rules green on green is not tolerated
  3. player Tocriad intentionally did green on green damage twice in combat against a trading brig and a trading snow once while broadsiding me while i was sailing past and 2nd time while i was in boarding with the trading bring the boarding one clearly shows his position in relation to the mine and the enemy he clearly was aiming for me not the ai i was in boarding with. the first pic shows a rolling forward broadside most of which went into me and also during this battle he dumped an entire broadside into my stern, sadly i dont have a pic of this but the battle should be on the record and u can see the damage he caused. this was not accidental this was intentional
  4. i agree this is a major exploit of the games mechanics would this not also fall under griefing, i believe based on the video evidence banished should be banned for this kind of behavior
  5. its bad enough with the current game settings we dont need to add drifting off course to the game
  6. whats the point of adding the DLC ships back to shallow water PB's after removing them the requin was the last to be removed as the devs set 110 the prince being the largest ship to be in a shallow PB
  7. there goes pb's in the shallows it will be who can fleet the most DLC ships
  8. not quite requiring very powerful ships to get that pvp action the nassau patrol zone as a good example same with many other patrol zones is the OP of the 5th rates to 7ths dont need dubloons to build very cheap in resources and capable in groups to take out SOL's also a 90minute engagement is a bit much especially for 1 v 1's thats an hour and half of running from 1 ship who only keeps ya in battle with bow chasers whether they do damage or slow ya down it doesnt matter thats 1h30m of battle of playing cat and mouse its not appealing to any player, combat length timer should be paired to the BR of attacking and defending ships, if its a battle between large ship to a small ship the small ship should have the advantage as a large ship is likely slower then the smaller faster ship shouldnt draw out a battle if it doesnt have to be, i can see large scale engagements like 10 on 10 or more being an hour or more long but not small 1v1's. multi nation alts will always find a loophole around nation or clan only ports. whether its slipping into these clans or nations or trading while at sea by giving over their ships to a friend in another nation, this gaming community is small enough that everyone has a friend in another nation, any lock placed on a port can easily be bypassed by simply being in a small clan or being clanless as a clan owned port would need to have ur specific name blocked from entry as with a clan controlled port it would be less work to just add specific clans or players from entering that port rather then adding a list of those that can enter the port. ship building of large 4ths- SOLs have been greatly diminished with changes and very few 5th - 7ths are crafted and sold on the market the changes have crippled or atleast made it pointless to sell ships.
  9. one major flaw with locking down ports clans own is the allow list will have to include those that arent in a clan as well or those in clans with 1 or more member the small clans otherwise it becomes a problem u would have to add in a naming system to block specific people from trading in that port but then a name change each month would bypass that.
  10. the real problem is lack of players and the new battle timer, whats the point of fighting if u know ur going to loose if the chaser keeps chasing why stop running
  11. just naming the large mmo's WoW, STO, SWTOR, these 3 dont have unlimited storage, and many people make multiple accounts, same with Uncharted Waters Online, plenty of high end games in the MMO bracket that dont have unlimited storage on any one character or account this is not even touching on the free to play mmo's where that number is quite large on games that dont have unlimited storage
  12. more accounts = more ships more storage more resources more reals more dubloons in reality what u can get on a main u can get on a alt its why most games dont allow u to get everything on 1 account it doesnt sell well that way if they make u get more accounts its more copies they sell the more they make
  13. because labor hours mate, yes more expensive but u still have access to other nations closed ports
  14. there would be more incentive to have multiple account u now have more accounts to produce more material or ships at a faster rate all over the map,
  15. still would not combat the alt problem tho u'd just be giving alts the exact same power as the single players, multiple buildings with what labor hours. the real problem with alts is u really cants say that they are alts of another player they could be a family member or a friend over at ur place playing on their own account easy to have the same ip for up to 4 installments of a game. so tell me who is an alt and who is an original player. untill u can figure that one out there is no difference between players and alts of players on this game.
  16. blame the devs on the historical accuracy its their idea to keep the game in that state slowly pushing players away from what used to be a fun game, i wish they would remove quite a few limitations they put on this game that used to make it more fun and worthwhile to sail out there, i miss the days of large 25v25 first rate battles those were epic times, now its about who has the most dlc ships in thier nation, its mostly 5ths u see, the game is about how fast u can end a battle now not how much u can enjoy a battle. the old trading missions were removed which took many players with it, the old port battle system makes no sense when taking ports got to control 3 circles it should be who can kill off the other side first like a real battle. too many mechanics make no sense and too many changes make even less sense, every major change done was done in haste and even more was done without thinking how it will effect the dwindling playerbase
  17. what discomfort toward meta-alting its a mechanic of the game and isnt against the rules, to change them so those that bought multiple copies cant use them the game would probably loose atleast half or more of its remaining players
  18. there will always be a loop hole or a way to get around such things like "friends" in one nations attacking "friend" in another nation to pass a trading ship full of cargo to another nation, since devs dont know who is buddy buddy with who there is no way to stop this type of action, in effect bypassing any possible block on cross nation trade. multi accounters will always find a way to bypass blocks by bending the rules.
  19. lol i have no idea huh well thats ur opinion doesnt make it fact
  20. and unrealistic and not historically accurate
  21. its always been oriented to gear over skill doesnt take skill to hit a floating brick
  22. i've been in quite a few RVR's in the past PB's were pretty standard mix and match of large ships from firsts to 3rds and supplemented with a few small 4th - 5ths, global pvp taught me that with the number i had been apart of, this server it was mostly firsts mostly oceans used in port battles, maybe a few santi's, now deep water PB's are bucs not firsts but bucs as the primary lead ship in most PB fleets. it was tedious to create ships in the past with all the different components needing to be crafted, the devs made it expensive to make firsts but not impossible to mass produce with recent changes but it also made it much harder for solo players to create them themselves forcing solo players to play the game was oriented to be done in clans in large groups.
  23. we rarely have PB's anymore and its mostly over bahamas ports to begin with whats the point no nation u attack is going to tell u how many ships ur allowed to attack them with its not realistic the US nation used almost 2 full battle groups to screen Little River from the dutch hostility missions u can still get ganked when trying to raise hostility attackers can have max 10 ships defenders can have 25 ships this includes the AI
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